Trump's trade war with China

We have the best agriculture in the world. Nobody grows better beef than we do. There’s not a single developed nation out there that wouldn’t miss our food. You don’t win a poker game by asking the players to treat you fairly. You have to be willing to take a risk with the cards you’re holding.

This is true, we do agriculture better than anybody, nobody can match the yields we get from most crops. But that is not to say we could not be replaced in our bigger markets, which would kills parts of our agriculture industry. If South American counties can up their production and permanently replace our grain farmers as the suppliers to China and other markets, our agriculture sector is fucked.

In my opinion, one of the worst outcomes of this trade war is for countries to realize they do not need us as much as they thought they did and as much as we think they do.
Coincidentally that last sentence is the same way we’re looking at China right now. Maybe the world doesn’t need them as bad as they thought. Let’s find out. I’m willing to take the ride. We’re still America and that’s always going to be better than being China.
I have got good news, and I have got bad news. The good news is the Dow is up 373 points. We finally have surpassed where we were in January 2018.

The bad news is, the reason for the leap forward is that Chinese officials agreed to resume talks. Meaning, thanks to Trump, Wall Street is dependent upon what China does.

Thank you, Mr. President.

American corporations have adjusted to the reality of the US being the world's bitch on trade.

If Trump manages to fix that, it will upset their current business models.

Seems worth it, and I speak as someone heavily invested in stocks.
What is the fix? We start paying more? That's a win?

The fix is jobs and trade balance moving back to US.

Even if it means paying more.

And yes, that would be a win. Obviously.

You are an anti American.

1. Are you speaking for the rest of poor Americans?

2. You have not solved the trade wars yet. We are already paying high prices.

3. Most or all businesses from different categories trashing inept Trump Trade wars. Are you telling me they are wrong?

4. There will be a loss of jobs and businesses.

5. Negotiations started last year and theres no end insight. No way for that moron to get out.

6. Tariffs are passed on to American consumers. American consumers loss.

7. Name me one business ( except steel industry) or any company that supports Trump foolish trade wars?


More Than 200 Shoe Companies Urge Trump To Cancel New China Tariffs

More Than 200 Shoe Companies Urge Trump To Cancel New China Tariffs

The trade war is resulting in "hidden taxes paid by American individuals and families," the footwear brands wrote.
By Lydia O'Connor
08/28/2019 07:00 PM E

1. No.

2. Totally worth it. If we get the jobs back and keep them forever.

3.Yes. THey have adjusted to the current model, and don't want disruption. THeir goal is short term profits, mine is long term rise in wages and standard of living.

4. Most likely. Until businesses adjust. Then it will improve. If we keep to it.

5. Agreed. Their is really nothing to negotiate. The Chinese have no incentive to give up hundreds of billions of dollars. We should just slap on strong tariffs and keep them there, forever.

6. I am willing to pay more, if it means more and better jobs for Americans. Everyone that voted for Trump, voted for that.

7. Fuck them all. They don't get what they want this time.

1. Your answer is No. So why are you promoting higher prices at the counter? Since when that is acceptable?

2. Jobs are not coming back. You can ask Donnie and Ivanka if they can make their products here in US. The best scenario is they go to other neighboring countries.
Moving business and operations back to US is big business mistakes because of high labor costs. That is not going to happen.

3 and 4. What do you mean short term? These companies are in business for decades making money. Donnie is disrupting all the progress and the economy.
So you are willing to sacrifice people lives and businesses? It will take several years or never to recover from bankruptcy.
It will be like you making money now. Then Donnie comes in and fuck you up. Just like what he did with the US farmers. A lot of those people will never recover.

5. So if Donnie cannot make a deal you will slap them with more tariffs? If that is so easy do you think Donnie could have come out swinging by now?
Americans are paying for the higher tariffs right now. It’s a price we don’t need.
Maybe you don’t even understand the ripple effect to ordinary American lives of this dumb trade wars.

6. You do NOT represent poor Americans. You do NOT represent businesses here in America for you to say that.
Of the 220 millions registered voters only 63+ millions voted for Trump. With all the hatred and disgusting tweets and lies. Do you honestly believe that the 63+ grew or decrease?
I can honestly tells you that lot of his supporters are sick of his ineptness.

