Trump's Wall And Eminent Domain...

enforcing the laws on the books is the right way, but dipshits who have never owned a damn flowerbed want to give other peoples land away to support their bullshit claims.

Fuck them AND Donald Trump.
Go cry to the rape victims of illegals. See how that goes. Fucking baby. Where are all the pissed ranchers you and your fellow idiot are going on about?

like I said, bullshit claims .

and btw, GFY
So no ranchers. You're the POS that wants violent criminals here. Big fan of rape, I guess. Go fuck yourself.

how many women do you know thats been raped by an illegal mexican ?

So your pemise is illegals never commit violent crimes? I know most liberals are stupid, but I thought you were better informed.

To answer your question, I only know one. Home invasion in my old neighborhood. The illegals decided stealing and beating were not enough. They had to rape her also.

Every single one of your posts that I've read contains lies about what other posters say.


How about you stick to facts and to the topic.
Looks like Trump is planning to seize Citizens' lands to get the Wall built. It's mainly gonna happen in Texas. But are Texans gonna just sit back and allow the Government to take their lands? I wouldn't bet on it. I'm a Trump supporter and fully support revamping and improving our Immigration System. Because i do feel the System is in ruins. It is time to move towards ending Illegal Immigration all-together.

But that being said, i can't support Eminent Domain. I can't support forcing Citizens to give up their lands for the Wall. There has to be other solutions for those areas. And honestly, I actually find Trump's beliefs on Eminent Domain to be pretty disturbing.

What are your thoughts?

Building a Wall to protect our nation from invasion is a reasonable use of Eminent Domain.

Says the hypocrite whose family is not being forced off their land for no good reason.


That's simply not true.
I want better border security too. But is Government seizing Citizens' lands really the answer? I can't support that.
Bullshit story.
Obama seized a shitload of did Clinton and claimed it was national park property

This is just a fake news story.

Did you approve of that? I didn't.
If you've ever purchased land or property any easements or leans are revealed during a title search. You would know it at closing.

So did you support what Obama and Clinton did? I didn't.
I don't think they are precisely the same things. Traditionally when the gummt creates a park or a monument, the people living there are not kicked out. Siome uses like mining or drilling are no longer allowed. But privately owned property is not taken. Instead PUBLIC lands are basically declared off limits, and the state loses the ability to control them.

There are many private holdings in Natl Parks
The Fight Over Private Homes in the National Parks

But basically I think Grandpa is right on this that most Americans think we need secure borders and eminent domain can be used for that. But 60% or so don't lke the wall, and there would have to be hundreds of eminent domain actions for the wall .... And even Trump somehow wins reelection ... it'll take more time than he's got.

We saw this when the Bundy fools tried to steal govt land. There were private land owners there and they tried to steal their land as well.

This idiotic wall will take many years and trillions of dollars. And it will never work, never keep anyone in or out.
There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.
Looks like Trump is planning to seize Citizens' lands to get the Wall built. It's mainly gonna happen in Texas. But are Texans gonna just sit back and allow the Government to take their lands? I wouldn't bet on it. I'm a Trump supporter and fully support revamping and improving our Immigration System. Because i do feel the System is in ruins. It is time to move towards ending Illegal Immigration all-together.

But that being said, i can't support Eminent Domain. I can't support forcing Citizens to give up their lands for the Wall. There has to be other solutions for those areas. And honestly, I actually find Trump's beliefs on Eminent Domain to be pretty disturbing.

What are your thoughts?

Building a Wall to protect our nation from invasion is a reasonable use of Eminent Domain.

Says the hypocrite whose family is not being forced off their land for no good reason.


That's simply not true.


See more synonyms on
an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially byan army.
the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
entrance as if to take possession or overrun:
the annual invasion of the resort by tourists.
infringement by intrusion."

Imo, the entering of the illegal aliens fits all 4 listed definitions of the word.

