Trump's tweet about Mika

I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

It's so funny that she got flabbergasted when he shot back...I am sure Putin and lil Kim are talking notes because they don't want to look like a little bitch.

She didn't seem flabbergasted
Trumps response played right into her hands

She got to be the victim, take the high road and use the Trump tantrum as more evidence that Trump is unstable

Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington
You just proved, once again, that you're totally full of shot and have lost all contact with reality. Responses like the one above are the reason I seldom waste my time debating liberal "logic" and limit my responses to insults and ridicule.
I am dead serious

No other candidate have had blunders of the order of magnitude that Trump has and lived to tell about it

Tell a POW that he is not a hero because he was captured?
Mock a disabled man
Openly call women fat ugly pigs, oh that face, brag about grabbing their pussies
Subscribe to conspiracy theories like birtherism, Ted Cruz's father killing JFK and Hillary killing Vince Foster
Refuse to release his taxes and admit he doesn't pay taxes

Yes, the press has taken it too easy on Trump
You're a vast geyser of bullshit, RightTurd.
You know where is the problem?
Mika that most of us didn't know who she is was made famous by the president of the strongest country on earth. This idiot is busy exchanging insults with everyone. The worst dictators weren't as childish as this guy....its a huge embarrassment to the US.
It was so easy for Mika to push his buttons

I wonder if Putin and Kim Jon Un are taking notes?

It's so funny that she got flabbergasted when he shot back...I am sure Putin and lil Kim are talking notes because they don't want to look like a little bitch.

She didn't seem flabbergasted
Trumps response played right into her hands

She got to be the victim, take the high road and use the Trump tantrum as more evidence that Trump is unstable

Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington

Possibly true. That's why we love Trump. He fights. He doesn't throw in the towel and run away like typical Republicans always do.
Would you like me to count the 100's of people that pos trashed the 17 presidential hopefuls and how many since and before then?? The man is a walking scumbag He was before his presidency and is after
Beat me to it.

This man has been tossing out vicious personal insults and third-grade name-calling since long before he even announced he was running for President.

The man talked about the SIZE of his DICK in a national Presidential debate. He is a child.

He has pissed on the office, and worse, he has proven he doesn't have the temperament for the position. Over and over and over.
To be fair, I think he just enjoyed the limelight and the popular adulation. I strongly doubt he expected to actually win and be saddled with all that goes with being POTUS. After all, he's a 71 year old billionaire. Why the fuck would he want to spend the last few good years of his life putting up with this shit? Unlike the LWLs talking about his sanity and claiming his son is mentally retarded, I think Trump genuinely doesn't give a shit and simply wants to find a relatively face-saving way out. He want's to go back to the "campaign trail" where he can vent his spleen and receive standing ovations by those who love him.

Utter horseshit. Why is it that all the people who hate Trump feel qualified to read his mind and tell us all what he really wants? All that shows is what a douche bag you are. You're projecting your sleazy motivations onto Trump.
Russia attacked us Drumpf wants to throw them a bone???

Fuck Russia, I'm outraged at the open attack by California fascists on our democracy. $45 million from Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg to buy a Georgia congressional election? What stake do these douche bag billionaires have in Georgia? Why do these pricks get to corrupt elections in states they are not citizens of?

I'll worry about Russia once you fucking Nazis get put in your place.
That's why we need to repeal the 17th Amendment.
It's so funny that she got flabbergasted when he shot back...I am sure Putin and lil Kim are talking notes because they don't want to look like a little bitch.

She didn't seem flabbergasted
Trumps response played right into her hands

She got to be the victim, take the high road and use the Trump tantrum as more evidence that Trump is unstable

Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington

Shitfling, you may be a fucking liar, but GODDAMNED aren't you fucking stupid.....

The little Goebbels of the DNC propaganda corps are in an open war to subvert the government of the United States through a propaganda war. Tokyo Rose was far more loyal to America than CNN or Jeff Bezos' Washington Post are.

