Trump's Vegas Rant

Why is it that when a Republican is elected President, the religious right says "God chose him", but when a Democrat is elected President, he is literally demonized by right wing "Christians".

If God choses your leaders, he choses both Republicans AND Democrats. But I don't believe God choses our leaders at all. Otherwise why would he chose haters, war mongers, and those who commit genocide.

God gave us "free will" to test whether we would live by His word. He doesn't choose your leaders, YOU do.
I will never say God chose anyone, he allows who he wishes to be President, even Biden, his will can be accomplished either way! Biden is a punishment for allowing what we allow to happen to this great nation which is being taken over by mental patients, and baby killers, and the greedy!
How do you deal with a desperate anti-Trump rant by Newsweek? Lefties eat it up because it's what they want to hear but meanwhile the actual president forgets where he is and what the hell he is talking about. TDS has got to be a real mental condition.
That you know of, and raping his daughter Ashley count, or not being as she is family ! Trump has never been found guilty of rape!
He didnt rape her.

Trump has tried your brains to diarrhea and has turned your morality to puke.

And notice the best retort you can muster is to make up a lie about Biden that is true of your mangod.

That says a lot about you on a lot of levels.
There is nothing wrong with Donald Trump. He is a comedian entertainer trying to entertain. He has no interest in administrating nor having meaningful policy discussions. If you view his words through that lens his stand up routines make much more sense. Try the veal and remember to tip your waitresses.!
That should kill his candidacy. I can understand the heat-stroked people that were there not getting it, but anyone that saw it on TV and still votes for him is insane!

True, exactly.

Indeed, fomenting an insurrection should have killed his candidacy; doing nothing for more than two hours to stop the attack on the Capitol should have killed his candidacy.

Voting for Trump is in fact insane.
Trump was chosen by God to do God's work in getting rid of the swamp of baby killing abortion. We don't make this up. Trump did just that by putting together the right Supreme Court Justices who shot out Roe v Wade with a pool stick. You all sat back and watched Trump succeed at doing God's work, Amen

Now say somn' get mad about it
PLEASE don't blame this mess on GOD.
More insight into the workings of Trumps brain and what he is concerned about.
Also how he is completely clueless when it comes to science

If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?" Trump said. "Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?"

What type of battery was he talking about?

You are Anti Christ and vote accordingly tell me one Godly thing about Joe Biden or what he does!! I'll wait. I will say without doubt, you can't vote for the Democrat party platform and be a Christian!
As Biden belongs to a church & can be seen there most weeks For his whole life.
And Trump belongs to no church, and has only been seen at one for photo ops selling bibles & fishing for votes.
Not at all, there is simply nothing Christian about the democrats party platform
Bet you a dollar, You have not looked at the REPUBLICAN PLATFORM,
OH wait they have no platform!
OK well you can look up the RIGHT WING side by reading the HEIRTAGE FOUNDATION 2025 PLATFORM.
And see if it matches what our country needs.

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