7. Life doesn’t work that way. This also proved that Donnie has nothing to do with the current booming economy.
It’s just hard how you can say something like that to your own fellow Americans.
Yes you are anti Americans.
I miss the days when the left blamed China for all the lost jobs. It would be nice to have you guys back in this fight but I realize it’s not the president doing it that you want it to be and that kills you. We’ll do it without you.

Why would you blame China? Did they force any company to move their operations to China? American companies made business decisions that were best for their companies, as they should.
You and I know this is the case but sadly the extremes of the spectrum don’t. The left is railing against tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore.

And the right is cheering for tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore.

The wingers on both sides are pretty much identical to each other.

Business made the decision to move to China because it was the most profitable place to do business even at the expense of us workers and now someone is trying to do something about that and the left can’t stand it. I need you to admit to me that you know the left would be all over this if it was one of theirs doing it. I know you know that but I feel like you don’t want to say it.

Of course it is all politics.
Well just have to see. I don’t see how it could end up any worse for us than it already was.

It could not be worse than a UE under 4%?

It could not be worse than 122 months straight of economic expansion, the longest in our countries history?

It could not be worse than more than 110 straight months of positive job growth, the longest such streak in our nations history?

It could not be worse than having more than a million open jobs than people to fill them?

I think you vastly over estimate how bad things were.
Not all of those issues are a trade related issue. Trillions of dollars of fake wealth vanished instantaneously during the banking crisis. There was going to be pain regardless of trade deals.
The answer is obvious. Tariffs are a tax. Xi wants the tax dollars. His country is full of low income people.

Tariffs go to the country that is importing, not to the exporter.

If Xi wants to put taxes on his nation's exports, I fully support him, and I would bet money that Trump would too.

Your answer makes no sense, what so ever.
Aren't you trying to get them to lower tariffs on our exports to them? What is it you think you are tryin to do?

I want "Fair trade" or mutually beneficial trade. I don't give a fuck how it happens, and truthfully, I would not believe any promises they make.

Ain’t that easy bro. Despite with the threat to our trade partners..... Donnie could have solve it by now..

So, which is it? NOt easy, or easy? You are all over the place.

I want "Fair trade" or mutually beneficial trade.

That is a completely reasonable position,

Like golfing gator mentioned.

There are no exact fair trade. Someone has to be on top. Right now Americans are paying the high cost.
I miss the days when the left blamed China for all the lost jobs. It would be nice to have you guys back in this fight but I realize it’s not the president doing it that you want it to be and that kills you. We’ll do it without you.

Why would you blame China? Did they force any company to move their operations to China? American companies made business decisions that were best for their companies, as they should.
You and I know this is the case but sadly the extremes of the spectrum don’t. The left is railing against tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore.

And the right is cheering for tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore.

The wingers on both sides are pretty much identical to each other.

Business made the decision to move to China because it was the most profitable place to do business even at the expense of us workers and now someone is trying to do something about that and the left can’t stand it. I need you to admit to me that you know the left would be all over this if it was one of theirs doing it. I know you know that but I feel like you don’t want to say it.

Of course it is all politics.
Let’s get this straight though, I’m not “cheering” for tariffs. At the end of the day it’s social engineering through taxation and I hate that. But it’s a temporary move to try and make better permanent changes and I’m not so stubborn in my politics that I’m not willing to accept something I don’t normally support for a greater good in the end. The tariffs are easily removed from policy whereas income taxes are continuing to murder us.
Coincidentally that last sentence is the same way we’re looking at China right now. Maybe the world doesn’t need them as bad as they thought. Let’s find out. I’m willing to take the ride. We’re still America and that’s always going to be better than being China.

The problem is that China is expanding its influence even as we pull ours back and hide behind our borders (and wall one day).

While we pull out of agreements, they take our place. When we start a trade war with the EU, China is working out the details for a new silk road and more.

China is building railroads in Brazil to connect all the gain producing regions to one port...a port operated by them.

China is expanding into Africa, the last true emerging marketplace left on the planet. While Americans think that Africa is nothing but mud huts and savages, China is planting the seeds for their future there.

