Trumps Week In The Toilet Bowl: His Coup Gets A Little Clearer

It's been quite a week for Donald Trump and his henchmen. The House Jan. 6 committee finally subpoenaed his former trade adviser, Peter Navarro, who has been telling anyone who will listen about his plot to overturn the election. It was reported that Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, last seen on "The Masked Singer," called a Michigan prosecutor shortly after the 2020 election and asked him to turn over voting machines in one county to Trump's team. And the National Archives has reportedly sent a referral to the Department of Justice regarding all the White House documents Trump absconded with and shipped to Mar-a-Lago, some of which were reportedly marked as classified or top secret. Oh, and it turns out there were major gaps (of more than 15 minutes) in the White House presidential call records on Jan. 6 and that Trump at least sometimes tried to flush documents down a White House toilet.

I wonder if he used salt on the ones he ate ?

"Trump said he didn't flush documents, I'm inclined to believe him than the proven liars over the last 5 years."
Pulitzer Prize Winner Maggie Halberman, the single reporter that Don Trump has given more interviews to than any other?

vs. Don Trump?

This same Don Trump?

"The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that former President Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office.
The Post only counted one inaccurate claim per topic per venue, such as during a particular speech, tweet or interview."

So, it's Halberman vs Trump?

Life's a gamble as it is. So I try to keep my risks low.
Accordingly, I'll bet my money....Win, Place, and Show.......on Maggie.

But that's just me.

Raw Story? Chalk it up as garbage and move on.
Well, chalk it up if you wish.
Others though, with a tiny bit of due diligence will note that the internet publication, Raw Story, is merely reporting what Pulitzer Prize winner Maggie Halberman stated she was told by Trump staffers within the White House.

My money is on Maggie.
Pulitzer Prize Winner Maggie Halberman, the single reporter that Don Trump has given more interviews to than any other?

vs. Don Trump?

This same Don Trump?

"The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that former President Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office.
The Post only counted one inaccurate claim per topic per venue, such as during a particular speech, tweet or interview."

So, it's Halberman vs Trump?

Life's a gamble as it is. So I try to keep my risks low.
Accordingly, I'll bet my money....Win, Place, and Show.......on Maggie.

But that's just me.

Well, chalk it up if you wish.
Others though, with a tiny bit of due diligence will note that the internet publication, Raw Story, is merely reporting what Pulitzer Prize winner Maggie Halberman stated she was told by Trump staffers within the White House.

My money is on Maggie.
Of course it's on Maggie, with you. If Madcow had said it, you would also put your money on Madcow.
It's the way your side rolls, it's okay.
It's been quite a week for Donald Trump and his henchmen. The House Jan. 6 committee finally subpoenaed his former trade adviser, Peter Navarro, who has been telling anyone who will listen about his plot to overturn the election. It was reported that Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, last seen on "The Masked Singer," called a Michigan prosecutor shortly after the 2020 election and asked him to turn over voting machines in one county to Trump's team. And the National Archives has reportedly sent a referral to the Department of Justice regarding all the White House documents Trump absconded with and shipped to Mar-a-Lago, some of which were reportedly marked as classified or top secret. Oh, and it turns out there were major gaps (of more than 15 minutes) in the White House presidential call records on Jan. 6 and that Trump at least sometimes tried to flush documents down a White House toilet.

I wonder if he used salt on the ones he ate ?
And conservatives want Trump and his corruption in the WH again.
It's been quite a week for Donald Trump and his henchmen. The House Jan. 6 committee finally subpoenaed his former trade adviser, Peter Navarro, who has been telling anyone who will listen about his plot to overturn the election. It was reported that Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, last seen on "The Masked Singer," called a Michigan prosecutor shortly after the 2020 election and asked him to turn over voting machines in one county to Trump's team. And the National Archives has reportedly sent a referral to the Department of Justice regarding all the White House documents Trump absconded with and shipped to Mar-a-Lago, some of which were reportedly marked as classified or top secret. Oh, and it turns out there were major gaps (of more than 15 minutes) in the White House presidential call records on Jan. 6 and that Trump at least sometimes tried to flush documents down a White House toilet.

I wonder if he used salt on the ones he ate ?

Maybe you should worry more about Biden's year in the toilet bowl.

