Trumpsters should just be patient.

What cute name did you give your support of Obama?
Half-hearted. You're welcome to start a thread on that, and I'll be happy to contribute.

See, I'm not a blind follower, emotionally glued to someone I've never met, willing to enable their worst impulses out of pure devotion.

You wouldn't understand.

I understand perfectly. YOu can see nuance in yourself but not in others.
Are you too Retarded to understand what I just posted.........My guess is yes.............or you have moved back to Troll mode.......because you guys are getting your asses handed to you.
Did you think your deflection would go unnoticed? Funny thing about you brainwashed pieces of shit is every time you are faced with a subject matter you can't handle you run and hide behind a smokescreen. It's pathetic.
What cute name did you give your support of Obama?
Half-hearted. You're welcome to start a thread on that, and I'll be happy to contribute.

See, I'm not a blind follower, emotionally glued to someone I've never met, willing to enable their worst impulses out of pure devotion.

You wouldn't understand.

I understand perfectly. YOu can see nuance in yourself but not in others.
Super duper! Dittos!
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!

It's obsessive cult-like behavior isn't it? First of all, Trump has no off and on switch when it comes to "The Opening". That will be up to Governors and Mayors.

What will REALLY piss off the Cult of Trump is if he puts experts like Dr Fauci (who they inexplicably hate) in the closet, declares that he beat the virus, then idiot Governors like Abbott and DeSantis declare an end to social distancing, and the virus comes roaring back and we spend another few trillion and end up staying home for ANOTHER few months and then their Personal Cheeto Jesus loses in a landslide.

Donald listens to medical "experts" like Dr "Quack Quack" Oz, Laura Ingraham, Peter Navarro and Rudy Giuliani. Apparently THOSE are the type of people they listen to as well because they're not part of the Deep State and enjoy flipping lefty the bird.

Well, they're conditioned to hate and attack anyone who disagrees with their hero, so there's your answer for that.

As I've said, Trump is just a symptom. It's this blind, emotional devotion to this kind of man, and what it means about us as a society, that is the story.
No.....people respond negatively to lies.
You spend so much time claiming you're not biased....but then every post is biased.
So of course people don't like what you have to say.
You spend so much time claiming you're not biased....
I do?

Show me ONE time I've said that. ONE TIME.

And the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

WHY do you and yours HAVE to be SUCH FREAKING LIARS?
Thank you for proving my point I can only speculate you would have the exact opposite viewpoint when it's a Preisdent you support
Nice projection. Unlike you cultists, I would absolutely have the same response no matter the president’s political affiliation.
You wont hear me complaining,I love having the Wife home!!!!
I sit on the back porch and read,surf the internet,play with the dogs and generally just hang out.
When I want a fresh drink I ring the bell and the Wife will bring me one. Want something to eat? She's on it.
The fact that Trumpsters deny that their fellow Trumpsters are complaining about this stuff is beyond even how far I thought they could go.

I've complained regularly. Has little to do with Trump as he has no power over our local lockdowns. His Dr on the other hand is a limelight hog and I do not like him.
We've got people here (hey there, harmonica!) who are actually denying that anyone is complaining. I don't know how to respond to that level of delusion.

I understand the complaints, though I don't agree with some of them. These are uncharted waters. But some intellectual honesty from both ends would be helpful.
I am plenty pissed but as I said, it's on local municipalities. The job I just finished was cut in half because of the fear mongering. 5k in labor down the tubes. She wasn't sick, I am not sick but the media and local politicians have put the fear of god in our population
I wonder if we'll look back and wish we had federalized this. I'm hearing that the business loan thing is a clusterfuck, and if that's true, it may have been better to divide the funds up by state.

We're learning as we go, I guess.
Well I know most won't believe this but I am not applying for ANY of that shit. I will survive this mess via my own hard work and sacrifices. Fortunately for me after my first divorce I paid off and eliminated ALL of my debt and have no credit cards now. Every winter is a bitch but it is always planned for. This is just gonna dig into savings a little deeper than normal.
I understand there are many who don't have the financial cushion others do and I don't blame them for taking every dime they can.
I will walk my talk....ALWAYS
Ditto here gramps. I don’t begrudge anyone who is out of work taking advantage of the programs but we have planned and saved and have no exposure to the stock market. I would love to see a poll of those on USMB who are and are not taking money and who are just retired.
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
..I've stated in many threads, my work in a medium city has put in checks and policies for the virus
..we've been working with NO lay--offs/etc=we are doing fine