This is far and away my biggest complaint about Trump, he is alienating the whole world, and we will suffer for it
Based on?

Why would he want to support action for the short term that is 100 percent counter to his long term goal? That is nonsensical.
Going "back?" Who said anything about going back. The US has ENORMOUS economic influence over most of the word, over virtually all of the productive world. Rather than beat China over the head with every trading partner we have, Trump goes on a bunch of trade battles with out allies at the same time as taking on China. That is asinine. He should deal with China from the greatest position of power. A position that used all the European markets as well. Instead, we are dealing with China from a weaker position than we could be in.

For someone that is supposedly sup[posed to be good at making a deal, this is the most basic rule in negotiating.
What the fuck are you supposed to do when none of them have any balls to do it? No one has had any balls to take these people on in over 20 years. Not to mention, im sure Europe’s leaders don’t get to make that decision unilaterally because of the fucking EU. It’s amazing to me that even in the face of what trump is trying to do, which seems to be working so far, you still can’t be happy. It probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians that did it instead.

In what way does what Trump is doing seem to be working?
Manufacturers are moving their operations out of China and its hurting china’s economy during a time when they’re already in a slowing economy and have already reduced their currency about as much as they can. Now they’re lowering their reserve requirement so their banks can lend out more money. Their only answer is to inflate. We have a strong economy right now that gives us leeway to weather the little downsides to tariffs in the near term and china’s facing the reality that they don’t get to just have it their way anymore and that’s why they’re meeting next month to discuss a trade deal. I don’t understand why you or anyone else is fighting this. America is finally standing up to China and the same people who we all know would’ve been gushing over this move if Obama had done it are furious about it instead. We just had Powell say yesterday that he doesn’t see a recession in the forecast, while less jobs were added then expected there were other numbers in that report that gave a rosier outlook on the economic future, and the markets are still responding favorably to all of it. The market traded sideways for a while because of uncertainty over a trade policy we haven’t see our government utilize in decades. But as they get more of a taste of the way it’s going to work out we’ve seen that the tensions have eased for investors and they’re starting to buy back in again. We’ve had tariffs on the table for over a year now and the economy is still moving and growing. This is good for EVERYONE the same way it would’ve been good for everyone if Obama had done it instead. I only wish he would’ve so wed be further along with this process already and maybe already had a better trade deal. I don’t care WHO does this, it needed to be done.
Yes he is damaging China, just as he is damaging our economy. Nobody wins. Hurting China does not help us. We have lots of wealth and really low unemployment. It is not Chinas fault if we don't have good jobs.
I miss the days when the left blamed China for all the lost jobs. It would be nice to have you guys back in this fight but I realize it’s not the president doing it that you want it to be and that kills you. We’ll do it without you.
I'm an independent who understands trade. There is no reason to blame China. Now if he attacked job outsourcing he might have a point. But I don't see any tariffs on outsourced jobs.
So, which is it? NOt easy, or easy? You are all over the place.

I want "Fair trade" or mutually beneficial trade.

That is a completely reasonable position,

There is no such thing as "fair trade" because there is no such thing as fair. Fair is always in the eye of the beholder.

You cannot look at our country as a whole and say we have not benefited from the current trade deals. Well you can, but you would be lying.

Fair can be difficult to be objective by, I grant you that.

But setting new records in trade deficits almost every year, is pretty clear cut.

I look a the way wages have stagnated and how that started not long after we choose a "Free Trade" policy, and,

I say that it is time for a change.

The benefits we have received have been outweighed by the costs.

Oh lordy.
If you want to tackle trade deficits. Tell to Americans to stop shopping at Walmart, Costco, Amazon, Macy’s and the rest of major retailers.
We are the world biggest spenders looking for cheaper products to save money.
We are also the biggest wasters and spoiled citizens around the world.

School opens we buy our kids with new backpacks and new shoes. We threw the old one away..Parents from other countries will let them use from past year.
I miss the days when the left blamed China for all the lost jobs. It would be nice to have you guys back in this fight but I realize it’s not the president doing it that you want it to be and that kills you. We’ll do it without you.