Screw you.
Bullshit story.
Obama seized a shitload of did Clinton and claimed it was national park property

This is just a fake news story.

Did you approve of that? I didn't.
If you've ever purchased land or property any easements or leans are revealed during a title search. You would know it at closing.

So did you support what Obama and Clinton did? I didn't.
I don't think they are precisely the same things. Traditionally when the gummt creates a park or a monument, the people living there are not kicked out. Siome uses like mining or drilling are no longer allowed. But privately owned property is not taken. Instead PUBLIC lands are basically declared off limits, and the state loses the ability to control them.

There are many private holdings in Natl Parks
The Fight Over Private Homes in the National Parks

But basically I think Grandpa is right on this that most Americans think we need secure borders and eminent domain can be used for that. But 60% or so don't lke the wall, and there would have to be hundreds of eminent domain actions for the wall .... And even Trump somehow wins reelection ... it'll take more time than he's got.

We saw this when the Bundy fools tried to steal govt land. There were private land owners there and they tried to steal their land as well.

This idiotic wall will take many years and trillions of dollars. And it will never work, never keep anyone in or out.

lol!! Now it's TRILLIONS.
There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.

There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.


Fellow Americans not wanting their lands seized by Government doesn't = 'Being in favor of Illegal Immigration'

That's just very lazy simplistic thinking.
There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.


Fellow Americans not wanting their lands seized by Government doesn't = 'Being in favor of Illegal Immigration'

That's just very lazy simplistic thinking.

The time to calmly debate the best way of addressing the problem, was squandered on race baiting by assholes.

NOw we need to do everything, immediately.
trump's real estate portfolio has a long history of land grabs...

To Trump, eminent domain is a “wonderful thing” and is not actually “taking property”

Donald Trump’s Constitution of One

Too many mega-developers like Trump have achieved success by using and abusing the government's ability to commandeer private property for purported "public use." Invoking the Fifth Amendment takings clause, real estate moguls, parking garage builders, mall developers and sports palace architects have colluded with elected officials to pull off legalized theft in the name of reducing "blight." Under eminent domain, the definition of "public purpose" has been stretched like Silly Putty to cover everything from roads and bridges to high-end retail stores, baseball stadiums and casinos.

While casting himself as America's new constitutional savior, Trump has shown reckless disregard for fundamental private property rights.

Donald Trump's Eminent-Domain Empire | RealClearPolitics
Find one Texas rancher on the Mexican border who voted DEM.
These ranchers have already made deals with the Gov. to lease the land.
They are getting a lot more in lease fees than they get from grazing a few head of cattle on the narrow strips of land involved.
Everyone is happy with the deals except the mexican cartels and the DEM party who are watching tens of thousands of illegals, who they assumed are one day going to vote DEM now being kept out of the US.
Maybe the DEMs should be going back to the negro 'well' again.


Is he saying Texas ranchers are leasing land to the govt for the wall? Or is he referring to the welfare ranchers we all support so they don't have to pay their own way?

In Texas, Even Trump Supporters Hate the Border Wall

The fence in Brownsville is 18 feet tall and made from rusty iron bars. I could climb it in about 15 seconds. "Our record is eight," says Michael Seifert, an organizer for the Equal Voice Network, a coalition of civic groups in the Rio Grande Valley.

It has cost more than $6 million per mile to build, and it runs through farmers' fields and townspeople's backyards. The local consensus is that it hasn't helped anyone except contractors and drug cartels.


JACUMBA HOT SPRINGS, California – When Steven Rogers moved into this small town in San Diego County’s Mountain Empire region, he had no idea the international border was just a few miles away.

"We wondered about all of the border patrol," said Rogers.


(Photo: Omar Ornelas, The Desert Sun)

Living near the border, Rogers, a retired Vietnam veteran, has never witnessed a cartel shootout or uncovered an underground border tunnel. He is more scared of snakes than border crime.