Your TDS is becoming tiresome
Pulitzer Prize Winner Maggie Halberman, the single reporter that Don Trump has given more interviews to than any other?

vs. Don Trump?

This same Don Trump?

"The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that former President Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office.
The Post only counted one inaccurate claim per topic per venue, such as during a particular speech, tweet or interview."

So, it's Halberman vs Trump?

Life's a gamble as it is. So I try to keep my risks low.
Accordingly, I'll bet my money....Win, Place, and Show.......on Maggie.

But that's just me.

Well, chalk it up if you wish.
Others though, with a tiny bit of due diligence will note that the internet publication, Raw Story, is merely reporting what Pulitzer Prize winner Maggie Halberman stated she was told by Trump staffers within the White House.

My money is on Maggie.
Here's your 'story':

From The Week

Earlier this week, Axios revealed that Haberman in her forthcoming book about Trump titled Confidence Man reveals that while he was in office, White House staffers "periodically discovered wads of printed paper clogging a toilet — and believed the president had flushed pieces of paper."
The Hill:

Appearing on CNN's "New Day" on Thursday, Haberman said that she "learned that staff in the White House residence would periodically find the toilet clogged."

Excellent sourcing.
I really am sorry that you and your ilk won't even acknowledge the blatant corruption in the WH right now.
My "ilk"?
But, OK, let's not bother with that right now. It's the internet. No harm no foul.

More importantly, I for one, do not recognize "blatant corruption in the WH" right now.
What is it?
Who is involved?
How do you know?
What is your sourcing?*

ps....if you've got verified reporting from Halberman on this 'corruption'....well, don't hold back. Show us whatcha got.


Excellent sourcing.
I'm not exactly sure, but the above may be sardonic, or tongue-in-cheek.
And that's OK.
This is the internet, after all.

But, out of a tad of restlessness right now (I'm re-habbing this past week and next)......I'll volunteer to offer applause to Halbeman.

As said before, no other journalist has interviewed DTrump more. From her perch at the New York Post, and the Daily News, and Politico, to now her high-profile career (thank you very much, Don).......she's alway brought the goods.

She and the team of journalist she was working with at the New York Times covering the Mueller probe reported a lot of new news, they 'broke' stories.
And, invariably, DTRump and his enablers would hit Fox news, or back then the Tweet-world, or OAN, even Breitbart and Gateway Pundit.....anyway, in a reflexive response the enablers would be out there with pushback.......insistently claiming it was "Fake News". And whining that too many (though, in truth, not that many) of the sources were 'anonymous'.

But, despite the claims from DTrump & the enablers......her stuff proved true. Time and time again. And she got a Pulitzer for it. Which gave the lie to them. Not her.

So, I'm quite OK with anonymous sources when used by responsible journalist reporting for responsible news organizations. Some important, crucial, information simply is not available if a name is attached to it. Think 'Deep Throat'. Think Jeffery Wigands.

Do we really need to imagine what would happen to a daily staffer in the West Wing if his name got attached to a story that threw any shade on DTRump?
Yeah, I agree. That's exactly what would happen to him.

So, to the nub of this toilet-flushing story:
Do I believe that Maggie had a source(s?) inform her that torn up documents were found clogging DTrump's toilet?
Yupper, I do.
Do I believe that they were incriminating documents?
I dunno. (And Halberman doesn't report they were.)

What were they?
I dunno. Yet.
Were they incriminating.
I dunno. Yet.
Will we ever find out.
I dunno.

But, to be totally frank, I sure want the Select Committee on the January 6th do their due diligence on the story.

But that's how I roll.
Here's an aside that I cannot offer a link to.
'Cause I'm not exactly sure which publication I read it in.
These days, from my bed, I am devouring newspapers and news websites by the pound.

But I read this from some publication.

Halberman, of course, is writing a Trump book. After all, there is some amount of money to be made from this right now. Johathan Karl put out a highly acclaimed one. Famed writer Bob Woodward, and the New York Times, and Washington Week journalist, Robert Costa, are finishing up their joint book on the last days of the DTRump presidency. In short, Trump is a hot topic. And currently, his stuff sells.

And, it seems, plenty of former staffers wanna make sure the record is right, some may have an axe to grind, some may simply want their 'truth' to be recorded for posterity. I dunno all the motivations.