Why would you blame China? Did they force any company to move their operations to China? American companies made business decisions that were best for their companies, as they should.
You and I know this is the case but sadly the extremes of the spectrum don’t. The left is railing against tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore. Business made the decision to move to China because it was the most profitable place to do business even at the expense of us workers and now someone is trying to do something about that and the left can’t stand it. I need you to admit to me that you know the left would be all over this if it was one of theirs doing it. I know you know that but I feel like you don’t want to say it.
What we have now is a president using a scapegoat because he doesn't want to really fix the problem. Our country has lots of wealth and a really low unemployment rate. The problem of wages is internal, not trade.
I miss the days when the left blamed China for all the lost jobs. It would be nice to have you guys back in this fight but I realize it’s not the president doing it that you want it to be and that kills you. We’ll do it without you.

Why would you blame China? Did they force any company to move their operations to China? American companies made business decisions that were best for their companies, as they should.
You and I know this is the case but sadly the extremes of the spectrum don’t. The left is railing against tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore. Business made the decision to move to China because it was the most profitable place to do business even at the expense of us workers and now someone is trying to do something about that and the left can’t stand it. I need you to admit to me that you know the left would be all over this if it was one of theirs doing it. I know you know that but I feel like you don’t want to say it.
What we have now is a president using a scapegoat because he doesn't want to really fix the problem. Our country has lots of wealth and a really low unemployment rate. The problem of wages is internal, not trade.
The problem with wages is the dollar. The federal reserve has eroded the purchasing power to the point where 1 income doesn’t maintain a home anymore.
I sincerely hope this is true. I am pretty damn confident that it is not.

It looks to me that XI is looking to restore China as the premier world power. Limiting US control over international markets and putting China there would basically achieve this. The reason that the US can essentially bully the world into doing what is in the interest of the US is because the planet's economy is tied to us. IF Trump had leveraged the rest of our allies to address China's bad faith trade policies then he may have forced them to the table. What Trump has done instead is try and take them on 1 to 1 and they are responding by shoring up their position in the global economy instead of ours.

I no longer thing that Xi really wants a deal with the US. I think he would rather see us isolated so that China can exert much more influence on the rest of the world.

That is long term. Short term, he wants to keep the massive trade surplus.
Based on?

Why would he want to support action for the short term that is 100 percent counter to his long term goal? That is nonsensical.
And our "allies" were never going to back US. They are too used to the US being the world's bitch on trade.
Going "back?" Who said anything about going back. The US has ENORMOUS economic influence over most of the word, over virtually all of the productive world. Rather than beat China over the head with every trading partner we have, Trump goes on a bunch of trade battles with out allies at the same time as taking on China. That is asinine. He should deal with China from the greatest position of power. A position that used all the European markets as well. Instead, we are dealing with China from a weaker position than we could be in.

For someone that is supposedly sup[posed to be good at making a deal, this is the most basic rule in negotiating.
What the fuck are you supposed to do when none of them have any balls to do it? No one has had any balls to take these people on in over 20 years. Not to mention, im sure Europe’s leaders don’t get to make that decision unilaterally because of the fucking EU. It’s amazing to me that even in the face of what trump is trying to do, which seems to be working so far, you still can’t be happy. It probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians that did it instead.

In what way does what Trump is doing seem to be working?
Manufacturers are moving their operations out of China and its hurting china’s economy during a time when they’re already in a slowing economy and have already reduced their currency about as much as they can. Now they’re lowering their reserve requirement so their banks can lend out more money. Their only answer is to inflate. We have a strong economy right now that gives us leeway to weather the little downsides to tariffs in the near term and china’s facing the reality that they don’t get to just have it their way anymore and that’s why they’re meeting next month to discuss a trade deal. I don’t understand why you or anyone else is fighting this. America is finally standing up to China and the same people who we all know would’ve been gushing over this move if Obama had done it are furious about it instead. We just had Powell say yesterday that he doesn’t see a recession in the forecast, while less jobs were added then expected there were other numbers in that report that gave a rosier outlook on the economic future, and the markets are still responding favorably to all of it. The market traded sideways for a while because of uncertainty over a trade policy we haven’t see our government utilize in decades. But as they get more of a taste of the way it’s going to work out we’ve seen that the tensions have eased for investors and they’re starting to buy back in again. We’ve had tariffs on the table for over a year now and the economy is still moving and growing. This is good for EVERYONE the same way it would’ve been good for everyone if Obama had done it instead. I only wish he would’ve so wed be further along with this process already and maybe already had a better trade deal. I don’t care WHO does this, it needed to be done.

