Trump’s Wall Costs $21.6 Billion; Illegal Immigration Costs $148.3 Billion Per Year

So the wall will keep out every illegal including those that come by boat, or perhaps the wall will extend up the coasts? I wonder how far? Illegals surely cannot come by air.
With Trump's wall America will never see another illegal again.

Who has said that, snowflake?
When did Trump claim Mexico has already paid for it?

You only proved that you're a dumbass.
Trump said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now you are telling us it will cost the US $21.6 billion.

So Mexico hasn't paid for it like Trump promised you they would?


Another Trump hoax bites the dust.
"Is going to pay for it" isn't the same thing as "has already paid for it," dumbass.

Take some classes in basic English.

So "it will cost $21.6 billion" means "it won't cost $21.6 billion"?

I think you are confused.

Read what I posted, dumbass.
Dumbass - Trump promised the wall would only cost $4 billion & Mexico would pay, now $21.6 billion is only the down payment on the $70 billion wall.

A big fat totaly lie, of course.

Minimum cost of such an aircraft: $5000. Plus, you have to know how to fly one. How many Mexican peasants do you think can manage that? These people don't even have highschool diplomas.

$5000 probably won't be much of a problem for the cartels.

Ultralights show up on radar just like regular planes. Stopping drug catels is just a side benefit of the wall, not its primary purpose.
Trump said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Now you are telling us it will cost the US $21.6 billion.

So Mexico hasn't paid for it like Trump promised you they would?


Another Trump hoax bites the dust.
"Is going to pay for it" isn't the same thing as "has already paid for it," dumbass.

Take some classes in basic English.

So "it will cost $21.6 billion" means "it won't cost $21.6 billion"?

I think you are confused.

Read what I posted, dumbass.
Dumbass - Trump promised the wall would only cost $4 billion & Mexico would pay, now $21.6 billion is only the down payment on the $70 billion wall.

A big fat totaly lie, of course.
Of course short fat Trump totally lied!
Trumpies have so little imagination... or brains...

Cute ---- but, of course, physically impossible. When you make shit up, you need to do MUCH better. Otherwise, some here are going to think you're just a liberal troll.

The wall in that photo is only 10' high.
"Is going to pay for it" isn't the same thing as "has already paid for it," dumbass.

Take some classes in basic English.

So "it will cost $21.6 billion" means "it won't cost $21.6 billion"?

I think you are confused.

Read what I posted, dumbass.
Dumbass - Trump promised the wall would only cost $4 billion & Mexico would pay, now $21.6 billion is only the down payment on the $70 billion wall.

A big fat totaly lie, of course.
Of course short fat Trump totally lied!
You lied.
More than 3.5 million jobs lost in the last 6 months before Obama took over. I wonder why unemployment went up.
Over $10 trillion in debt from outrageous, unconstitutional spending. Energy, food, and healthcare costs skyrocketing. Expansion of the surveillance state. The most corrupt administration in U.S. history.

I wonder why Republicans control everything coast-to-coast right now.

Of course healthcare costs are rising, people are living longer, and the technological costs have increased.
Oh, so Mexico hasn't paid for it? Another Trump hoax bites the dust. you still need this explained to you? :lmao:

All President Trump has to do is withhold aid to Mexico and tell them they never see another dime if they don’t pay for the wall. Take the aid, place it towards the wall. Boom - Mexico paid for the wall.

I’ve explained this to G-String more than 14 times already. I can’t tell if she’s really this dumb or if she’s pretending.

What's the benefits of having a wall, as opposed to cracking down on those who hire illegals?
So "it will cost $21.6 billion" means "it won't cost $21.6 billion"?

I think you are confused.

Read what I posted, dumbass.
Dumbass - Trump promised the wall would only cost $4 billion & Mexico would pay, now $21.6 billion is only the down payment on the $70 billion wall.

A big fat totaly lie, of course.
Of course short fat Trump totally lied!
You lied.
You Lie

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee report said the border wall could cost nearly $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain. The report also found that the construction of a wall would require taking hundreds of acres of private land at a cost of millions to taxpayers and would divert money from crucial mobile video surveillance technology.

That would buy 5 aircraft carriers!
Read what I posted, dumbass.
Dumbass - Trump promised the wall would only cost $4 billion & Mexico would pay, now $21.6 billion is only the down payment on the $70 billion wall.

A big fat totaly lie, of course.
Of course short fat Trump totally lied!
You lied.
You Lie

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee report said the border wall could cost nearly $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain. The report also found that the construction of a wall would require taking hundreds of acres of private land at a cost of millions to taxpayers and would divert money from crucial mobile video surveillance technology.

That would buy 5 aircraft carriers!

A report published by the Obama administration?

Case closed.

You lie.
Dumbass - Trump promised the wall would only cost $4 billion & Mexico would pay, now $21.6 billion is only the down payment on the $70 billion wall.

A big fat totaly lie, of course.
Of course short fat Trump totally lied!
You lied.
You Lie

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee report said the border wall could cost nearly $70 billion to build and $150 million a year to maintain. The report also found that the construction of a wall would require taking hundreds of acres of private land at a cost of millions to taxpayers and would divert money from crucial mobile video surveillance technology.

