Trumps Week In The Toilet Bowl: His Coup Gets A Little Clearer

How is Biden work out for you, Superbadbrutha?

Trump isn't even our president, I'm more worried about Biden than I am about Trump
Biden needs to get his head out of his ass and realize this isn't the Republican Party of the 80s and 90s. He also needs to put a foot in Manchin's ass.
Biden needs to get his head out of his ass and realize this isn't the Republican Party of the 80s and 90s. He also needs to put a foot in Manchin's ass.
But, but, Biden is the "uniter", he has 40+ years of experience.
Thank God Manchin is one of the last democrats who refuses to go all socialist on this great nation. You should be kissing his feet
But, but, Biden is the "uniter", he has 40+ years of experience.
Thank God Manchin is one of the last democrats who refuses to go all socialist on this great nation. You should be kissing his feet
You can't unite folks who don't want to unite, Republicans are doing nothing, the cowards won't even hold a vote for a bill and people like you are happy about it because you want to be back in power.
You can't unite folks who don't want to unite, Republicans are doing nothing, the cowards won't even hold a vote for a bill and people like you are happy about it because you want to be back in power.
How can republicans hold a vote when they don't control either house?

The bill you mention is full of 'auto-fraud' provisions.

Their aren't enough dem votes either.
You can't unite folks who don't want to unite, Republicans are doing nothing, the cowards won't even hold a vote for a bill and people like you are happy about it because you want to be back in power.
Truth be known, Superbadbrutha, I don't want Trump to run.

With the state of this administration, it looks inevitable that the repubs take the House and Senate in 2022 along with the presidency in 2024.
It will be theirs to lose, and they just may do something knuckleheaded to achieve that. I hope not.

I am not happy with the direction of the democrats as with most Americans.
Truth be known, Superbadbrutha, I don't want Trump to run.

With the state of this administration, it looks inevitable that the repubs take the House and Senate in 2022 along with the presidency in 2024.
It will be theirs to lose, and they just may do something knuckleheaded to achieve that. I hope not.

I am not happy with the direction of the democrats as with most Americans.
I am not happy with either party as far as that goes. You're right the Repubs will probably take back the House and Senate this year. You can take back the Presidency if anybody other than Trump runs.
Pulitzer Prize Winner Maggie Halberman, the single reporter that Don Trump has given more interviews to than any other?

vs. Don Trump?

This same Don Trump?

"The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that former President Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office.
The Post only counted one inaccurate claim per topic per venue, such as during a particular speech, tweet or interview."

So, it's Halberman vs Trump?

Life's a gamble as it is. So I try to keep my risks low.
Accordingly, I'll bet my money....Win, Place, and Show.......on Maggie.

But that's just me.

Well, chalk it up if you wish.
Others though, with a tiny bit of due diligence will note that the internet publication, Raw Story, is merely reporting what Pulitzer Prize winner Maggie Halberman stated she was told by Trump staffers within the White House.

My money is on Maggie.
The question is who is Maggie believing? Maggie wasn't an eyewitness.... She's buying some story from former White House staff... Some mysterious undisclosed source apparently.
I mean come on man grow up.
That is how bills get passed, both parties vote on them.

Get me the specific fraud in the bills.

Right because they haven't put a foot in Manchin and Sinema's asses.
Sure they have.... It's just that their asses are foot proof ...
They will both be reelected.
"The question is who is Maggie believing? Maggie wasn't an eyewitness.... She's buying some story from former White House staff... "
Does Maggie believe her sources?
I dunno for sure. We are not confidantes.
But, I suspect she does.
After all, Halberman has been at this a long time.
Deeply involved in some high-stakes reporting.
She knows what's at stake.
And I'm confident she knows how to source her sources.
If she didn't believe her sources, she wouldn't have published.
That's sort of a Captain Obvious conclusion.

At this point, I'm betting that Maggie has the goods.
Her long track record for persuasive.

And the only person denying her claim ain't really a paragon of veracity. No?
Does Maggie believe her sources?
I dunno for sure. We are not confidantes.
But, I suspect she does.
After all, Halberman has been at this a long time.
Deeply involved in some high-stakes reporting.
She knows what's at stake.
And I'm confident she knows how to source her sources.
If she didn't believe her sources, she wouldn't have published.
That's sort of a Captain Obvious conclusion.

At this point, I'm betting that Maggie has the goods.
Her long track record for persuasive.

And the only person denying her claim ain't really a paragon of veracity. No?
A lefty journalist believes everything that suits them substantiated or not.
That is how bills get passed, both parties vote on them.

Get me the specific fraud in the bills.

Right because they haven't put a foot in Manchin and Sinema's asses.
They don't see the light of day if the Speaker can't get votes to pass unless they hold an unstoppable majority.

I didn't say the bill has fraud in has certain provisions, that, say, one party or another could/would exploit to possibly be 'tempted' to commit fraud.

How about universal main in voting?
Unsolicited ballots.
Ballot harvesting.
No ID required.
Same day registration.
Automatic registration.
Counting early ballots before the end of voting.

Manchin and Sinema are doing what they were elected to do. Are they supposed to kowtow to their party or their constituents?

Manchin and Sinema are the only senators taking a public stance on votes, there are others cowering behind their office doors worrying about their voting position and how it is going to affect their reelection chances. Manchin and Sinema are their saviors.

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