Who cares about China’s economy? You can flush down to your toilet if you want.

But we care the end results of Trump trade wars against your fellow Americans and businesses. So far right now its catastrophic.

More Dire News For Trump In The Heartland: Past-Due Wisconsin Farmer Loans Hit Record

More Dire News For Trump In The Heartland: Past-Due Wisconsin Farmer Loans Hit Record
The downturn in farm belt fortunes amid Trump's trade war with China isn't good for the president going into 2020.

President Donald Trump’s farm belt popularity likely took another hit Friday with news that Wisconsin farmer loan delinquencies hit an 18-year record high in June.

The past-due loans are a serious sign of the financial struggles taking a toll on farmers amid Trump’s trade war with China that he insisted would be easy to win.
I miss the days when the left blamed China for all the lost jobs. It would be nice to have you guys back in this fight but I realize it’s not the president doing it that you want it to be and that kills you. We’ll do it without you.

Why would you blame China? Did they force any company to move their operations to China? American companies made business decisions that were best for their companies, as they should.
You and I know this is the case but sadly the extremes of the spectrum don’t. The left is railing against tariffs right now even though it’s a tax on big business. They don’t even know what they’re supposed to hate and support anymore. Business made the decision to move to China because it was the most profitable place to do business even at the expense of us workers and now someone is trying to do something about that and the left can’t stand it. I need you to admit to me that you know the left would be all over this if it was one of theirs doing it. I know you know that but I feel like you don’t want to say it.
What we have now is a president using a scapegoat because he doesn't want to really fix the problem. Our country has lots of wealth and a really low unemployment rate. The problem of wages is internal, not trade.
The problem with wages is the dollar. The federal reserve has eroded the purchasing power to the point where 1 income doesn’t maintain a home anymore.
What's wrong with the dollar?
In what way does what Trump is doing seem to be working?
Manufacturers are moving their operations out of China and its hurting china’s economy during a time when they’re already in a slowing economy and have already reduced their currency about as much as they can. Now they’re lowering their reserve requirement so their banks can lend out more money. Their only answer is to inflate. We have a strong economy right now that gives us leeway to weather the little downsides to tariffs in the near term and china’s facing the reality that they don’t get to just have it their way anymore and that’s why they’re meeting next month to discuss a trade deal. I don’t understand why you or anyone else is fighting this. America is finally standing up to China and the same people who we all know would’ve been gushing over this move if Obama had done it are furious about it instead. We just had Powell say yesterday that he doesn’t see a recession in the forecast, while less jobs were added then expected there were other numbers in that report that gave a rosier outlook on the economic future, and the markets are still responding favorably to all of it. The market traded sideways for a while because of uncertainty over a trade policy we haven’t see our government utilize in decades. But as they get more of a taste of the way it’s going to work out we’ve seen that the tensions have eased for investors and they’re starting to buy back in again. We’ve had tariffs on the table for over a year now and the economy is still moving and growing. This is good for EVERYONE the same way it would’ve been good for everyone if Obama had done it instead. I only wish he would’ve so wed be further along with this process already and maybe already had a better trade deal. I don’t care WHO does this, it needed to be done.
Because commerce is about trade not "gun boat diplomacy with our exorbitantly expensive superpower".
Fair trade. It’s a two way street.

Fair trade is a myth, because fair does not exist. It is something parents tell their kids to make the feel better, but most adults know that life is never fair.
So then you agree with Trump standing up to China fucking us over at every turn? Millions of jobs lost to China because of shitty trade deals. (Not technology)

Classic Trump text book.

Look at the US booming economy. Does it looks like we’ve been fuck?
Millions jobs lost? Did you ask Donnie and her daughter why they make their products overseas?
Is it China’s fault if Donnie and Ivanka makes his products overseas?

