Trust A Liar At Your Own Peril

Now what is that unlinked graph supposed to tell us?
Your not much good at History repeating itself data now are you................

But in the millions of years..............way back then...............they had all this industrial stuff killing the planet..............LOL
You silly asses have been predicting a cooling for the whole time I have been posting on this board. Yet what we have had is nine of the ten warmest years all since 2000. And 2014 was the warmest year on record, and 2015 looks like it is going to shatter that record. Talk about failed predictions

I understand the earth is in a warming phase..............has been since the last Ice Age...........

I'm just not buying your BS that it's MAN MADE.................Mother Nature is 99% of it..................and your side blows that 1% to the next universe..................

Sounds familiar to another topic.
You silly asses have been predicting a cooling for the whole time I have been posting on this board. Yet what we have had is nine of the ten warmest years all since 2000. And 2014 was the warmest year on record, and 2015 looks like it is going to shatter that record. Talk about failed predictions

What a fucking liar. But then again, your a Cult member so I'm not surprised
Way, way better than anything your side has produced and far better than the LIES being put out by the Denier leadership, such as Spencer and Christy.

You silly asses have been predicting a cooling for the whole time I have been posting on this board. Yet what we have had is nine of the ten warmest years all since 2000. And 2014 was the warmest year on record, and 2015 looks like it is going to shatter that record. Talk about failed predictions

To Crick & Old Rocks: The fact that so few people believe the global warming garbage, the fact that the EPA is begging for trust, you can prove your case by going swimming in Greenland:

Greenland is seeing healthy levels of ice and record cold temperatures over parts of the polar island.

Northeast Greenland saw its coldest May on record since measurements started back in 1949, and the island as a whole is colder than normal. Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, has also seen its coldest year on record, according to science blogger Steven Goddard.

Here’s Why Global Warming Alarmists Don’t Talk About Greenland
Michael Bastasch
1:24 PM 06/05/2015

Global Warming Alarmists Don t Talk About Greenland The Daily Caller
Way, way better than anything your side has produced and far better than the LIES being put out by the Denier leadership, such as Spencer and Christy.

You silly asses have been predicting a cooling for the whole time I have been posting on this board. Yet what we have had is nine of the ten warmest years all since 2000. And 2014 was the warmest year on record, and 2015 looks like it is going to shatter that record. Talk about failed predictions

To Crick & Old Rocks: The fact that so few people believe the global warming garbage, the fact that the EPA is begging for trust, you can prove your case by going swimming in Greenland:

Greenland is seeing healthy levels of ice and record cold temperatures over parts of the polar island.

Northeast Greenland saw its coldest May on record since measurements started back in 1949, and the island as a whole is colder than normal. Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, has also seen its coldest year on record, according to science blogger Steven Goddard.

Here’s Why Global Warming Alarmists Don’t Talk About Greenland
Michael Bastasch
1:24 PM 06/05/2015

Global Warming Alarmists Don t Talk About Greenland The Daily Caller

WTF are you smoking? We talk about Greenland all the time. Have you gotten to the point where you just have to make shit up? What am I saying? You've been there since the beginning

I understand the earth is in a warming phase..............has been since the last Ice Age...........

I'm just not buying your BS that it's MAN MADE.................Mother Nature is 99% of it..................and your side blows that 1% to the next universe..................

Sounds familiar to another topic.

On what do you base that idea?

From AR5


Your not much good at History repeating itself data now are you................

But in the millions of years..............way back then...............they had all this industrial stuff killing the planet..............LOL

So, you believe that humans cannot cause forest fires. You believe that humans cannot fly. You believe that humans have no medical knowledge. You don't even believe that humans can travel any faster or any further than their legs will carry them.

Where the fuck do you get the idea that new circumstances (humans releasing gigatonnes of GHGs into the atmosphere) cannot produce new effects (AGW)? Let me ask you a question: those temperature spikes in your still unidentified graph - do they go back forever? Isn't there a first one back there somewhere? But how could there be? How could that possibly have happened without a precedent? Do you understand what I'm saying?
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I understand the earth is in a warming phase..............has been since the last Ice Age...........

