Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus

Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

God, what a truly pathetic post! Tell me another world leader that's been successful at controlling and eliminating the corona virus!

Explain in detail how it was that Barack Obama controlled and eliminated the Swine Flu Pandemic, Elmer! I'd like to hear about that.
Look at the actions taken by China, South Korea and Italy. Look at their leaders comments compared to Trump's.
The swine flu had a minimal affect on the USA. Was that a result of Obama's actions.

You tell me,'re claiming that Trump's response has been me what Obama's response was that was superior!
OK, dork butt. Let me educate your Trump diluted mind.
First let's start with what Obama DID NOT do prior to the pandemic. He did not fire the worldwide pandemic team 2 years prior to the outbreak to save money. As a result the CDC had plans in place in case of a worldwide pandemic.
When the pandemic hit, Obama was not concerned about his own image, he was most concerned about stopping the virus. Obama leaned on the scientists and doctors, not focusing on the economy over the pandemic.
THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTION OBAMA TOOK WAS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY AND LET THE PROFESSIONALS CONTROL THE RESPONSE. When he spoke, he told the US what the scientists were saying without putting his spin on it. Trump is obviously not doing this. The Trump is constantly contradicting the professionals.
BECAUSE OBAMA DID NOT CUT FUNDING TO THE CDC THEY HAD DONE PRE WORK ON A VACCINE SO IT WAS OUT IN 6 MONTHS AFTER THE PANDEMIC HIT. Because of cutting CDC funding under Trump we are starting from scratch so a vaccine appears to be a year or more away.

And further dork butt,
The H1N1 virus had a mortality rate of less than a 1/2% while it appears this virus has a substantially higher rate. Trump is dealing with a more deadly virus so he better have a better response than Obama did for the same result.

Jesus you really are a fucking idiot.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

I agree. What a bunch of whiny fucking idiots. As far as they are concerned Trump created the virus.

They enjoy sounding like clueless idiots over something that just isn't that serious. God help us if there was an actual pandemic. They would lose their little minds. What dipshits.

What a pack of whiny imbeciles.
Nobody is saying Trump caused the virus.
What is being said by intelligent people is for Trump to get the hell out of the way and let the doctors and scientists dictate the actions to control the virus.Trump's image saving focus is a detriment.
I do not expect you to do so because you are not an intelligent person. "Not being intelligent" is an understatement; you are an absolute dumbass but I think you know it.

Your the dumbass. As for intelligence?? You don't have any nor do you have an ounce of common sense.

Carry dumbass.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

God, what a truly pathetic post! Tell me another world leader that's been successful at controlling and eliminating the corona virus!

Explain in detail how it was that Barack Obama controlled and eliminated the Swine Flu Pandemic, Elmer! I'd like to hear about that.
Look at the actions taken by China, South Korea and Italy. Look at their leaders comments compared to Trump's.
The swine flu had a minimal affect on the USA. Was that a result of Obama's actions.

You tell me,'re claiming that Trump's response has been me what Obama's response was that was superior!
OK, dork butt. Let me educate your Trump diluted mind.
First let's start with what Obama DID NOT do prior to the pandemic. He did not fire the worldwide pandemic team 2 years prior to the outbreak to save money. As a result the CDC had plans in place in case of a worldwide pandemic.
When the pandemic hit, Obama was not concerned about his own image, he was most concerned about stopping the virus. Obama leaned on the scientists and doctors, not focusing on the economy over the pandemic.
THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTION OBAMA TOOK WAS TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY AND LET THE PROFESSIONALS CONTROL THE RESPONSE. When he spoke, he told the US what the scientists were saying without putting his spin on it. Trump is obviously not doing this. The Trump is constantly contradicting the professionals.
BECAUSE OBAMA DID NOT CUT FUNDING TO THE CDC THEY HAD DONE PRE WORK ON A VACCINE SO IT WAS OUT IN 6 MONTHS AFTER THE PANDEMIC HIT. Because of cutting CDC funding under Trump we are starting from scratch so a vaccine appears to be a year or more away.