Actually many have. Democrats get away with far worse every election. Right now their busy accusing Republicans of wanting to kill thousands of people.
Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington
You just proved, once again, that you're totally full of shot and have lost all contact with reality. Responses like the one above are the reason I seldom waste my time debating liberal "logic" and limit my responses to insults and ridicule.
I am dead serious

No other candidate had had blunders of the order of magnitude that Trump has and lived to tell about it

Tell a POW that he is not a hero because he was captured?
Mock a disabled man
Openly call women fat ugly pigs, oh that face, brag about grabbing their pussies
Subscribe to conspiracy theories like birtherism, Ted Cruz's father killing JFK and Hillary killing Vince Foster
Refuse to release his taxes and admit he doesn't pay taxes

Yes, the press has taken it too easy on Trump

So the lie you're telling is that the DNC Propaganda did not cover those issues? :lmao:

Oh, and about half of your list is outright lies, as you know.

Hey, you're a Troll for the Nazi party, you lie, it's what you do.
I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

Only a brain dead snowflake could claim with a straight face that the fake news just relays what Trump says.
You know where is the problem?
Mika that most of us didn't know who she is was made famous by the president of the strongest country on earth. This idiot is busy exchanging insults with everyone. The worst dictators weren't as childish as this guy....its a huge embarrassment to the US.
It was so easy for Mika to push his buttons

I wonder if Putin and Kim Jon Un are taking notes?

It's so funny that she got flabbergasted when he shot back...I am sure Putin and lil Kim are talking notes because they don't want to look like a little bitch.

She didn't seem flabbergasted
Trumps response played right into her hands

She got to be the victim, take the high road and use the Trump tantrum as more evidence that Trump is unstable

Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington

Oh they have tried. For the first time ever they have failed to destroy their target. They are used to a free ride and being untouchable. Imagine a group of people who believe that anyone who criticizes them should be a criminal.
And the President backsassed them. Imagine the nerve!
I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

The first five months of Trump has been a train wreck
He is the lowest rated President at this point in a hundred years, he is rated even lower abroad

The press is too gentle with him
It was so easy for Mika to push his buttons

I wonder if Putin and Kim Jon Un are taking notes?

It's so funny that she got flabbergasted when he shot back...I am sure Putin and lil Kim are talking notes because they don't want to look like a little bitch.

She didn't seem flabbergasted
Trumps response played right into her hands

She got to be the victim, take the high road and use the Trump tantrum as more evidence that Trump is unstable

Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington

Oh they have tried. For the first time ever they have failed to destroy their target. They are used to a free ride and being untouchable. Imagine a group of people who believe that anyone who criticizes them should be a criminal.
And the President backsassed them. Imagine the nerve!
Trump is losing it

Everyone is his enemy......the press, the intelligence community, Congress, scientists, historians, his own party

Nixon on steroids
I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

The first five months of Trump has been a train wreck
He is the lowest rated President at this point in a hundred years, he is rated even lower abroad

The press is too gentle with him

I don't see it how? He came in with every one on hating him...what do you see that I don't?

Economy is good , he reversed most of obamas assnine EOs...

And he amuses us messing with the left what's wrong with that?

I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

The first five months of Trump has been a train wreck
He is the lowest rated President at this point in a hundred years, he is rated even lower abroad

The press is too gentle with him

I don't see it how? He came in with every one on hating him...what do you see that I don't?

Economy is good , he reversed most of obamas assnine EOs...

And he amuses us messing with the left what's wrong with that?

RightTurd is lying. Everything he posts is a lie.
Tweeting insults and cyber bullying Is not amusing, especially from the president of all Americans. They guy has very low standards and almost no morals.

I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

The first five months of Trump has been a train wreck
He is the lowest rated President at this point in a hundred years, he is rated even lower abroad

The press is too gentle with him

I don't see it how? He came in with every one on hating him...what do you see that I don't?

Economy is good , he reversed most of obamas assnine EOs...

And he amuses us messing with the left what's wrong with that?

Tweeting insults and cyber bullying Is not amusing, especially from the president of all Americans. They guy has very low standards and almost no morals.