Does "medium city" have a name? :rolleyes:
1. what's the difference!!!!!!!!??????????!!!
2. you don't need that information
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
..I've stated in many threads, my work in a medium city has put in checks and policies for the virus
..we've been working with NO lay--offs/etc=we are doing fine
What city is that?
1. what's the difference?????!!!
2. you don't need that information
When is Mac going to focus the far more troublesome group of people - the Trump haters?
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
..I see you post a lot of evidence for your OP--hahahhahahahah
''a lot of complaining about the lockdowns'' etc.....?????!!!!!!
Mac1958 has a wild imagination. I first starting seeing that when he thought hillary had a chance of beating Trump. lol
What does Hillary have to do with this? Too many Trumpers have Hillary on the brain.
They're just trying desperately to change the subject.
Your OP was spot on. These snowflakes for whatever reason do not seem to want to grapple with your question. Probably because it requires self-reflection. They are afraid what they may see in the mirror apparently.
yes--spot on with NO evidence = babble crap
Jesus you're stupid.





And that's just a few.
I don't think this is about intelligence. I think it's about completely succumbing to a groupthink, a strict ideology, a shared psychosis.
Nope ........It's a reaction to a Moron who thinks he has the right to tell everyone what to do........kinda like that nonsense the other poster put up.

His grand example if you are now BANNED FROM VISITING YOUR NEIGHBOR....LOL

Or Fined for not keeping 6 feet apart with the signing showing a 11 people all right next to each other.

My only question is who is dumber........the ones doing the laws........or the ones voting for them.......

Kinda like we need to give them DARWIN AWARDS for those laws as they violate them when signing...........

Wow, look at that!

More evidence!


Desperation ........awe..............poor hide in the closet til the evil virus goes away.

Don't look as police drag people off a bus for not having a mask....even though you can't even buy one................


If you guys are the future......this country is Fucked.


I LOVE IM2!!!!!!!!!!
There sure is a lot of complaining going on from Trump supporters about the quarantines and lockdowns and all that stuff.

And yet, every day at his Coronavirus press conferences, Trump himself is doing everything he can to support ALL OF IT.

I think we all know that, after all this complaining, Trumpsters are going to give absolute, 100% credit to Trump for "beating" the virus when this is finally over.

So just be patient. Trump is apparently angering you now, but you'll forgive him. Believe me!
..I see you post a lot of evidence for your OP--hahahhahahahah
''a lot of complaining about the lockdowns'' etc.....?????!!!!!!
Mac1958 has a wild imagination. I first starting seeing that when he thought hillary had a chance of beating Trump. lol
What does Hillary have to do with this? Too many Trumpers have Hillary on the brain.
They're just trying desperately to change the subject.
Your OP was spot on. These snowflakes for whatever reason do not seem to want to grapple with your question. Probably because it requires self-reflection. They are afraid what they may see in the mirror apparently.
yes--spot on with NO evidence = babble crap
Jesus you're stupid.





And that's just a few.
I don't think this is about intelligence. I think it's about completely succumbing to a groupthink, a strict ideology, a shared psychosis.
Nope ........It's a reaction to a Moron who thinks he has the right to tell everyone what to do........kinda like that nonsense the other poster put up.

His grand example if you are now BANNED FROM VISITING YOUR NEIGHBOR....LOL

Or Fined for not keeping 6 feet apart with the signing showing a 11 people all right next to each other.

My only question is who is dumber........the ones doing the laws........or the ones voting for them.......

Kinda like we need to give them DARWIN AWARDS for those laws as they violate them when signing...........

Wow, look at that!

More evidence!


Desperation ........awe..............poor hide in the closet til the evil virus goes away.

Don't look as police drag people off a bus for not having a mask....even though you can't even buy one................


If you guys are the future......this country is Fucked.


I LOVE IM2!!!!!!!!!!

He's absolutely correct.
Are you too Retarded to understand what I just posted.........My guess is yes.............or you have moved back to Troll mode.......because you guys are getting your asses handed to you.
Did you think your deflection would go unnoticed? Funny thing about you brainwashed pieces of shit is every time you are faced with a subject matter you can't handle you run and hide behind a smokescreen. It's pathetic.

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