Trump's wall idea is dead

President Andrew Jackson ignored the unelected judges in the 'court' successfully and no Military was sent to force Jackson to kiss 'court' azz . it was no problem for him and if i'm correct about the history its just a way to go . Remember , this was a couple hundred years ago and i wasn't there BBee .
President Andrew Jackson ignored the unelected judges in the 'court' successfully and no Military was sent to force Jackson to kiss 'court' azz . it was no problem for him and if i'm correct about the history its just a way to go . Remember , this was a couple hundred years ago and i wasn't there BBee .

Military leaders are required to disobey unlawful orders nd if they do not they can be criminally held accountable. If a judge stops this, they are required to obey that court order.
President Andrew Jackson ignored the unelected judges in the 'court' successfully and no Military was sent to force Jackson to kiss 'court' azz . it was no problem for him and if i'm correct about the history its just a way to go . Remember , this was a couple hundred years ago and i wasn't there BBee .

Military leaders are required to disobey unlawful orders nd if they do not they can be criminally held accountable. If a judge stops this, they are required to obey that court order.
------------------------------ i'm just telling you what happened as far as i know . Military 'generals' didn't do anything when President Andrew Jackson as 'CiC' ignored the 'court' as far as i know . - courts - are powerless except for their decrees as they have no military enforcing their decrees BBee .
No, they can't.

The Act authorized the President to activate emergency provisions of law via an emergency declaration on the conditions that the President specifies the provisions so activated and notifies Congress. An activation would expire if the President expressly terminated the emergency, or did not renew the emergency annually, or if each house of Congress passed a resolution terminating the emergency. After presidents objected to this "Congressional termination" provision on separation of powersgrounds, it was replaced in 1985 with termination by an enacted joint resolution. This means that for Congress to rescind a declared emergency, not only must they pass the joint resolution, but the President must sign the legislation. The Act also requires the President and executive agencies to maintain records of all orders and regulations that proceed from use of emergency authority, and to regularly report the cost incurred to Congress.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

Veto proof means the Presidents signature is not required.
That's true and a veto proof bill to overturn the National Emergencies Act would end it, but there is no such thing as a veto proof majority to end a specific national emergency as I showed you. As long as the President continues to renew the national emergency Congress cannot end it without overturning the National Emergencies Act.

I disagree.

"According to NPR, the National Emergencies Act (which was first enacted in 1976 and then edited after parts of it were struck down by the Supreme Court in 1983)allows Congress to override and veto a national emergency, if each chamber approves the override with a majority vote, and if the president subsequently signs the joint resolution. If the president is unwilling to do that, then both chambers of Congress would need to vote in favor of the resolution by at least a two thirds majority. In that instance, the president's signature would not be needed and the national emergency could end via Congress alone."

Here's What Congress Would Need To Do To Stop A National Emergency
I saw the NPR article, but it does not take into account the 1985 amendment to the Act which requires the President to agree to end an emergency.

The Act authorized the President to activate emergency provisions of law via an emergency declaration on the conditions that the President specifies the provisions so activated and notifies Congress. An activation would expire if the President expressly terminated the emergency, or did not renew the emergency annually, or if each house of Congress passed a resolution terminating the emergency. After presidents objected to this "Congressional termination" provision on separation of powersgrounds, it was replaced in 1985 with termination by an enacted joint resolution. This means that for Congress to rescind a declared emergency, not only must they pass the joint resolution, but the President must sign the legislation.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

Congress can override any veto.
The 1985 amendment to the National Emergencies Act says it can't end any national emergency unless the President agrees, so you should write to your Congress person to tell him or her of your discovery.
supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border

Yep I remember the rally chants, clearly

"Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence"

And who's gonna pay for it?

"If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will"
You are correct that Mexico won't pay for it, and that seems to be a really important point for Democrats but it is not important to Trump supporters, so it has no bearing on the issue.

so you don't care that you were being lied to over & over & yet over again when donny straight up said they were? lol.... guess he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th ave & you would still love him long time, 'eh?
supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border

Yep I remember the rally chants, clearly

"Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence"

And who's gonna pay for it?