I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

The first five months of Trump has been a train wreck
He is the lowest rated President at this point in a hundred years, he is rated even lower abroad

The press is too gentle with him

I don't see it how? He came in with every one on hating him...what do you see that I don't?

Economy is good , he reversed most of obamas assnine EOs...

And he amuses us messing with the left what's wrong with that?


You know truthfully.. .I am actually starting to see it your way..

Possibly true. That's why we love Trump. He fights. He doesn't throw in the towel and run away like typical Republicans always do.

Bravo! For decades we've elected Republicans...given them majorities. But the press, in its self delegated role as court of last review, levels pressure on them to forget their constituents and serve the media-DNC industrial complex. They have always buckled under the pressure. And nothing changes.
Trump won't. And we won't. It is time for a check on the propagandists and for lack of a better way go get em Trump!
I think you don't understand what propaganda is

Relaying what Trump says and does is not propaganda

No politician has ever gotten away with what Trump has

When was the last time the Soros press relayed what Trump said or did without spinning it into hate filled rants? :dunno:

The Washington Post reports nearly as accurately on Trump as Himmler did on Jews. The Press is openly fighting a propaganda war on the executive branch of the United States Government.

Sedition? Treason? Yeah, it sure is.

The first five months of Trump has been a train wreck
He is the lowest rated President at this point in a hundred years, he is rated even lower abroad

The press is too gentle with him

I don't see it how? He came in with every one on hating him...what do you see that I don't?

Economy is good , he reversed most of obamas assnine EOs...

And he amuses us messing with the left what's wrong with that?

Trump came in and picked a fight with anyone he did not agree with. The press, congress, Australia, England, Germany, Sweden, the pope, environmentalists

Then he pouts and other President has faced the opposition I do.
The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
The RW bs hate propaganda machine never stops the no evidence character assassination of many Dems and never retracts. Just move on to the next outrage. A disgrace. Poor America.

The coward President Donald Trump has humiliated America by viciously attacking a pair of TV talk show host with despicable and deplorable tweets totally unbecoming a President of the United States of America. Showing himself to be a small, immature, hateful, vengeful, less than a man human being, he has represented America in a shameful and humiliating manner.

This morning, the two talk show hosts confronted his abhorrent behavior on live National TV. They opened themselves up to questioning and interrogation and gave their sides of the story and exposed even more frightening behavior about the President.

President Donald Trump is a complete coward if he does not offer himself in a press conference and explain his actions to the American public, and indeed, the world.

President Donald Trump has humiliated America and degraded the Presidency. It is now his job to man up and show some courage, otherwise, he deserves to wear that coward brand forever.

Welcome to the new paradigm, non-civil discourse, brought to you by the left.

For 2 decades now most of the Right has played the civil game against rising incivility on the left.

I guess that's over at certain levels.

When you keep yammering on about how legislation will kill people, how the president is illegitimate, how he is unstable, and all the rest, do you really expect a guy like Trump to take it sitting down?

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

you nutters have never been civil

The fact that you start your statement with "nutters" just shows how ignorant you are of your own asshattery.
You know where is the problem?
Mika that most of us didn't know who she is was made famous by the president of the strongest country on earth. This idiot is busy exchanging insults with everyone. The worst dictators weren't as childish as this guy....its a huge embarrassment to the US.
It was so easy for Mika to push his buttons

I wonder if Putin and Kim Jon Un are taking notes?

It's so funny that she got flabbergasted when he shot back...I am sure Putin and lil Kim are talking notes because they don't want to look like a little bitch.

She didn't seem flabbergasted
Trumps response played right into her hands

She got to be the victim, take the high road and use the Trump tantrum as more evidence that Trump is unstable

Thanks for explaining the sleazy motivation behind the Main Stream Media's constant personal attacks on Trump. Unfortunately they don't make the media look good. They make the media look like a bunch of douche bags, which is what they are.

The media is taking it easier on Trump than any President in history

ANY other president who pulled anywhere near the crap that Trump has would have been driven out of Washington
Disagreed. Yes, most media leans left, but the shit Trump is spewing is great fodder for the media. They thrive on blood and controversy. It's a business and I have no problem with them carrying on with their business.

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