I’m sure you cannot answer my questions. So let me answer it for you.

It’s very simple....... It’s the nature of doing business. You need to do whatever it takes where to make the most money.
Based on?

Why would he want to support action for the short term that is 100 percent counter to his long term goal? That is nonsensical.
Going "back?" Who said anything about going back. The US has ENORMOUS economic influence over most of the word, over virtually all of the productive world. Rather than beat China over the head with every trading partner we have, Trump goes on a bunch of trade battles with out allies at the same time as taking on China. That is asinine. He should deal with China from the greatest position of power. A position that used all the European markets as well. Instead, we are dealing with China from a weaker position than we could be in.

For someone that is supposedly sup[posed to be good at making a deal, this is the most basic rule in negotiating.
What the fuck are you supposed to do when none of them have any balls to do it? No one has had any balls to take these people on in over 20 years. Not to mention, im sure Europe’s leaders don’t get to make that decision unilaterally because of the fucking EU. It’s amazing to me that even in the face of what trump is trying to do, which seems to be working so far, you still can’t be happy. It probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians that did it instead.
You are supposed to use our markets as leverage to force them into it. Instead, he tried to use that leverage in mini wars with everyone at once. I cannot fathom how this is so complicated for most here. YOU DO NOT WILLINGLY FIGHT A 2 FRONT WAR. PERIOD. That is the most moronic way to do things possible.

And working so far? In what way is it working at all? We have gained absolutely nothing so far on trade anywhere. NOTHING. If Trump does manage to make real gains here I will absolutely give him credit. The fact that you have to resort to outright bullshit like "it probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians" just highlights the fact that you have nothing to support these actions. Who are my 'favorite' politicians? Who is it that I would have been falling over to support LIKE YOU ARE DOING HERE WITH A FAILED TRADE POLICY? Look in a mirror lately?
You’re not at least interested in the fact that they’re meeting next month to discuss this? You think trade deals happen at the snap of a finger? Jesus Christ

So negotiate. Sit down and get it done. Don't put farmers out of business because you can't get it done.
We have the best agriculture in the world. Nobody grows better beef than we do. There’s not a single developed nation out there that wouldn’t miss our food. You don’t win a poker game by asking the players to treat you fairly. You have to be willing to take a risk with the cards you’re holding.

Try to explain that to American farmers that are loosing incomes. Some are un able to pay loans.

Try to tell that to China that are now buying agricultural products in Brazil and other countries instead from us.
I have got good news, and I have got bad news. The good news is the Dow is up 373 points. We finally have surpassed where we were in January 2018.

The bad news is, the reason for the leap forward is that Chinese officials agreed to resume talks. Meaning, thanks to Trump, Wall Street is dependent upon what China does.

Thank you, Mr. President.
In fact 2/3 of Americans are saying, Thank you Mr. President for standing up to China.

More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S.

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

Hopefully, the Democrats will continue banging away on this issue right through the election.

I read your link. But I totally disagree.

If you ask ordinary citizens out there. There are millions and millions of Americans that don’t understand this trade wars.
In this site alone. Trumpets don’t understand the negative impact of Trade wars despite with input from anti trade wars. Out there they only listen with Trump bullshit. Nothing else.

Aside from higher prices there will be loss of jobs and businesses.

Just about the entire American businesses disagree with Trump. Are you telling me they are wrong? I have not seen a single company (except steel industry) support Trump trade wars.

The trade war has already cost electronics companies $10 billion and it gets worse on Sept. 1

'Whipsaw' of US-China trade war will force small businesses to close, bike start-up CEO says

Business Groups Warn of Peril as Trump’s Trade War Spirals
You are correct that many people don't understand the trade war between the US and China, clearly you among them, but the poll shows that many people do, and they are willing to go through some slight inconveniences in order to force China to give up defending its domestic industries if it wants to continue to enjoy access to the US.

It’s very funny when Trump followers like you try to make justifications with Trump lies.

Just about ALL American businesses with ALL categories trashing Trump trade wars.

