Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

The economic impact of removing nearly 700,000 workers from the U.S. workforce would be staggering.
The economic impact of investigating, indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating rape and murder is staggering. But that isn’t even a remotely reasonable excuse for not doing it.

Besides...don’t even pretend for a moment that you progressives give a shit about being fiscally conscious. You people cheered like hell as Barack Insane Obama added a staggering, mind-numbing $10 trillion to the national debt. You made every excuse in the world and thought it was fantastic.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.

You RWNJs have an entirely different reality than the rest of the world, don't you?
The economic impact of investigating, indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating rape and murder is staggering. But that isn’t even a remotely reasonable excuse for not doing it.

Besides...don’t even pretend for a moment that you progressives give a shit about being fiscally conscious. You people cheered like hell as Barack Insane Obama added a staggering, mind-numbing $10 trillion to the national debt. You made every excuse in the world and thought it was fantastic.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.
Well dayum, son deanrd posted links to support his premise but all I see from you is hot air. Your personal opinion don't mean shyt around here.
No - deanrd simply posted "links" to opinion pieces, which mean just as much as yours or mine. The fact that he is parroting the leftist party line does NOT give it validity.

You'll notice I didn't claim your dysfunction was isolated to you - in fact, it infects the left entirely.
The economic impact of investigating, indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating rape and murder is staggering. But that isn’t even a remotely reasonable excuse for not doing it.

Besides...don’t even pretend for a moment that you progressives give a shit about being fiscally conscious. You people cheered like hell as Barack Insane Obama added a staggering, mind-numbing $10 trillion to the national debt. You made every excuse in the world and thought it was fantastic.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
I have no reason to lie.

You just don't get it, do you?

You throw all this out there, distort the reality, and then fabricate what you believe the response of Republicans would be. Then, you compound this charade by using your fabrications as proof for other misstatements, distortions, and outright lies.

Must feel like you're standing in quicksand, and the truth is pulling you down.
More hot air from a kool- aid drinker.
That's it? That's the best you got???

You need to go back to the leftist propaganda pump, and get a refill. You're running on hot air.
The economic impact of investigating, indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating rape and murder is staggering. But that isn’t even a remotely reasonable excuse for not doing it.

Besides...don’t even pretend for a moment that you progressives give a shit about being fiscally conscious. You people cheered like hell as Barack Insane Obama added a staggering, mind-numbing $10 trillion to the national debt. You made every excuse in the world and thought it was fantastic.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.
Hilarious! And at the time Republicans were so proud they blackmailed the president. They said he caved.
The GOP has no problem screwing over millions of Americans. Look at CHIP and healthcare and their tax cuts for the rich and so on.
Yeah --- let's do that. Let's look at CHIP, healthcare, and tax cuts. Are you SURE you want me to do that?

CHIP - that's the program that Republicans have proposed a 6 year renewal, and Democrats refused. You know, the CHIP program - the one that's going to kill kids. I guess Democrats don't care, huh?

Healthcare - that's the Democrat program that drove the cost/availability of healthcare out of the reach of the average middle class American - and then, when they couldn't afford it, Democrats compounded the problem by fining those who didn't have enough money to pay for it. We probably don't need to talk about the loss of doctors, or the doctors who have refused to accept government-insured patients. I'll give you a very specific example - 43% of the doctors in Colorado Springs, CO refuse to accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare patients. Way to go, Dems ---- you must be ever so proud.

Tax cuts - 88% of Americans get tax relief, and you want to bitch because the top 1% was included in that? Let me guess - you want to make the incredibly stupid argument that those who made more money got back more tax money - all the while conveniently forgetting that taxes are based on a monetary base, so those who have more money will arithmetically receive more return. You probably don't want to talk about those jobs being created, or the bonuses being paid, or the wage increases that are a direct result of the tax cut legislation. You know - the legislation, the jobs, the bonuses, and the wage increases that the Democrats voted against en masse. Just makes you warm inside, doesn't it?
The economic impact of investigating, indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating rape and murder is staggering. But that isn’t even a remotely reasonable excuse for not doing it.

Besides...don’t even pretend for a moment that you progressives give a shit about being fiscally conscious. You people cheered like hell as Barack Insane Obama added a staggering, mind-numbing $10 trillion to the national debt. You made every excuse in the world and thought it was fantastic.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.

You RWNJs have an entirely different reality than the rest of the world, don't you?

i rest my case - leftists suffer from a collective cognitive disorder ....

or, as the "common folk" say ---- terminal stupidity.

I feel sorry for your survivors.
Allow me to complete that sentence for you. Anyone who claims walls don’t work is an immature, pathological liar. Even U.S. Special Forces were unable to breach the prototypes.
If the most elite military forces in the world can’t breach them, there won’t be a single illegal alien that will be able to pull it off. This should have been done decades ago.

US special forces spent three weeks testing border wall prototypes — the results couldn’t be better
Yeah...a man with a balloon big enough to lifi his weight could be over that wall in seconds could a man using a hand glider. Did the Special Forces try either of those ?
Ahhh .... naivete' .... it is sooooo comforting.

