Trump's two minutes of hate

"I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were, ... and I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts," Barr, who served under Trump, told "Fox News Sunday."

"If even half of it is true, then he's toast. It’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning.”"

That's neither generic nor vague. Barr is addressing the specific claims, the specific documents listed, the specific evidence.

And its hardly Barr's only statements on Trump's indictment.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday. “In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents. But he jerked them around for a year and a half.”

Its hard to argue political persecution with the detailed and damning evidence of very serious crimes in Trump's indictment. So thorough and so detailed that Trump's own attorney general had to admit it looks bad for Trump legally.
Ok, but according to the text of the espionage act, that they are using to charge trump, they would also have to charge Biden with the same thing, since he also willfully retained classified information, especially classified information from when he was a senator, which he was not legally entitled to have.

Also, the espionage act, if you read it, is all about spying, really. About people using classified information for the benefit of foreign agents. Really, Biden probably needs to be wary here, considering they had classified documents stored at the penn Biden center, and the allegations of foreign funding, specifically of the Chinese government.

I know people are going to say that Biden wasn’t aware he even had classified documents. How can you not be aware that you possess them, especially since they are spread to 3 or 4 different locations and you’ve had them for over 30 years, some of them. Perhaps he forgot that he had them, maybe, the older ones, but, initially, after leaving office, it’s improbable that he was unaware that they were in his possession, especially after leaving the office as VP.

I’ve also yet to have anyone really explain how Biden has possessed classified documents for decades, and some since being VP, and NARA never uttered a peep about getting them back, but like a couple of weeks after trump left office, they were requesting documents. And when trump gets busted with classified docs, then the Biden lawyers are like “uh oh, look what we accidentally found! We better get these back to nara asap!” You wouldn’t believe it if it happened that way to trump, how can you expect anyone to believe it when it happens to Biden?
Ok, but according to the text of the espionage act, that they are using to charge trump, they would also have to charge Biden with the same thing, since he also willfully retained classified information, especially classified information from when he was a senator, which he was not legally entitled to have.

Actually no. Trump wasn't charged for any of the document's he returned. Nor was Pence. Both Pence and Biden were the ones that informed authorities of the existence of the documents. Both fully cooperated with the authorities and the documents were in custody in days.

Trump dicked around for a year and half. While showing classified docs to random people. Authorities finally had to execute a warrant and seize the documents after Trump refused to return them, lied about them, compelled his lawyers to lie and actively *hid* them from authorities.

If he'd returned the documents like Pence and Biden had, he wouldn't have been charged. Don't take my word for it. Once again, William Barr:

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday. “In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents. But he jerked them around for a year and a half.”
I’ve also yet to have anyone really explain how Biden has possessed classified documents for decades, and some since being VP, and NARA never uttered a peep about getting them back, but like a couple of weeks after trump left office, they were requesting documents.

NARA didn't know he had them. Neither, apparently, did Biden. Same with Pence. Pence didn't know he had classified docs. Neither, apparently, did NARA.

When both of them learned they had such documents, they were immediately returned.

Trump returned *some* of the docs. After dicking around for over a year. And he wasn't charged for any that he returned. But he willfully kept others. Trump was charged for every single one he refused to return. That's what willful retention is.

There were zero docs that Biden or Pence refused to return. If Trump had simply returned the docs like Pence and Biden did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Actually no. Trump wasn't charged for any of the document's he returned. Nor was Pence. Both Pence and Biden were the ones that informed authorities of the existence of the documents. Both fully cooperated with the authorities and the documents were in custody in days.

Trump dicked around for a year and half. While showing classified docs to random people. Authorities finally had to execute a warrant and seize the documents after Trump refused to return them, lied about them, compelled his lawyers to lie and actively *hid* them from authorities.

If he'd returned the documents like Pence and Biden had, he wouldn't have been charged. Don't take my word for it. Once again, William Barr:

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday. “In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents. But he jerked them around for a year and a half.”

NARA didn't know he had them. Neither, apparently, did Biden. Same with Pence. Pence didn't know he had classified docs. Neither, apparently, did NARA.

When both of them learned they had such documents, they were immediately returned.