“We’ve seen some Hispanic people come across and we gave them water and food, helped them out,” said Rogers, 62. “We just figured that’s the thing to do. If we were coming to a new country and we were risking our lives I’d want someone to help me.”


Me too. When I lived west of Tucson, I helped a lot of migrant workers. Every single one of them had a job waiting for them. Most came back for the same job every year and when they came to my door, they always offered to pay for the help I gave them.

Migrant farm workers are not taking jobs. No one is "taking jobs" away from Americans. Employers are giving the jobs to people who will or who can do the work.

RWNJ white men whine they are discriminated against and get get those plum jobs, picking strawberries in the blazing sun for almost no pay. If you want a job, get off your butt and get one. Just please stop whining about Mexicans working their butts off and keeping your produce affordable.
There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.


Fellow Americans not wanting their lands seized by Government doesn't = 'Being in favor of Illegal Immigration'

That's just very lazy simplistic thinking.

The time to calmly debate the best way of addressing the problem, was squandered on race baiting by assholes.

NOw we need to do everything, immediately.

These are our fellow Americans. They don't want their Government forcibly seizing their lands. That doesn't mean they're 'In favor of Illegal Immigration.' Shame on you for implying that.
Find one Texas rancher on the Mexican border who voted DEM.
These ranchers have already made deals with the Gov. to lease the land.
They are getting a lot more in lease fees than they get from grazing a few head of cattle on the narrow strips of land involved.
Everyone is happy with the deals except the mexican cartels and the DEM party who are watching tens of thousands of illegals, who they assumed are one day going to vote DEM now being kept out of the US.
Maybe the DEMs should be going back to the negro 'well' again.


Is he saying Texas ranchers are leasing land to the govt for the wall? Or is he referring to the welfare ranchers we all support so they don't have to pay their own way?

In Texas, Even Trump Supporters Hate the Border Wall

The fence in Brownsville is 18 feet tall and made from rusty iron bars. I could climb it in about 15 seconds. "Our record is eight," says Michael Seifert, an organizer for the Equal Voice Network, a coalition of civic groups in the Rio Grande Valley.

It has cost more than $6 million per mile to build, and it runs through farmers' fields and townspeople's backyards. The local consensus is that it hasn't helped anyone except contractors and drug cartels.


Border towns to Trump: The wall won't work

150 Miles of Hell

How a border fence destroyed a tight community

JACUMBA HOT SPRINGS, California – When Steven Rogers moved into this small town in San Diego County’s Mountain Empire region, he had no idea the international border was just a few miles away.

"We wondered about all of the border patrol," said Rogers.


(Photo: Omar Ornelas, The Desert Sun)

Living near the border, Rogers, a retired Vietnam veteran, has never witnessed a cartel shootout or uncovered an underground border tunnel. He is more scared of snakes than border crime.

“We’ve seen some Hispanic people come across and we gave them water and food, helped them out,” said Rogers, 62. “We just figured that’s the thing to do. If we were coming to a new country and we were risking our lives I’d want someone to help me.”


Me too. When I lived west of Tucson, I helped a lot of migrant workers. Every single one of them had a job waiting for them. Most came back for the same job every year and when they came to my door, they always offered to pay for the help I gave them.

Migrant farm workers are not taking jobs. No one is "taking jobs" away from Americans. Employers are giving the jobs to people who will or who can do the work.

RWNJ white men whine they are discriminated against and get get those plum jobs, picking strawberries in the blazing sun for almost no pay. If you want a job, get off your butt and get one. Just please stop whining about Mexicans working their butts off and keeping your produce affordable.

Your attempt to imply that the majority of illegals are migrant farm workers is noted and dismissed.

Please consider it ridiculed as well.

This is me laughing at your attempt to mislead.

With Donald Trump’s political star now ascendant, his past is being more carefully examined for clues to potential future behavior...

That examination is turning up a seedy side of Trump’s success in building his empire: his determined, deliberate, and continued use of the Fifth Amendment’s eminent domain clause, along with the help of local authorities, to steal private property at substantial discounts for his own use.

