Trust A Liar At Your Own Peril


Sep 23, 2010
First Democrats said:

In a speech on the Senate floor on May 22, Democratic senator Ron Wyden of Oregon ridiculed those who thought climate change regulation would be part of Obamatrade:​

Then the lying sack of shit told the truth for once:

But in an interview on NPR’s Marketplace yesterday (June 3), President Obama said that enforcing climate change regulations will indeed be part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Obamatrade pact that he is currently negotiating with Malaysia and 10 other countries.

June 4, 2015
Obama admits that climate change will be in Obamatrade
By Howard Richman

Blog Obama admits that climate change will be in Obamatrade

I suppose telling the truth one time merits trust. It turns out that the foulest piece of garbage on Taqiyya the Liar’s team is asking Americans to trust the EPA:

EPA Chief: Just Trust Us On Climate Science
Michael Bastasch
3:21 PM 06/03/2015

EPA Chief Just Trust Us On Climate Science The Daily Caller

Yeah, right! Trust that douche bag after the lies surrounding manmade climate change have been debunked time after time. Apparently, the liars are still trying to sell designer-science.
No, it is not the scientists that are lying, it is willfully ignorant fools like you. And we certainly have no reason to trust you.
No, it is not the scientists that are lying, it is willfully ignorant fools like you.

To Old Rocks: You should know by now that I do not post my messages for your kind. I would have a better chance of convincing used car salesmen to stop lying than it is to expect dimwits who believe “truth” from parasitic scientists lusting after tax dollars. Just to be clear. Not every scientist is a tax dollar parasite.

You really are a sick man. You defend designer-science lies by attacking me. You must really believe that a few words from you will change the minds of anyone who knows better; whereas, I would not waste my time trying to convince the suckers that manmade climate change is a fraud. In short: There is a sucker born every minute and two to take him. That’s why there is never a shortage of suckers who believe everything they are told by hustlers.

And we certainly have no reason to trust you.

To Old Rocks: What makes you think I am seeking trust from half-wits like you? Your “WE” is the parasite class. My “WE” is the overwhelming majority of Americans who made up their own minds without my help.

NOTE: It is the EPA that is asking for trust from the public because Gina McCarthy knows damn-well that legitimate scientists TRUST BUT VERIFY. So far, she has failed to verify.

Finally, your idiotic response did serve a purpose. You gave me the opportunity to provide a bit of info for readers who already know that manmade climate change is a money-grubbing scam.

The “facts” put out by the UN’s pseudo-scientists had a half-life of five minutes:

President Barack Obama’s stance, expressed in his 2014 State of the Union address, is that the debate is settled and climate change is a fact. Obama is by no means unique in that view. Former Vice President Al Gore declared that “the science is settled.” This “settled science” vision about climate is held by many, including those in academia.


According to mathematician Samuel Arbesman’s book, “The Half-Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date,” many ideas taken as facts today will be shown to be wrong as early as five years from now. Arbesman argues that a study published in a physics journal will lose half its value in 10 years.

Many academics know that to call any science settled is nonsense. But their leftist political sentiments and lack of academic integrity prevent them from criticizing public officials and the media for misleading a gullible public about global warming.​

The sad truth is that after facts die they are reborn as lies that live forever on tax dollars:

Obama talked about asking “from society’s lottery winners to just make that modest investment.” Congress doesn’t ask people for money. Through intimidation, threats and coercion, it takes people’s earnings. If people don’t comply, the agents of Congress will imprison them.

Most instructive for us is that Obama’s remarks were made at a university. Not a single professor has said anything about his suggestion that people accumulate great wealth by winning life’s lottery. That is just more evidence about the level of corruption among today’s academics.

Intellectual Dishonesty
Walter Williams | Wednesday Jun 3, 2015 12:01 AM

Intellectual Dishonesty Human Events
I know for a fact that you have never shown AGW to be lie. I know the theory is supported by mountains of evidence and is fully accepted by thousands of PhD climate scientists who know this topic orders of magnitude better than do you. I also know that your charge requires thousands of people to have joined in a massive conspiracy to delude the public. I can also see that your hatred of the president exceeds rational bounds. It's pretty much your modus operandi. Big surprise, eh.
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NOAA Weather Station next to a steam vent................

They got slammed so bad on the BS data from some of the land based weather stations that they had to remove 600 of them from their list........................

Look at the HIGH TECH WEATHER STATION..............LOL
And what do you think your GIFs prove?
The same thing on the other Hundred Threads on this board prove..............

That the Global Warming Cult has BEEN LYING IT'S ASS OFF..............