Trump returned *some* of the docs. After dicking around for over a year. And he wasn't charged for any that he returned. But he willfully kept others. Trump was charged for every single one he refused to return. That's what willful retention is.

There were zero docs that Biden or Pence refused to return. If Trump had simply returned the docs like Pence and Biden did, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
How can you claim that Biden and pence returned the documents, nobody ever even asked them for documents, it’s like Nara had no idea they even had documents, and they only returned them when the whole trump thing blew up. Had it not been for that, Biden and pence would still likely be in posession of those docs.

Only giving up documents when you see someone else getting busted for having documents does not equate to willingly surrendering documents, it’s more of an “oh shit” move to avoid problems. Having classified documents in your posession for 30 years does not imply “willingly returning documents”

I knew you’d say that Biden didn’t know he had them, I don’t buy it. You’re telling me that he never even knew that he possessed classified material? Even initially when he left the senate? And when he left as VP? Classified documents unknowingly got packed into boxes, sent to like 4 different locations, and then sat for decades, and nobody ever looked through any of those boxes? For all the time he was out of office, nobody ever decided to go through those boxes to pull out memorabilia, or anything? All his stuff from his time in office was packed and he just let it set for decades? Highly unlikely. Again, use the trump test…would you believe that if it were said about trump?

Also, Nara…the agency tasked with keeping up with all classified documents, had no idea that classified documents were never recovered from Biden when he left his office as VP? They had no idea that documents were taken out of the scif? How did Biden as senator even get classified material out of the scif? That alone is a violation of law, a senator removing classified material from its designated holding place.

So, Nara had no record that Biden had any of these documents, but they just happen to be keen that trump had them? Again, ask yourself, would you believe it if the roles were reversed? I doubt it.
How can you claim that Biden and pence returned the documents, nobody ever even asked them for documents, it’s like Nara had no idea they even had documents, and they only returned them when the whole trump thing blew up. Had it not been for that, Biden and pence would still likely be in posession of those docs.

I can say they returned the documents....because they returned the documents. Pence notified them that such documents had been found, invited the FBI in to search for more....and let them take any government documents they found.

And Pence wasn't charged.

Pence cooperated fully, notified the authorities and the documents were returned within days. No charges. There's no 'willful retention' of docs that you willingly give back.

Trump dicked around for a year and half, lied about having docs, tried to conspire with his attorney to hide the docs, compelled his lawyer to lie to authorities about docs, and did conspire with Nauta to hide docs from authorities per the indictment. And it took a warrant and a raid to secure the documents, as Trump refused to return them.

Neither Pence nor Biden did any of that. They immediately cooperated.
Only giving up documents when you see someone else getting busted for having documents does not equate to willingly surrendering documents, it’s more of an “oh shit” move to avoid problems. Having classified documents in your posession for 30 years does not imply “willingly returning documents”

There's no evidence that either Pence or Biden knew they had these docs. And when they found them, they turned them over to authorities as quickly as they could. It was both Pence and Biden that notified authorities of the exitsence of the docs.

No raid was necessary. No search warrant was necessary. There's no 'willful retention' in notifying authorities of docs and fully cooperating with authorities.

Trump in contrast absoutely knew he had them, as NARA had specifically requested them. Per the indictment, Trump had conspired to hide them, tried to get his lawyer in on the plot (the lawyer refused), and showed them off people. Authorties during the raid found many of the docs in a box next to Trump's desk.

And Trump was never charged for ANY of the docs he actually returned. Only for those he kept, refused to return, and lied about.

If he'd done what Biden and Pence did.....there would be no charges.
Two minutes of hate is one of the most remembered scenes from Orwell's 1984. It starts slow but the intensity steadily increases while people are expected to work themselves into a frenzy over things said on a view screen. The purpose is to unify the people in support for the party and hate for what is depicted on the screen.

Trump's latest ad is an attempt to use that tactic for the same reasons it was used in the story.

Watch the following two videos, and see if you can find much difference in the goal of Orwell's video, and trump's latest ad.

Maybe take your TDS meds?
Or what the evidence tells me.

“Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"

And here's civilian Trump admitting that the docs he was sharing hadn't been declassified.