The relevant language from the amendment is clear, or should be: "nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.”

Trump’s Use of Eminent Domain to Take What He Wants
There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.


Fellow Americans not wanting their lands seized by Government doesn't = 'Being in favor of Illegal Immigration'

That's just very lazy simplistic thinking.

The time to calmly debate the best way of addressing the problem, was squandered on race baiting by assholes.

NOw we need to do everything, immediately.

These are our fellow Americans. They don't want their Government forcibly seizing their lands. That doesn't mean they're 'In favor of Illegal Immigration.' Shame on you for implying that.

YOu might want to wait until busybee speaks more before defending him.
There is no national security issue here. That is a pathetic excuse to cover something that is wrong. Donald Trump stealing from Americans. Eminent Domain is criminal.


Fellow Americans not wanting their lands seized by Government doesn't = 'Being in favor of Illegal Immigration'

That's just very lazy simplistic thinking.

The time to calmly debate the best way of addressing the problem, was squandered on race baiting by assholes.

NOw we need to do everything, immediately.

These are our fellow Americans. They don't want their Government forcibly seizing their lands. That doesn't mean they're 'In favor of Illegal Immigration.' Shame on you for implying that.

YOu might want to wait until busybee speaks more before defending him.

"Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin

I betchya Benjamin Franklin wouldn't have tolerated the Government trying to seize his lands. He would have fought it till the bitter end.
The government already owns the freaking border and there is already half a freaking wall built. Regardless of the opinions of phonies who claim to be Trump supporters you can bet your ass(ets) that Texas ranchers will be cheering when the wall starts, not to mention the extra construction money coming in the small towns.



700 miles of it.

ok, where ?
Umm... on the border dumb ass.

Nearly 700 Miles of Fencing at the US-Mexico Border Already Exist

typical stupid shit RW's dont know the difference between a fence and a wall.

Or how easy it is to get over it. Just like trump, they love the sound of it but never quite get around to thinking it through.

Bullshit story.
Obama seized a shitload of did Clinton and claimed it was national park property

This is just a fake news story.

Did you approve of that? I didn't.
If you've ever purchased land or property any easements or leans are revealed during a title search. You would know it at closing.

So did you support what Obama and Clinton did? I didn't.
I don't think they are precisely the same things. Traditionally when the gummt creates a park or a monument, the people living there are not kicked out. Siome uses like mining or drilling are no longer allowed. But privately owned property is not taken. Instead PUBLIC lands are basically declared off limits, and the state loses the ability to control them.

There are many private holdings in Natl Parks
The Fight Over Private Homes in the National Parks

But basically I think Grandpa is right on this that most Americans think we need secure borders and eminent domain can be used for that. But 60% or so don't lke the wall, and there would have to be hundreds of eminent domain actions for the wall .... And even Trump somehow wins reelection ... it'll take more time than he's got.

We saw this when the Bundy fools tried to steal govt land. There were private land owners there and they tried to steal their land as well.

This idiotic wall will take many years and trillions of dollars. And it will never work, never keep anyone in or out.
Well the Bundy's were being told they could not live and make a living the same way their forefathers did. But that doesn't make them very special. No property was taken away from them.
As a Texan who's lived near the border,I can tell you with complete confidence that the vast majority want the wall or some kind of protection against the invaders.
They cut their fences releasing cattle,break into their houses and leave garbage everywhere.

I want better border security too. But is Government seizing Citizens' lands really the answer? I can't support that.
Bullshit story.
Obama seized a shitload of did Clinton and claimed it was national park property

This is just a fake news story.

Did you approve of that? I didn't.
If you've ever purchased land or property any easements or leans are revealed during a title search. You would know it at closing.

So did you support what Obama and Clinton did? I didn't.

They grabbed land to protect it from drilling and mining. Trump doesn’t need to grab anything.

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