Did you read my links coming from businesses or you just stared at it?
Your message as always is that you don't like Trump and you want to believe everyone else agrees with you, but on this issue you are in the minority:

"More than two-thirds of American voters want the U.S. to confront Beijing over its trade policies despite believing that they are suffering more from tariffs than China, a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill found.

The poll showed 63 percent of registered voters said that tariffs imposed on Chinese products ultimately hurt the U.S. more than China, while 74 percent said that American consumers are shouldering most of the burden of those tariffs.

But 67 percent said that it is necessary to confront China over its trade practices, which President Trump and his allies have deemed unfair to the U.S."

Poll: Voters want US to confront China over trade

What you refer to as Trump's trade war with China is recognized by over two thirds of the American people as America's trade war with China and while two thirds of American voters stand shoulder to shoulder with the President, Democrats continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with China and Iran against America.
What the fuck are you supposed to do when none of them have any balls to do it? No one has had any balls to take these people on in over 20 years. Not to mention, im sure Europe’s leaders don’t get to make that decision unilaterally because of the fucking EU. It’s amazing to me that even in the face of what trump is trying to do, which seems to be working so far, you still can’t be happy. It probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians that did it instead.
You are supposed to use our markets as leverage to force them into it. Instead, he tried to use that leverage in mini wars with everyone at once. I cannot fathom how this is so complicated for most here. YOU DO NOT WILLINGLY FIGHT A 2 FRONT WAR. PERIOD. That is the most moronic way to do things possible.

And working so far? In what way is it working at all? We have gained absolutely nothing so far on trade anywhere. NOTHING. If Trump does manage to make real gains here I will absolutely give him credit. The fact that you have to resort to outright bullshit like "it probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians" just highlights the fact that you have nothing to support these actions. Who are my 'favorite' politicians? Who is it that I would have been falling over to support LIKE YOU ARE DOING HERE WITH A FAILED TRADE POLICY? Look in a mirror lately?
You’re not at least interested in the fact that they’re meeting next month to discuss this? You think trade deals happen at the snap of a finger? Jesus Christ

So negotiate. Sit down and get it done. Don't put farmers out of business because you can't get it done.
We have the best agriculture in the world. Nobody grows better beef than we do. There’s not a single developed nation out there that wouldn’t miss our food. You don’t win a poker game by asking the players to treat you fairly. You have to be willing to take a risk with the cards you’re holding.

Try to explain that to American farmers that are loosing incomes. Some are un able to pay loans.

Try to tell that to China that are now buying agricultural products in Brazil and other countries instead from us.
Farmers are subsidized and will be taken care of.
Manufacturers are moving their operations out of China and its hurting china’s economy during a time when they’re already in a slowing economy and have already reduced their currency about as much as they can. Now they’re lowering their reserve requirement so their banks can lend out more money. Their only answer is to inflate. We have a strong economy right now that gives us leeway to weather the little downsides to tariffs in the near term and china’s facing the reality that they don’t get to just have it their way anymore and that’s why they’re meeting next month to discuss a trade deal. I don’t understand why you or anyone else is fighting this. America is finally standing up to China and the same people who we all know would’ve been gushing over this move if Obama had done it are furious about it instead. We just had Powell say yesterday that he doesn’t see a recession in the forecast, while less jobs were added then expected there were other numbers in that report that gave a rosier outlook on the economic future, and the markets are still responding favorably to all of it. The market traded sideways for a while because of uncertainty over a trade policy we haven’t see our government utilize in decades. But as they get more of a taste of the way it’s going to work out we’ve seen that the tensions have eased for investors and they’re starting to buy back in again. We’ve had tariffs on the table for over a year now and the economy is still moving and growing. This is good for EVERYONE the same way it would’ve been good for everyone if Obama had done it instead. I only wish he would’ve so wed be further along with this process already and maybe already had a better trade deal. I don’t care WHO does this, it needed to be done.
Because commerce is about trade not "gun boat diplomacy with our exorbitantly expensive superpower".
Fair trade. It’s a two way street.