And here's MAGA going full QAnon with a Trump campaign video ranting about the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state.

You deplorables are fucking crazy.

1. Joe Biden IS in fact a pedophile. He can't control himself. He smooches little girls even after he's been told not to.
2. Leftard sponsored child grooming IS taking place. In the schools, and out of the schools.
3. Donald Trump can say whatever he wants. He's a citizen and he's entitled to his opinion.


4. None of this faux outrage matters anyway. If you locked up every politician who told a lie there'd be no one to run the country.
Maybe take your TDS meds? should probably watch until Trump's campaign ad starts babbling incoherently about the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state.

Trump went full QAnon. You never go full QAnon.
"I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were, ... and I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts," Barr, who served under Trump, told "Fox News Sunday."

"If even half of it is true, then he's toast. It’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning.”"

That's neither generic nor vague. Barr is addressing the specific claims, the specific documents listed, the specific evidence.

And its hardly Barr's only statements on Trump's indictment.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday. “In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents. But he jerked them around for a year and a half.”

Its hard to argue political persecution with the detailed and damning evidence of very serious crimes in Trump's indictment. So thorough and so detailed that Trump's own attorney general had to admit it looks bad for Trump legally.
You idiot, you think quoting the lying MSM is going to sway anyone?

Why don't you stop wasting bandwidth.
You idiot, you think quoting the lying MSM is going to sway anyone?

Why don't you stop wasting bandwidth.

Oh, I don't think any evidence is gonna sway you. You're indoctrinated. You're incapable of processing evidence.

But for someone who hasn't gobbled the MAGA koolaid, who hasn't relinquished their capacity to reason to a gameshow host, William Barr's assessment is as damning as the indictment.

This is Trump's hand picked Attorney General admitting that if the indictment holds up, Trump is toast.

This is no witch hunt. This is detailed evidence of Trump committing very serious crimes.
"I was shocked by the degree of sensitivity of these documents and how many there were, ... and I think the counts under the Espionage Act that he willfully retained those documents are solid counts," Barr, who served under Trump, told "Fox News Sunday."

"If even half of it is true, then he's toast. It’s a very detailed indictment and it’s very, very damning.”"

That's neither generic nor vague. Barr is addressing the specific claims, the specific documents listed, the specific evidence.

And its hardly Barr's only statements on Trump's indictment.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday. “In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone nowhere had the president just returned the documents. But he jerked them around for a year and a half.”

Its hard to argue political persecution with the detailed and damning evidence of very serious crimes in Trump's indictment. So thorough and so detailed that Trump's own attorney general had to admit it looks bad for Trump legally.
You idiots, you think quoting the lying MSM is going to sway anyone?

Why don't you stop wasting bandwidth.
Laughing.....did I trigger you with the evidence again?

Doofus, leftard astroturfing does not constitute evidence.

You hate law enforcement investigations, you hate evidence, you hate the actual vote count and you hate any court proceeding on your Big Lie for one simple reason:

So far you haven't delivered any evidence.

All you've delivered is quotes from other people.

That's called hearsay.

It's not evidence.

Evidence is bad for the con business. The Big Lie is all about money.

J6 was all about money?

Boy are you dumb.
You idiots, you think quoting the lying MSM is going to sway anyone?

Why don't you stop wasting bandwidth.

Doofus, leftard astroturfing does not constitute evidence.

So far you haven't delivered any evidence.

All you've delivered is quotes from other people.

That's called hearsay.

It's not evidence.

J6 was all about money?

Boy are you dumb.
So William Barr, hand picked Attorney General of Donald a 'leftard'?

Oh, my sweet summer child. Keep those eyes screwed shut.

It won't change any of what's coming.
So William Barr, hand picked Attorney General of Donald a 'leftard'?

Oh, my sweet summer child. Keep those eyes screwed shut.

It won't change any of what's coming.
Stop deflecting, you squirmy leftard weasel.

You're damn right, none of your bullshit is going to change what's coming.
Stop deflecting, you squirmy leftard weasel.

You're damn right, none of your bullshit is going to change what's coming.

So why would Trump nominate a 'leftard' to be his Attorney General?

Give us the echo-chamber perspective. Spare none of the batshit.

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