I'm just not buying your BS that it's MAN MADE.................Mother Nature is 99% of it..................and your side blows that 1% to the next universe..................

Sounds familiar to another topic.

On what do you base that idea?

From AR5

And were is the corresponding DOOM AS is the STANDARD OF CULTIST LIKE YOU......................

Mother Nature adapts............and that chart doesn't calculate the amount of change with it's association.............

And CO2 is necessary to life......................kinda defeats the point doesn't it.................

I understand the earth is in a warming phase..............has been since the last Ice Age...........

I'm just not buying your BS that it's MAN MADE.................Mother Nature is 99% of it..................and your side blows that 1% to the next universe..................

Sounds familiar to another topic.

On what do you base that idea?

From AR5


And were [sic] is the corresponding DOOM AS is the STANDARD OF CULTIST LIKE YOU

That sentence is incomprehensible.

Mother Nature adapts... and that chart doesn't calculate the amount of change with it's association.

"Mother Nature adapts"??? Is that really what you want to put up here as a response? How does she adapt? She gets rid of species that can't adapt.

and that chart doesn't calculate the amount of change with it's association.

That chart presents precisely what it says it presents. If you need more, find other charts - or get some basic science education under your belt and do the calculations yourself. And while you're working on that, you might ask yourself why you believed that to be necessary? I can guarantee you that if, say, 75% of the energy coming in to our climate is due to anthropogenic causes, then those anthroprogenic causes will be responsible for 75% of the temperature increase.

And CO2 is necessary to life.

Oh jesus. You're just the champion of canards here, ain't ya. You will find not one single instance of any of the mainstream science folks around here claiming that CO2 needs to be done away with or that CO2 is a pollutant. Both such memes were manufactured by the fossil fuel industry's disinformation campaign. Give this stuff some THOUGHT before you parrot it out here. And if you find, after actually applying your own intellect to the question, that mainstream science makes a better case than do the aficionados of the fossil fuel industry, have the cojones to admit - at least to yourself - that you picked the wrong horse. Then get on the right one and do yourself and the rest of humanity some good.

kinda defeats the point doesn't it

Kinda depends on what point you think is most important.
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There are other names for that particular variety of KoolAid: evidence, objective reason, scientific expertise.

To Crick: Objective reasoning. No kidding! Try it some time:

Earlier this month, the Obama administration released its latest blast on climate change: A cut-and-paste job from its own reports proclaiming that climate change has serious national security implications. This is embarrassingly shoddy stuff. But it’s shoddy for a reason.

Now, nothing says credibility like a pile of old federal reports. But these reports do seem like scary stuff: rising sea levels, wildfires, refugees, and a lot more.


National security problems aren’t caused by climate, changing or not. They’re caused by what people do. And people don’t do things because it’s getting hotter, or colder. They do things because of what they believe. The problem is never weather: It’s always ideology.


If climate change is a national security threat, then the Obama administration can claim that any rule the Environmental Protection Agency imposes, and any international climate agreement the White House negotiates, is justified in the name of national security.

So the point of this isn’t to protect us. It’s to justify taxing, regulating, and controlling us. It’s about making us poorer and less free. Calling that a contribution to our security is an insult to our intelligence.

National Security Problems Aren’t Caused by Climate
Ted Bromund / June 06, 2015

National Security Problems Aren t Caused by Climate

WTF are you smoking? We talk about Greenland all the time. Have you gotten to the point where you just have to make shit up? What am I saying? You've been there since the beginning

To Crick: Lay off the Kool-Aid before you further addle your brain. The article I cited was written by Michael Bastasch, or are you saying the Danish Meteorological Institute is making up shit?

And CO2 is necessary to life......................

To eagle1462020: I could be wrong about the Kool-Aid. Crick’s brain may not be getting enough oxygen.
God are you stupid. The most common cause of human aggression (ie, war) is competition for resources. Rapid changes in the Earth's climates will lead to shortages of resources: drinking water, food, arable land, viable coastlines. Those changes will lead to aggression and war. Versteht?
HOLY surprise here!!! No wonder nobody could take a look at the secret. They didn't want the public to know they are about to get the shaft up the ass!! When will people realize they've been profoundly fleeced? When they start getting their electric bills!!

