Trump's two minutes of hate

What mules? Again, authorities investigated. These people committed no crimes.

"The widely debunked film includes surveillance video showing Mark Andrews, his face blurred, depositing five ballots in a drop box in downtown Lawrenceville, a suburb northeast of Atlanta. A voiceover by conservative pundit and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza says: “What you are seeing is a crime. These are fraudulent votes.”

In fact, a state investigation found, Andrews was dropping off ballots for himself, his wife and their three adult children, who all live at the same address. That is legal in Georgia and a state investigator said there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Andrews."

Your 'fake ballots' were a con and a lie. Your 'mules' were a con and a lie. Hell, Mark Andrews is going to make bank suing D'Souza for his lies.

But you push debunked lies so your ilk can make movie selling tickets. You push your grift because its parted hundreds of millions of dollars from rubes.

Your Big Lie is all about the money, conman. Which is why you hate the courts, hate law enforcement investigations, hate any count.

Evidence is a conman's kryptonite.
Meaningless. The data is there. Digital evidence. This one guy was put up to it. How naive are you?
Meaningless. The data is there. Digital evidence. This one guy was put up to it. How naive are you?

A Georgia Bureau Investigation *explicitly* contradicting your batshit crazy nonsense is 'meaningless'?

This is why your grifter ilk fail universally in court.

And what 'data'? Remember, you have no fake ballots. You merely ASSUME them. You have no 'data'. The 2000 Mule conmen refuse to release their analysis. Not even to authorities.

What we have is Dinesh D'Souza selling a lie for profit. Backed by jackshit.

The Big Lie is all about the money, grifter.
A Georgia Bureau Investigation *explicitly* contradicting your batshit crazy nonsense is 'meaningless'?

This is why your grifter ilk fail universally in court.

And what 'data'? Remember, you have no fake ballots. You merely ASSUME them. You have no 'data'. The 2000 Mule conmen refuse to release their analysis. Not even to authorities.

What we have is Dinesh D'Souza selling a lie for profit. Backed by jackshit.

The Big Lie is all about the money, grifter.
I don't care what they say. GA.s election was very corrupt they are covering each others asses.
The evidence says otherwise. Look at the indictment. Pages 9 through 43.....the evidence of serious crimes by Trump is profound.

Don't take my word for it. William Barr, Trump's own Attorney General had to admit that if the indictment holds up, Trump is toast.

Its hard to argue political persecution with that much evidence demonstrating very serious crimes. Crimes Trump himself has already indicated are worthy of prison time.

Don't take my word for it. William Barr, Trump's own Attorney General had to admit that if the indictment holds up, Trump is toast.

Well, that’s kind of a generic statement by Barr, I mean, yeah, if what trump is being accused of turns out to be true and he is convicted in court, then, yeah, he is toast. That’s the case with anyone who has indictments levied against them.

What Barr said wasn’t any kind of damning words, he’s just saying what would happen to anyone, if their accusations turned out to be true.

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Don't take my word for it. William Barr himself, Trump's own handpicked Attorney General had to admit that if the indictment holds up, Trump is toast:

But you'll ignore him too, grifter. Just like you did every count, every recount, every law enforcement investigation (State or Federal, Democrat or Republcian), every court case.

Evidence is where your lies go to die. So you despise every court ruling, every count, every law enforcement investigation.

Sorry, conman.....but you lose again.
You can't call Democrats Communists and socialists and fascists. Fascism was always a product of the far right, that hasn't changed.
Stalin was a Communist and a Fascist.

Pol Pot was a Communist and a Fascist.

Chairman Mao was a Communist and a Fascist.

Fidel Castro was a Communist and a Fascist.

No doubt about modern history the Communist and Leftists have won the Fascist Olympics...and there are mass genocides to prove it.

"Daniel Goldhagen argues that 20th century communist regimes "have killed more people than any other regime type."[141] Other scholars in the fields of communist studies and genocide studies, such as Steven Rosefielde and Benjamin Valentino, have come to similar conclusions."
Don't take my word for it. William Barr himself, Trump's own handpicked Attorney General had to admit that if the indictment holds up, Trump is toast:

But you'll ignore him too, grifter. Just like you did every count, every recount, every law enforcement investigation (State or Federal, Democrat or Republcian), every court case.

Evidence is where your lies go to die. So you despise every court ruling, every count, every law enforcement investigation.

Sorry, conman.....but you lose again.
He is just a talking head out there to enforce the narrative. He is bought and paid for.
Well, that’s kind of a generic statement by Barr, I mean, yeah, if what trump is being accused of turns out to be true and he is convicted in court, then, yeah, he is toast. That’s the case with anyone who has indictments levied against them.

What Barr said wasn’t any kind of damning words, he’s just saying what would happen to anyone, if their accusations turned out to be true.
"I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were, ... and I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts," Barr, who served under Trump, told "Fox News Sunday."

"If even half of it is true, then he's toast. It’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning.”"

That's neither generic nor vague. Barr is addressing the specific claims, the specific documents listed, the specific evidence.

And its hardly Barr's only statements on Trump's indictment.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday. “In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents. But he jerked them around for a year and a half.”

Its hard to argue political persecution with the detailed and damning evidence of very serious crimes in Trump's indictment. So thorough and so detailed that Trump's own attorney general had to admit it looks bad for Trump legally.
Attacked or escorted? They don't even prosecute shop lifters while burglars and robbers go free without bail but yet the DOJ tracked down every mom and pop demonstrator and kept them incarcerated without bail. Yeah, the left is in the process of incarcerating political dissidents.
They should have been treated like the domestic terrorists they are and shipped to Guantanamo never to be heard from again.
Can. But didn't. Civilian Trump admitted in not one, but TWO different recordings that he could have declassified the documents as President, but never did.

The evidence against Trump is profound and damning.

Can you produce those recordings in context?

My understanding is that the recording is a discussion of Iran documents that the media wanted released...

He is just a talking head out there to enforce the narrative. He is bought and paid for.

And right on cue....the conman folds William Barr, Trump's own attorney general into his Big Lie.

Just like he did every count, every recount, every certified vote, every law enforcement investigation, every court ruling.

You lose again, Grifter.
Can you produce those recordings in context?

My understanding is that the recording is a discussion of Iran documents that the media wanted released...

Trump has all the original recordings. If he believes there is 'context' that makes his utterly damning admissions that the documents he was showing hadn't been declassified, he should present it.

He has utterly failed to do so.

But you making up passages that somehow explain away Trump's admissions that the documents he was showing weren't declassified......isn't actually an explanation.

Its you imagining one.
Except the President can declassify any document.

I was an Intel Analyst in the Army.

All classification authority flows from the Office of the President via Executive Order.

That's just a fact.

The important section is Part 1 Section 1.1(g)

"Original classification authority" means an individual authorized in writing, either by the President, or by agency heads or other officials designated by the President, to classify information in the first instance.
He was too lazy to do the actual work of declassifying the documents or too ignorant and thought he was above the law or both.

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