That would buy 5 aircraft carriers!

A report published by the Obama administration?

Case closed.

You lie.
Report dated April 18, 2017 during Trump administration.

You're a Dumb-ass, Case closed.
More than 3.5 million jobs lost in the last 6 months before Obama took over. I wonder why unemployment went up.
Most of those occurred upon the news that Barack Insane Obama had actually won the election. He campaigned on contempt for wealth and success while raving about marxism. Of course businesses are going to panic and tighten their belt at the news that he would be sitting in the Oval Office.

Even you aren't dumb enough to believe that.

Minimum cost of such an aircraft: $5000. Plus, you have to know how to fly one. How many Mexican peasants do you think can manage that? These people don't even have highschool diplomas.

$5000 probably won't be much of a problem for the cartels.

Ultralights show up on radar just like regular planes. Stopping drug catels is just a side benefit of the wall, not its primary purpose.

Not what Trump-o and RWNJs are saying.
More than 3.5 million jobs lost in the last 6 months before Obama took over. I wonder why unemployment went up.
Most of those occurred upon the news that Barack Insane Obama had actually won the election. He campaigned on contempt for wealth and success while raving about marxism. Of course businesses are going to panic and tighten their belt at the news that he would be sitting in the Oval Office.

Even you aren't dumb enough to believe that.
It’s not something to “believe”, sparky. It happened. The economy took a sudden nose dive upon news that Barack Insane Obama had won. Just like it took a sudden spike upon news that Donald Trump had won.
Unemployment was at 7% when Barack Insane Obama took over. He took it to over 10%
Considering the mess he was handed Obama worked a miracle. He handed Trump a healthy thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 5%. All the good things happening today are mini legacies of Obama. Trump has done little but take credit for things he didn't do..

The national debt was at $10 trillion when Barack Insane Obama took over. He took it to $20 trillion
We know how that happened and it wasn't Obama's fault. Bush's rwo unbudgeted wars , the stimulus packages, the big bank bailouts, and Bush's big tax cuts for the rich, all taking place simultaneously, tells wise men that the new president was being set up to fail...but he didn't. He weathered the storm and restored the American economy ...damn! what a leader.

Energy, food, and healthcare prices skyrocketed under Obama.
I'm not so sure about that. But check out over 500 accomplishments
The Obama Legacy is Secure

Savings, income, and prosperity plummeted under Obama.

Nope...corporate profits increased by over 160%. Savings and prosperity rebounded under Obama and now Trump is trying to take the credit.

The American people turned over the entire nation to the Republicans in the 2010 mid-terms and the recovery began.
Well not entirely...The Feds kept inflation at bay by keeping interest rates down. The Republicans was a "do nothing" gang that openly stated they wanted the president to fail. And they followed through on that wish by becoming obstructionists. Obama had no help from the GOP and he still prevailed.

Those are the facts and they are absolutely indisputable.

And the responses I gave put those facts and half truths in perspective.
Unemployment was at 7% when Barack Insane Obama took over. He took it to over 10%
Considering the mess he was handed Obama worked a miracle. He handed Trump a healthy thriving economy with an unemployment rate of 5%. All the good things happening today are mini legacies of Obama. Trump has done little but take credit for things he didn't do..

The national debt was at $10 trillion when Barack Insane Obama took over. He took it to $20 trillion
We know how that happened and it wasn't Obama's fault. Bush's rwo unbudgeted wars , the stimulus packages, the big bank bailouts, and Bush's big tax cuts for the rich, all taking place simultaneously, tells wise men that the new president was being set up to fail...but he didn't. He weathered the storm and restored the American economy ...damn! what a leader.

Energy, food, and healthcare prices skyrocketed under Obama.
I'm not so sure about that. But check out over 500 accomplishments
The Obama Legacy is Secure

Savings, income, and prosperity plummeted under Obama.

Nope...corporate profits increased by over 160%. Savings and prosperity rebounded under Obama and now Trump is trying to take the credit.

The American people turned over the entire nation to the Republicans in the 2010 mid-terms and the recovery began.
Well not entirely...The Feds kept inflation at bay by keeping interest rates down. The Republicans was a "do nothing" gang that openly stated they wanted the president to fail. And they followed through on that wish by becoming obstructionists. Obama had no help from the GOP and he still prevailed.

Those are the facts and they are absolutely indisputable.

And the responses I gave put those facts and half truths in perspective.


He weathered the storm and restored the American economy ...damn! what a leader.
He created the storm and did his best to collapse the U.S. The American people turned the entire nation over to the Republicans in the 2010 midterms. The recovery began to just “magically” occur shortly after that.

You know it too. But you have such a man-crush on Obama that you can’t bring yourself to admit it.
Those are the facts and they are absolutely indisputable.
And the responses I gave put those facts and half truths in perspective.
The response you just gave is pure idiotic propaganda. You didn’t add one fact. You had no data. And you can’t even bring yourself to admit that the entire nation was turned over to the Republicans in the 2010 midterms (Barack Insane Obama himself called it a “shellacking”).

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