Build a 1000 mile wall and there will be a 1000 tunnels underneath it. Make it 40 feet high, and they'll bring a 41' ladder.

The only way to truly secure the border is with motion detectors (that they can't see) and more border patrol stations who can respond quickly. If they can't see it--they won't even attempt to cross.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

If this wall is built it will be the biggest boondoggle and waste of taxpayer dollars ever. Trump said that Mexico would pay for it. They won't, so why should U.S. taxpayers pay for a worthless wall.

The 21.6 billion is for materials ONLY.

At the end of this video it will explain the over 250 tunnels they have found and they know there are many others they haven't found.

Thank you, don't expect a trumpanzee to be swayed by the truth / facts you've posted above - they rely on emotion and believe every word and tweet Trump expresses.

Even when he flips and flops on issues, they will agree with him on each flip and each flop. It truly is amazing, albeit an embarrassment to thinking American patriots.

You believe this innocuous bullshit only because you WANT to believe it. Reality is of no concern to you.

If my "bullshit" was "innocuous" (not harmful or offensive), you would not have reacted with such a childish ad hominem. Clearly you're a) a Trumpanzee, and b) have a limited vocabulary.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.
Well dayum, son deanrd posted links to support his premise but all I see from you is hot air. Your personal opinion don't mean shyt around here.
No - deanrd simply posted "links" to opinion pieces, which mean just as much as yours or mine. The fact that he is parroting the leftist party line does NOT give it validity.

You'll notice I didn't claim your dysfunction was isolated to you - in fact, it infects the left entirely.

So where is the RW opinion piece that feeds you? Or are you just grabbing bits and pieces out of thin air just to feel valued?
Just because you attack the veracity of a link based on your own personal assessment doesn't make you the sole judge or arbiter of truth. None of your denials have any substance without some credible validation.
You don't seem to have any.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.
Hilarious! And at the time Republicans were so proud they blackmailed the president. They said he caved.
The GOP has no problem screwing over millions of Americans. Look at CHIP and healthcare and their tax cuts for the rich and so on.
Yeah --- let's do that. Let's look at CHIP, healthcare, and tax cuts. Are you SURE you want me to do that?

CHIP - that's the program that Republicans have proposed a 6 year renewal, and Democrats refused. You know, the CHIP program - the one that's going to kill kids. I guess Democrats don't care, huh?

Healthcare - that's the Democrat program that drove the cost/availability of healthcare out of the reach of the average middle class American - and then, when they couldn't afford it, Democrats compounded the problem by fining those who didn't have enough money to pay for it. We probably don't need to talk about the loss of doctors, or the doctors who have refused to accept government-insured patients. I'll give you a very specific example - 43% of the doctors in Colorado Springs, CO refuse to accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare patients. Way to go, Dems ---- you must be ever so proud.

Tax cuts - 88% of Americans get tax relief, and you want to bitch because the top 1% was included in that? Let me guess - you want to make the incredibly stupid argument that those who made more money got back more tax money - all the while conveniently forgetting that taxes are based on a monetary base, so those who have more money will arithmetically receive more return. You probably don't want to talk about those jobs being created, or the bonuses being paid, or the wage increases that are a direct result of the tax cut legislation. You know - the legislation, the jobs, the bonuses, and the wage increases that the Democrats voted against en masse. Just makes you warm inside, doesn't it?
Most of what you said is rubbish or outright lies.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
I have no reason to lie.

You just don't get it, do you?

You throw all this out there, distort the reality, and then fabricate what you believe the response of Republicans would be. Then, you compound this charade by using your fabrications as proof for other misstatements, distortions, and outright lies.

Must feel like you're standing in quicksand, and the truth is pulling you down.
More hot air from a kool- aid drinker.
That's it? That's the best you got???

You need to go back to the leftist propaganda pump, and get a refill. You're running on hot air.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.
Well dayum, son deanrd posted links to support his premise but all I see from you is hot air. Your personal opinion don't mean shyt around here.
No - deanrd simply posted "links" to opinion pieces, which mean just as much as yours or mine. The fact that he is parroting the leftist party line does NOT give it validity.

You'll notice I didn't claim your dysfunction was isolated to you - in fact, it infects the left entirely.

So where is the RW opinion piece that feeds you? Or are you just grabbing bits and pieces out of thin air just to feel valued?
Just because you attack the veracity of a link based on your own personal assessment doesn't make you the sole judge or arbiter of truth. None of your denials have any substance without some credible validation.
You don't seem to have any.
Funny stuff - you come in here, spewing garbage out of the liberal honey wagon, expecting everybody to be as brainwashed as you are. Then, when somebody has the temerity to possibly suggest that your commentary is wrong, you have no legitimate response. I don't deal in "RW opinion piece" regurgitation. I deal in facts - something you seem to only have a passing familiarity with.

Well done - your Aunt Edna would be proud of you.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.