"If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will"
You are correct that Mexico won't pay for it, and that seems to be a really important point for Democrats but it is not important to Trump supporters, so it has no bearing on the issue.
----------------------------- yeah , i'd prefer that those in the USA taxes pay for the WALL . 'mexico' can be punished at a later date if Trump decides to punish .

what about healthcare? lol............. obamacare? i bet you don't want any USA taxes goin' for that though.... am i right?
and i wouldn't mind seeing the TRUMP doing some ignoring of the courts . As i point out , we elected Trump and not a buncha liberal black robed tyrant judges BBee .

you voted for a dictator wanna be that is putin's bitch.
normal working people have healthcare , i've had Doctors for 70 years one way or the other . And if i didn't and i had a broken leg i'd just go to the EMERGENCY Room PTime .
Don't know but i hear that there is money that the Trump can move around to pay for his and Americas Emergency Siete .

he can get funds from other areas - but he has to prove the relationship between sources. he cannot take money from SNAP to pay for a wall because they aren't related to the same cause.
Don't know but i hear that there is money that the Trump can move around to pay for his and Americas Emergency Siete .

he can get funds from other areas - but he has to prove the relationship between sources. he cannot take money from SNAP to pay for a wall because they aren't related to the same cause.
----------------------------------- from what i HEAR , EMERCENCY at the border is proved by the simple fact that USA Military is guarding and just a few weeks ago were repulsing INVADERS at the 's.border' PTime .
normal working people have healthcare , i've had Doctors for 70 years one way or the other . And if i didn't and i had a broken leg i'd just go to the EMERGENCY Room PTime .

that's access to heathcare. that's not having the financial means to pay for it without going broke. & if you don't have any cash.... then those with health insurance pay for it thru higher premiums & the cost of care.
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Veto proof means the Presidents signature is not required.
That's true and a veto proof bill to overturn the National Emergencies Act would end it, but there is no such thing as a veto proof majority to end a specific national emergency as I showed you. As long as the President continues to renew the national emergency Congress cannot end it without overturning the National Emergencies Act.

I disagree.

"According to NPR, the National Emergencies Act (which was first enacted in 1976 and then edited after parts of it were struck down by the Supreme Court in 1983)allows Congress to override and veto a national emergency, if each chamber approves the override with a majority vote, and if the president subsequently signs the joint resolution. If the president is unwilling to do that, then both chambers of Congress would need to vote in favor of the resolution by at least a two thirds majority. In that instance, the president's signature would not be needed and the national emergency could end via Congress alone."

Here's What Congress Would Need To Do To Stop A National Emergency
I saw the NPR article, but it does not take into account the 1985 amendment to the Act which requires the President to agree to end an emergency.

The Act authorized the President to activate emergency provisions of law via an emergency declaration on the conditions that the President specifies the provisions so activated and notifies Congress. An activation would expire if the President expressly terminated the emergency, or did not renew the emergency annually, or if each house of Congress passed a resolution terminating the emergency. After presidents objected to this "Congressional termination" provision on separation of powersgrounds, it was replaced in 1985 with termination by an enacted joint resolution. This means that for Congress to rescind a declared emergency, not only must they pass the joint resolution, but the President must sign the legislation.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

Congress can override any veto.
The 1985 amendment to the National Emergencies Act says it can't end any national emergency unless the President agrees, so you should write to your Congress person to tell him or her of your discovery.

Nah I'm pretty sure he took a civics class in Jr. High

There is also a means for lawmakers to do away with a national emergency decree.

"The way that Congress set it up," says Vladeck, "was that Congress could basically terminate any national emergency the president declared through a concurrent resolution — simply through majority votes of both houses, without the president's approval."