And further dork butt,
The H1N1 virus had a mortality rate of less than a 1/2% while it appears this virus has a substantially higher rate. Trump is dealing with a more deadly virus so he better have a better response than Obama did for the same result.

Jesus you really are a fucking idiot.
Please be specific where I am incorrect on the assertions above.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

I agree. What a bunch of whiny fucking idiots. As far as they are concerned Trump created the virus.

They enjoy sounding like clueless idiots over something that just isn't that serious. God help us if there was an actual pandemic. They would lose their little minds. What dipshits.

What a pack of whiny imbeciles.
Nobody is saying Trump caused the virus.
What is being said by intelligent people is for Trump to get the hell out of the way and let the doctors and scientists dictate the actions to control the virus.Trump's image saving focus is a detriment.
I do not expect you to do so because you are not an intelligent person. "Not being intelligent" is an understatement; you are an absolute dumbass but I think you know it.

Your the dumbass. As for intelligence?? You don't have any nor do you have an ounce of common sense.

Carry dumbass.
Said like a genuine dumbass.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

We don't know how many people have it as not enough people have been tested and now we don't even know the results of people tested.

There is every reason to assume this is going to grow, other than Trump it's exactly what all the experts are saying. Why are you believing his shit now? I'm not saying (nobody is) that we all need to freak out, but some honest info and less contradictory messaging between the WH and health professionals would be a huge bonus.
What seems to be the problem, Elmer? I asked twice what Obama did that was superior than Trump and all I've heard from you is crickets! Tell me which is worse...4,000 people dying...or less than a hundred?
What is the problem, Oldstyle? Cat got your tongue. I broke out the difference between Trump and Obama's pandemic actions.
You have not disputed the stark differences.
No one has said Trump caused the virus but he needs to get out of the way so the professionals can do what is necessary. He is getting in the way. Obama did not.
You are an idiot.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

it's now +/- 950 as of 6pm according to CNN but johns hopkins is reporting 808 as of 4pm, & ththose are only the known cases. there are people walking around, asymptomatic but being 'carriers' they are contagious without even knowing it.
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What seems to be the problem, Elmer? I asked twice what Obama did that was superior than Trump and all I've heard from you is crickets! Tell me which is worse...4,000 people dying...or less than a hundred?
What is the problem, Oldstyle? Cat got your tongue. I broke out the difference between Trump and Obama's pandemic actions.
You have not disputed the stark differences.
No one has said Trump caused the virus but he needs to get out of the way so the professionals can do what is necessary. He is getting in the way. Obama did not.
You are an idiot.

Stark differences? So Obama's contribution was not getting in the way? That's amusing...

Trump will handle this better than Barry did because he's better at handling almost EVERYTHING than Obama was. As for your reply to my question? That was some kind of pathetic, Elmer! You don't have the faintest idea what Obama did or didn't're so busy hating on Trump you don't have time to think about the crap you post!
What seems to be the problem, Elmer? I asked twice what Obama did that was superior than Trump and all I've heard from you is crickets! Tell me which is worse...4,000 people dying...or less than a hundred?
What is the problem, Oldstyle? Cat got your tongue. I broke out the difference between Trump and Obama's pandemic actions.
You have not disputed the stark differences.
No one has said Trump caused the virus but he needs to get out of the way so the professionals can do what is necessary. He is getting in the way. Obama did not.
You are an idiot.

Stark differences? So Obama's contribution was not getting in the way? That's amusing...

Trump will handle this better than Barry did because he's better at handling almost EVERYTHING than Obama was. As for your reply to my question? That was some kind of pathetic, Elmer! You don't have the faintest idea what Obama did or didn't're so busy hating on Trump you don't have time to think about the crap you post!
Old Style, did you read my response?
What do you think of Trump firing the entire pandemic staff 2 years ago? Do you think that had no effect on how prepared or not prepared the US was for the current pandemic.
What do you think of Trump telling the nation that this is not a big deal, it is a hoax from the Democrats. Obama did not do that, blaming republicans.
What do you think of Trump making statements his own scientists and doctors have said are not true and he keeps doing so and his professionals keep telling the public that Trump statements are not true. Obama never did that.