You RWNJs have an entirely different reality than the rest of the world, don't you?

i rest my case - leftists suffer from a collective cognitive disorder ....

or, as the "common folk" say ---- terminal stupidity.

I feel sorry for your survivors.
You never had a case. Sheep like ewe usually don't.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.

You RWNJs have an entirely different reality than the rest of the world, don't you?

i rest my case - leftists suffer from a collective cognitive disorder ....

or, as the "common folk" say ---- terminal stupidity.

I feel sorry for your survivors.
You've proven just the opposite...that fool looking back at you in the mirror isn't a leftist or true conservative....he's just a fool.
The economic impact of investigating, indicting, prosecuting, and incarcerating rape and murder is staggering. But that isn’t even a remotely reasonable excuse for not doing it.

Besides...don’t even pretend for a moment that you progressives give a shit about being fiscally conscious. You people cheered like hell as Barack Insane Obama added a staggering, mind-numbing $10 trillion to the national debt. You made every excuse in the world and thought it was fantastic.
Funny, Republicans passed trillions in tax cuts for the wealthy.

Not only did they grow a previously non existent debt, by the time Obama became president, they had already raped the country and taken away a means to grow revenue. Then the incredibly costly unpaid for wars. And after all their damage to the economy and the world, they had the nerve and the gall to blackmail Obama using the unemployed as hostage the dirtball fukers.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And to this day, Republicans blame their failures and their damage to the country on the guy who saved their a$$e$.
These people are dishonest. No wonder they elected a con man as president. They look to evil.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.

You RWNJs have an entirely different reality than the rest of the world, don't you?

Not the rest of the world, their are others around the world as hate filled, greedy and bigoted who have the same callous disregard for other human beings as do the neofascists, aka, the right wingers.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.
Hilarious! And at the time Republicans were so proud they blackmailed the president. They said he caved.
The GOP has no problem screwing over millions of Americans. Look at CHIP and healthcare and their tax cuts for the rich and so on.
Yeah --- let's do that. Let's look at CHIP, healthcare, and tax cuts. Are you SURE you want me to do that?

CHIP - that's the program that Republicans have proposed a 6 year renewal, and Democrats refused. You know, the CHIP program - the one that's going to kill kids. I guess Democrats don't care, huh?

Healthcare - that's the Democrat program that drove the cost/availability of healthcare out of the reach of the average middle class American - and then, when they couldn't afford it, Democrats compounded the problem by fining those who didn't have enough money to pay for it. We probably don't need to talk about the loss of doctors, or the doctors who have refused to accept government-insured patients. I'll give you a very specific example - 43% of the doctors in Colorado Springs, CO refuse to accept Medicare, Medicaid, or Tricare patients. Way to go, Dems ---- you must be ever so proud.

Tax cuts - 88% of Americans get tax relief, and you want to bitch because the top 1% was included in that? Let me guess - you want to make the incredibly stupid argument that those who made more money got back more tax money - all the while conveniently forgetting that taxes are based on a monetary base, so those who have more money will arithmetically receive more return. You probably don't want to talk about those jobs being created, or the bonuses being paid, or the wage increases that are a direct result of the tax cut legislation. You know - the legislation, the jobs, the bonuses, and the wage increases that the Democrats voted against en masse. Just makes you warm inside, doesn't it?
Most of what you said is rubbish or outright lies.
Pick one - prove it.
Utter nonsense. You have no moral character that prevents you from publishing distortion and downright lies?

It sucks to be you.
He told the truth. We all lived through it. Why do you damn RW slobs try to change reality when you're cornered.?
Actually, he didn't tell the truth .... and you didn't live thru it. It's just convenient for you to remember history incorrectly. The ability of the left to distort reality, to pervert the truth, and to simply fabricate things remains their only weapon. You look at history thru glasses distorted by shame, and try to justify your position by coloring anything resembling the truth.

You RWNJs have an entirely different reality than the rest of the world, don't you?

i rest my case - leftists suffer from a collective cognitive disorder ....

or, as the "common folk" say ---- terminal stupidity.

I feel sorry for your survivors.
You've proven just the opposite...that fool looking back at you in the mirror isn't a leftist or true conservative....he's just a fool.
Ooooooh!!!! Zing!! Right thru the heart.

I am crushed.
Oh, so Mexico hasn't paid for it?

Another Trump hoax bites the dust.

When did Trump claim Mexico has already paid for it?

You only proved that you're a dumbass.
Trump said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now you are telling us it will cost the US $21.6 billion.

So Mexico hasn't paid for it like Trump promised you they would?


Another Trump hoax bites the dust.
Oh, so Mexico hasn't paid for it?

Another Trump hoax bites the dust.

When did Trump claim Mexico has already paid for it?

You only proved that you're a dumbass.
Trump said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now you are telling us it will cost the US $21.6 billion.

So Mexico hasn't paid for it like Trump promised you they would?


Another Trump hoax bites the dust.
"Is going to pay for it" isn't the same thing as "has already paid for it," dumbass.

Take some classes in basic English.

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