When you say "Global Warming Cult", does that include that thousands of degreed scientists publishing research for the last 30-40 years which supports the theory that the primary cause of the global warming we've been experiencing and will continue to experience is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions? Are those the people you think have been lying? All of them?
And what do you think your GIFs prove?
The same thing on the other Hundred Threads on this board prove..............

That the Global Warming Cult has BEEN LYING IT'S ASS OFF..............

When you say "Global Warming Cult", does that include that thousands of degreed scientists publishing research for the last 30-40 years which supports the theory that the primary cause of the global warming we've been experiencing and will continue to experience is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions?
How are the computer models doing in regards to REALITY??????????????

Just asking..................
Way, way better than anything your side has produced and far better than the LIES being put out by the Denier leadership, such as Spencer and Christy.








No, it is not the scientists that are lying, it is willfully ignorant fools like you.

To Old Rocks: You should know by now that I do not post my messages for your kind. I would have a better chance of convincing used car salesmen to stop lying than it is to expect dimwits who believe “truth” from parasitic scientists lusting after tax dollars. Just to be clear. Not every scientist is a tax dollar parasite.

You really are a sick man. You defend designer-science lies by attacking me. You must really believe that a few words from you will change the minds of anyone who knows better; whereas, I would not waste my time trying to convince the suckers that manmade climate change is a fraud. In short: There is a sucker born every minute and two to take him. That’s why there is never a shortage of suckers who believe everything they are told by hustlers.

And we certainly have no reason to trust you.

To Old Rocks: What makes you think I am seeking trust from half-wits like you? Your “WE” is the parasite class. My “WE” is the overwhelming majority of Americans who made up their own minds without my help.

NOTE: It is the EPA that is asking for trust from the public because Gina McCarthy knows damn-well that legitimate scientists TRUST BUT VERIFY. So far, she has failed to verify.

Finally, your idiotic response did serve a purpose. You gave me the opportunity to provide a bit of info for readers who already know that manmade climate change is a money-grubbing scam.

The “facts” put out by the UN’s pseudo-scientists had a half-life of five minutes:

President Barack Obama’s stance, expressed in his 2014 State of the Union address, is that the debate is settled and climate change is a fact. Obama is by no means unique in that view. Former Vice President Al Gore declared that “the science is settled.” This “settled science” vision about climate is held by many, including those in academia.


According to mathematician Samuel Arbesman’s book, “The Half-Life of Facts: Why Everything We Know Has an Expiration Date,” many ideas taken as facts today will be shown to be wrong as early as five years from now. Arbesman argues that a study published in a physics journal will lose half its value in 10 years.

Many academics know that to call any science settled is nonsense. But their leftist political sentiments and lack of academic integrity prevent them from criticizing public officials and the media for misleading a gullible public about global warming.​

The sad truth is that after facts die they are reborn as lies that live forever on tax dollars:

Obama talked about asking “from society’s lottery winners to just make that modest investment.” Congress doesn’t ask people for money. Through intimidation, threats and coercion, it takes people’s earnings. If people don’t comply, the agents of Congress will imprison them.

Most instructive for us is that Obama’s remarks were made at a university. Not a single professor has said anything about his suggestion that people accumulate great wealth by winning life’s lottery. That is just more evidence about the level of corruption among today’s academics.

Intellectual Dishonesty
Walter Williams | Wednesday Jun 3, 2015 12:01 AM

Intellectual Dishonesty Human Events

Crick and OldRock snort the AGWCult KoolAid straight out of the can
And what do you think your GIFs prove?
The same thing on the other Hundred Threads on this board prove..............

That the Global Warming Cult has BEEN LYING IT'S ASS OFF..............

When you say "Global Warming Cult", does that include that thousands of degreed scientists publishing research for the last 30-40 years which supports the theory that the primary cause of the global warming we've been experiencing and will continue to experience is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions?
How are the computer models doing in regards to REALITY??????????????

Just asking..................

Reality is a Denier!
Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present data from real scientists, not the droolings of obese junkies, fake British Lords, and un-degeed ex-TV weatherman. Tell us one more time about your hollow moon, Frankie Boy. Maybe you can get Flanders to chime in for you.
And what do you think your GIFs prove?
The same thing on the other Hundred Threads on this board prove..............

That the Global Warming Cult has BEEN LYING IT'S ASS OFF..............

When you say "Global Warming Cult", does that include that thousands of degreed scientists publishing research for the last 30-40 years which supports the theory that the primary cause of the global warming we've been experiencing and will continue to experience is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions?
How are the computer models doing in regards to REALITY??????????????

Just asking..................

Reality is a Denier!
You silly asses have been predicting a cooling for the whole time I have been posting on this board. Yet what we have had is nine of the ten warmest years all since 2000. And 2014 was the warmest year on record, and 2015 looks like it is going to shatter that record. Talk about failed predictions

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