Trump's Vegas Rant

Like Trump was the first person to realize us and US is spelled the same, I believe I am the first one to coin the phrase Not Sees. Republicans are Not Sees. But I'll never get the credit when it catches on.
It won’t catch on because it’s dumb.
You are Anti Christ and vote accordingly tell me one Godly thing about Joe Biden or what he does!! I'll wait. I will say without doubt, you can't vote for the Democrat party platform and be a Christian!
Can you list and show the actions or statements Trump has done or said, that supports Christ's/God's principle teachings?
Trump sounds like a couple of teens stoned on marijuana

Where does he even come up with these insane scenarios and notions - that a battery would get wet and electrocute him? This is the product of a disordered mind.

I was watching a political ad featuring our CONSERVATIVE Premier telling the people of Ontario, that ever day he gets up and thinks about what he can do to make the lives of the people of Ontario better. And he's listening to the people, because the people matter. He didn't once mention the opposition, insult or denigrate others. The tone was so different.

That being said, everything Ford said was total bullshit, but at least he stuck to the issues.
Can you list and show the actions or statements Trump has done or said, that supports Christ's/God's principle teachings? › news › trump-why-do-i-haveTrump: 'Why Do I Have to Repent or Ask for Forgiveness If I ...

Jul 23, 2015 · Following Donald Trump's appearance last week at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, CNN's Anderson Cooper sought out clarification on Trump's assertion that he's unsure if he.....

"I try not make mistakes where I have to ask forgiveness," Trump answered.

When further asked about repentance again by Cooper, Trump said "I think repenting is terrific."

"Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?" asked Trump. "I work hard, I'm an honorable person."
You are Anti Christ and vote accordingly tell me one Godly thing about Joe Biden or what he does!! I'll wait. I will say without doubt, you can't vote for the Democrat party platform and be a Christian!

Why is it that when a Republican is elected President, the religious right says "God chose him", but when a Democrat is elected President, he is literally demonized by right wing "Christians".

If God choses your leaders, he choses both Republicans AND Democrats. But I don't believe God choses our leaders at all. Otherwise why would he chose haters, war mongers, and those who commit genocide.

God gave us "free will" to test whether we would live by His word. He doesn't choose your leaders, YOU do.
Lol, I guess you understand electricity about as well as Trump. Hilarious 😂 Ain't enough amps in a battery to electricute ya in the water if there is enough water to float the boat.
Uh, folks, to be electrocuted one would have to make the connection between a source and a ground. What connection would a person floating in the sea have to a ground? Did a little of "the Donald" get into some of you?
Well, there was the part where he said, "I don't care about you, I just want your vote!" when his cultists were keeling over in the 110 degree heat.
Can't joke around when thin-skinned neurotic leftists are listening huh?
More insight into the workings of Trumps brain and what he is concerned about.
Also how he is completely clueless when it comes to science

If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?" Trump said. "Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"

Does it matter?
Uh, folks, to be electrocuted one would have to make the connection between a source and a ground. What connection would a person floating in the sea have to a ground? Did a little of "the Donald" get into some of you?
Yes, like birds on the on a power line.
Except the bird is smarter.
More insight into the workings of Trumps brain and what he is concerned about.
Also how he is completely clueless when it comes to science

If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?" Trump said. "Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"

Obviously not. Trump will win and there's squat you can do about it. The kangaroo court was a Hail Mary which obviously failed. that's what jumped the shark.
YES, it does.
Unless you're holding the ground side of a battery..........
Trying to keep afloat?
It is not going to change their base. Maybe some fringe but Biden is going to win, I don’t see anyother scenario. I won’t support either one, they are both very embarrassing as leaders of our great nation but Democrats and Republicans somehow believe that these two are the best representation of their respective parties.
Uh, folks, to be electrocuted one would have to make the connection between a source and a ground. What connection would a person floating in the sea have to a ground? Did a little of "the Donald" get into some of you?

It takes more current than a battery can supply in a large body but it can happen
It won’t catch on because it’s dumb.
How can you not see it?

Listen to what's going to happen to Trump. Same thing that happened to Al Gore. People were sooooo sick of the bickering that they decided not to give the Clinton Regime another 4 years despite how great Bill and Al were.

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
except no abortions have been prevented. Women just drive to other states to get abortions.
Abortions have decreased especially in the southern states since Trump drained the swamp through the use of the Supreme Court. Lots of babies lives have been saved from the democrat's sick, wicked, demonic, and discusting political platform of killing babies.

check the stats!
I can understand how Trump could be terrified by the dilemma of electrocution by a battery in a boat vs eaten by sharks.

But his biggest threat would be the dreaded Sharknado

More insight into the workings of Trumps brain and what he is concerned about.
Also how he is completely clueless when it comes to science

If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?" Trump said. "Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"

No, but Trollwinger has.

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