But one of the more prominent 'sources' who wishesto speak to these book-writers is......Don Trump. He has sat down for most any who has any prominence whatsoever. Karl, Woodward, Halberman, are not the only ones. He even sat down again with Michael Woolf whose other books really roughed up the image of DTrump and his White House. But he still sat down again with Woolf!

The story I read informs that DTRump's enablers are apoplectic about his willingness to sit down with authors who the enablers don't think will 'softball' him like Sean Hannity does. They specifically were adamant about sitting down with Halberman who has broke some unflattering stories about Trump that have always checked out.

But, DTRump rules at Mar A Lago. If he wants to sit down with a prominent reporter. He will. And the analysis is that he believes he is smarter than them and thus can finesse any questions or lines of inquiry they may throw at him. And he talks too much, says more than he should, about stuff he shouldn't. The smarter reporters let him roll. In sort of a 'here's-more-rope' tactic.

And when the book eventually comes out....Karl's, Michael Woolfs, Woodward's, or Loenning and Ruckers, whoever's.... it has unflattering stuff. And DTRump explodes.

And who gets blamed for it?
Pulitzer Prize Winner Maggie Halberman, the single reporter that Don Trump has given more interviews to than any other?

vs. Don Trump?

This same Don Trump?

"The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that former President Trump made a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims during his time in office.
The Post only counted one inaccurate claim per topic per venue, such as during a particular speech, tweet or interview."

So, it's Halberman vs Trump?

Life's a gamble as it is. So I try to keep my risks low.
Accordingly, I'll bet my money....Win, Place, and Show.......on Maggie.

But that's just me.

Well, chalk it up if you wish.
Others though, with a tiny bit of due diligence will note that the internet publication, Raw Story, is merely reporting what Pulitzer Prize winner Maggie Halberman stated she was told by Trump staffers within the White House.

My money is on Maggie.
This ^^^ is the prime example of fools and their money soon being parted.
My money is on Maggie.
Same Maggie who claimed Trump Russian collusion, received the Pulitzer.....dis proven by the Mueller Report who should relinquish her award?

Demands Committee Revoke 2018 Award to Fake News Washington Post and NY Times — And Remove False Claims from Website​

In July 2020 documents were released by the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the Russia collusion hoax.

The second set of documents exposed the outlandish New York Times story that the Trump team had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials.” The declassified documents reveal The New York Times reporting was transparently dishonest and attempted to fuel the Russiagate narrative in its early stages.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a lie. The Democrats and media knew it was a lie. We now know that the Hillary Clinton Campaign was behind the entire narrative. Democrats used this in their attempted coup of the sitting president. They jailed and bankrupted innocent men in their coup attempt.
Trump said he didn't flush documents, I'm inclined to believe him than the proven liars over the
last 5 years.

How's Brandon doing in his first year?
You're inclined to believe a man who cannot open his mouth without lying? Wow.

He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and you'd still support him!
Uh...this happened. Need to start calling it Flushgate. :auiqs.jpg:Seems kind of quaint given the fact that Donny and his crew made a big deal about Clinton possessing classified docs in private spaces.
Oh well, you know what's coming next??...Lock Him Up!! :)
Clinton used a private server to get around the records act. Got caught off property with classified doc's. Deleted some 30,000 emails, which, most likely, were loaded with all kinds of tasty evidence of her being on the take for the Clinton know, cash for for pay.

Anyway, they didn't go after her, they won't go after Trump.
It's been quite a week for Donald Trump and his henchmen. The House Jan. 6 committee finally subpoenaed his former trade adviser, Peter Navarro, who has been telling anyone who will listen about his plot to overturn the election. It was reported that Trump's former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, last seen on "The Masked Singer," called a Michigan prosecutor shortly after the 2020 election and asked him to turn over voting machines in one county to Trump's team. And the National Archives has reportedly sent a referral to the Department of Justice regarding all the White House documents Trump absconded with and shipped to Mar-a-Lago, some of which were reportedly marked as classified or top secret. Oh, and it turns out there were major gaps (of more than 15 minutes) in the White House presidential call records on Jan. 6 and that Trump at least sometimes tried to flush documents down a White House toilet.

I wonder if he used salt on the ones he ate ?


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