That veto-free arrangement, though, did not pass constitutional muster when it went before the Supreme Court in 1983.

Congress' response was to revise the National Emergencies Act so that the termination of an emergency decree required a joint resolution signed by the president. If the president vetoes such a measure, a two-thirds majority vote in each chamber would be needed to override.

That fix effectively set the political bar considerably higher for reining in presidential national emergency declarations — that is, should Congress ever try to do that.

Yes, The President Can Declare A 'National Emergency' To Build A Wall
normal working people have healthcare , i've had Doctors for 70 years one way or the other . And if i didn't and i had a broken leg i'd just go to the EMERGENCY Room PTime .

that's access to heathcare. that's not having the financial means to pay for it without going brooke. & if you don't have any cash.... then those with health insurance pay for it thru higher premiums & the cost of care.
------------------------------- don't break your legs then and if you do , well thats the time to start all over again PTime .
Don't know but i hear that there is money that the Trump can move around to pay for his and Americas Emergency Siete .

he can get funds from other areas - but he has to prove the relationship between sources. he cannot take money from SNAP to pay for a wall because they aren't related to the same cause.
----------------------------------- from what i HEAR , EMERCENCY at the border is proved by the simple fact that USA Military is guarding and just a few weeks ago were repulsing INVADERS at the 's.border' PTime .

asylum seekers - that the courts decide whether they are legit or not are not invaders, pismoe.
normal working people have healthcare , i've had Doctors for 70 years one way or the other . And if i didn't and i had a broken leg i'd just go to the EMERGENCY Room PTime .

that's access to heathcare. that's not having the financial means to pay for it without going brooke. & if you don't have any cash.... then those with health insurance pay for it thru higher premiums & the cost of care.
------------------------------- don't break your legs then and if you do , well thats the time to start all over again PTime .

& if some DUI asshole crashs into you & thru no fault of your own end up with broken everything, then it's time to declare bankruptcy & foreclose on the ol' homstead to pay for that there medical care.
and whats the deal with this fixation on 'healthcare' . Is it true that all you healthcare young 'beggars' are unhealthy in both mind and body PTime .
supporters expect him to build the smart fence on the border

Yep I remember the rally chants, clearly

"Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence" "Build that smart Fence"

And who's gonna pay for it?

"If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will" "If Mexico wont, we will"
You are correct that Mexico won't pay for it, and that seems to be a really important point for Democrats but it is not important to Trump supporters, so it has no bearing on the issue.

Oh come now, it's Trump himself who cemented the two together. The Trumpettes recited that line with great enthusiasm, when it was humiliating to our neighbor to the south, it's only fitting that it should becomes a sticking point that craters Donnie's Dumb as Dirt Agenda.
Clearly, it's a sticking point for you, but just as clearly it's not for Trump supporters.

trump can wipe his ass with the constitution, & declare himself captain mango man,supreme ruler of amerika & you would cheer him on because that is what basket dwelling deplorables will always do.
normal working people have healthcare , i've had Doctors for 70 years one way or the other . And if i didn't and i had a broken leg i'd just go to the EMERGENCY Room PTime .

that's access to heathcare. that's not having the financial means to pay for it without going brooke. & if you don't have any cash.... then those with health insurance pay for it thru higher premiums & the cost of care.
------------------------------- don't break your legs then and if you do , well thats the time to start all over again PTime .

& if some DUI asshole crashs into you & thru no fault of your own end up with broken everything, then it's time to declare bankruptcy & foreclose on the ol' homstead to pay for that there medical care.
---------------------------------------- quit advocating for letting 'mexican DUI' drunk drivers and WRONG Way freeway drivers into the USA and you will be less likely to get crashed PTime .
and whats the deal with this fixation on 'healthcare' . Is it true that all you healthcare young 'beggars' are unhealthy in both mind and body PTime .

you idiot - i am a 56 yr old married woman with cadillac insurance. but i just love how there's always cash to beat the wrong people down & never any to build 'em up.

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