Fair trade is a myth, because fair does not exist. It is something parents tell their kids to make the feel better, but most adults know that life is never fair.
So then you agree with Trump standing up to China fucking us over at every turn? Millions of jobs lost to China because of shitty trade deals. (Not technology)

Classic Trump text book.

Look at the US booming economy. Does it looks like we’ve been fuck?
Millions jobs lost? Did you ask Donnie and her daughter why they make their products overseas?
Is it China’s fault if Donnie and Ivanka makes his products overseas?

I’m sure you cannot answer my questions. So let me answer it for you.

It’s very simple....... It’s the nature of doing business. You need to do whatever it takes where to make the most money.
There is no place to manufacture anything in the United States because all our jobs have gone overseas to China. We need to ban ALL Chinese made products from our markets. We don’t need China for Jack shit. I hop all Wall Street was investors doing business with our enemies in China go broke and live on the streets with their fucking families.
That is long term. Short term, he wants to keep the massive trade surplus.
Based on?

Why would he want to support action for the short term that is 100 percent counter to his long term goal? That is nonsensical.
And our "allies" were never going to back US. They are too used to the US being the world's bitch on trade.
Going "back?" Who said anything about going back. The US has ENORMOUS economic influence over most of the word, over virtually all of the productive world. Rather than beat China over the head with every trading partner we have, Trump goes on a bunch of trade battles with out allies at the same time as taking on China. That is asinine. He should deal with China from the greatest position of power. A position that used all the European markets as well. Instead, we are dealing with China from a weaker position than we could be in.

For someone that is supposedly sup[posed to be good at making a deal, this is the most basic rule in negotiating.
What the fuck are you supposed to do when none of them have any balls to do it? No one has had any balls to take these people on in over 20 years. Not to mention, im sure Europe’s leaders don’t get to make that decision unilaterally because of the fucking EU. It’s amazing to me that even in the face of what trump is trying to do, which seems to be working so far, you still can’t be happy. It probably infuriates you that it wasn’t one of your favorite politicians that did it instead.

In what way does what Trump is doing seem to be working?
Manufacturers are moving their operations out of China and its hurting china’s economy during a time when they’re already in a slowing economy and have already reduced their currency about as much as they can. Now they’re lowering their reserve requirement so their banks can lend out more money. Their only answer is to inflate. We have a strong economy right now that gives us leeway to weather the little downsides to tariffs in the near term and china’s facing the reality that they don’t get to just have it their way anymore and that’s why they’re meeting next month to discuss a trade deal. I don’t understand why you or anyone else is fighting this. America is finally standing up to China and the same people who we all know would’ve been gushing over this move if Obama had done it are furious about it instead. We just had Powell say yesterday that he doesn’t see a recession in the forecast, while less jobs were added then expected there were other numbers in that report that gave a rosier outlook on the economic future, and the markets are still responding favorably to all of it. The market traded sideways for a while because of uncertainty over a trade policy we haven’t see our government utilize in decades. But as they get more of a taste of the way it’s going to work out we’ve seen that the tensions have eased for investors and they’re starting to buy back in again. We’ve had tariffs on the table for over a year now and the economy is still moving and growing. This is good for EVERYONE the same way it would’ve been good for everyone if Obama had done it instead. I only wish he would’ve so wed be further along with this process already and maybe already had a better trade deal. I don’t care WHO does this, it needed to be done.

Who cares about China’s economy? You can flush down to your toilet if you want.

But we care the end results of Trump trade wars against your fellow Americans and businesses. So far right now its catastrophic.

More Dire News For Trump In The Heartland: Past-Due Wisconsin Farmer Loans Hit Record

More Dire News For Trump In The Heartland: Past-Due Wisconsin Farmer Loans Hit Record
The downturn in farm belt fortunes amid Trump's trade war with China isn't good for the president going into 2020.

President Donald Trump’s farm belt popularity likely took another hit Friday with news that Wisconsin farmer loan delinquencies hit an 18-year record high in June.

The past-due loans are a serious sign of the financial struggles taking a toll on farmers amid Trump’s trade war with China that he insisted would be easy to win.
We should go to fucking war with the cocksuckers. USA economy would boom to make war materiel. Then we could deport your anti-American ass to China’s buddy North Korea.

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