Idiots like you listen to Trump not the professionals. Idiot, stupid people like you will be hurt the most by Trump. I have a hard time feeling sorry for dumbasses like you but I do feel sorry for you.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

I agree. What a bunch of whiny fucking idiots. As far as they are concerned Trump created the virus.

They enjoy sounding like clueless idiots over something that just isn't that serious. God help us if there was an actual pandemic. They would lose their little minds. What dipshits.

What a pack of whiny imbeciles.
Nobody is saying Trump caused the virus.
What is being said by intelligent people is for Trump to get the hell out of the way and let the doctors and scientists dictate the actions to control the virus.Trump's image saving focus is a detriment.
I do not expect you to do so because you are not an intelligent person. "Not being intelligent" is an understatement; you are an absolute dumbass but I think you know it.

Your the dumbass. As for intelligence?? You don't have any nor do you have an ounce of common sense.

Carry dumbass.
Said like a genuine dumbass.

All your posts are full of Trump hate and nothing else.

You make comparisons yet have no facts to back up your bull shit.

Carry on ya whiny little shit.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.

Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

Not all that serious! Just cost the Palm Springs area 500 million when the largest tennis pro contest canceled in Indian Wells. We spent 5 grand and waited a year, drove 20 hours 1 way. And now I’m glad I read the virus is not that serious. It’s the people’s actions after the screwed up messages coming from your Donald that are turning the country upside down.
Trump is unable to tell the truth. Refused the WHO test a month ago.
Just for starters.
How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.
Trump's tried and true tactics do not work on the coronavirus. Like him or not, Trump has been successful in eliminating anything or anyone who makes him look bad.
His first go to is bullying. When you have the most powerful job in the world, along with no moral compass on how you use the power, bullying can destroy. The coronavirus ignores by Trump's bullying.
Trump's second go to is lie away the truth and create alternative facts to provide a narrative to Trump's benefit. He has tried to lie away the coronavirus. The coronavirus cannot be lied away.
Trump has used walls and bans to keep out the unwanted. The coronavirus does not abide by bans or be stopped by a wall.

Trump is dealing with the most powerful adversary of his life. He needs to use new techniques to control it and eliminate it.
Two components of the solution are truth and science. Two things Trump despises.
Good post
Again, I will point out that 760 people out of a 320 million population has contracted Coronavirus after two months of its known existence. That is .000002% of the population. Stop wetting your fucking bed over something that isn't all that serious. All of the turmoil going on right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy due to people like you.

I agree. What a bunch of whiny fucking idiots. As far as they are concerned Trump created the virus.

They enjoy sounding like clueless idiots over something that just isn't that serious. God help us if there was an actual pandemic. They would lose their little minds. What dipshits.

What a pack of whiny imbeciles.
Nobody is saying Trump caused the virus.
What is being said by intelligent people is for Trump to get the hell out of the way and let the doctors and scientists dictate the actions to control the virus.Trump's image saving focus is a detriment.
I do not expect you to do so because you are not an intelligent person. "Not being intelligent" is an understatement; you are an absolute dumbass but I think you know it.

Your the dumbass. As for intelligence?? You don't have any nor do you have an ounce of common sense.

Carry dumbass.
Said like a genuine dumbass.

All your posts are full of Trump hate and nothing else.

You make comparisons yet have no facts to back up your bull shit.

Carry on ya whiny little shit.
Claudette has a severe case of dumbassness. Dumbassness is much more severe than COVID-19. It is spread by the person with dumbassness communicating with others. Everytime Claudette speaks, texts, emails, posts etc., showing how she thinks, some could catch her dumbassness.
With COVID-19, Claudette will listen to Trump, not the doctors and scientists. That will increase her chance of catching COVID-19. She may pass on to an older person who could die from it. An old person could die because Claudette listens to Trump not professionals. That is what people with dumbassness do.

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