What a sham........and the stoopids don't even realize it has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with herding the sheep. Hyper-drive redistribution.

We have a lot of fucking zombies in this country and the AGW crowd is at the head of the class.

HOAX BUSTERS CALL John Adams The Human Being Bean Counter Culture
Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present data from real scientists, not the droolings of obese junkies, fake British Lords, and un-degeed ex-TV weatherman. Tell us one more time about your hollow moon, Frankie Boy. Maybe you can get Flanders to chime in for you.

Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present altered data from real scientists,and point to the Weather Channel for todays AGWCult "Prediction"

The Official Hollow Moon vs. AGW Thread and Poll US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Video Game Affidavit

When I think of the Donkey Kong video game franchise, I think about how imaginative it is to connect nature with adventure.

Hey, it's better than poaching for alligators in the swamp. Nobody wants to lie about Earth egomania.


Donkey Kong

Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present data from real scientists, not the droolings of obese junkies, fake British Lords, and un-degeed ex-TV weatherman. Tell us one more time about your hollow moon, Frankie Boy. Maybe you can get Flanders to chime in for you.

Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present altered data from real scientists,and point to the Weather Channel for todays AGWCult "Prediction"

The theory of AGW was developed and widely accepted before any of the recent adjustments to historical temperature data. Those adjustments have all been explained to the complete satisfaction of the world's climate scientists. Thus, you're falling back on your grand, worldwide conspiracy fantasy.

The Official Hollow Moon vs. AGW Thread and Poll US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's bad enough that you should ever have believed what you have posted here about the moon, Frank, but that you should tack it on as your sig, meaning, I must assume, that you still believe this to be true, is beyond sad.

The moon does not stabilize the Earth's orbit, its rotation or its axis. Your statements are meaningless nonsense. The moon does create the bulk of the Earth's tides and that may well have been instrumental in the development of life here. But the idea that the Earth's axial tilt would have been affected by Jupiter or Venus but for the moon is complete hogwash.

God are you stupid.
Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present data from real scientists, not the droolings of obese junkies, fake British Lords, and un-degeed ex-TV weatherman. Tell us one more time about your hollow moon, Frankie Boy. Maybe you can get Flanders to chime in for you.

Crick, Orogenicman, and Old Rocks present altered data from real scientists,and point to the Weather Channel for todays AGWCult "Prediction"

The theory of AGW was developed and widely accepted before any of the recent adjustments to historical temperature data. Those adjustments have all been explained to the complete satisfaction of the world's climate scientists. Thus, you're falling back on your grand, worldwide conspiracy fantasy.

The Official Hollow Moon vs. AGW Thread and Poll US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It's bad enough that you should ever have believed what you have posted here about the moon, Frank, but that you should tack it on as your sig, meaning, I must assume, that you still believe this to be true, is beyond sad.

The moon does not stabilize the Earth's orbit, its rotation or its axis. Your statements are meaningless nonsense. The moon does create the bulk of the Earth's tides and that may well have been instrumental in the development of life here. But the idea that the Earth's axial tilt would have been affected by Jupiter or Venus but for the moon is complete hogwash.

God are you stupid.

You're wrong, again.

Much like your Fundamentaliat, Jihadist belief in AGW, you couldn't possibly be wronger. The Moon does indeed stabilize the tilt of Earth axis which is critically important, far far more important than an additional gnat farts worth of CO2 in controlling climate.
No, it is not the scientists that are lying, it is willfully ignorant fools like you. And we certainly have no reason to trust you.
fine, then show us your proof on man made climate change. It's that simple dude!!!
I know for a fact that you have never shown AGW to be lie. I know the theory is supported by mountains of evidence and is fully accepted by thousands of PhD climate scientists who know this topic orders of magnitude better than do you. I also know that your charge requires thousands of people to have joined in a massive conspiracy to delude the public. I can also see that your hatred of the president exceeds rational bounds. It's pretty much your modus operandi. Big surprise, eh.
but that mountain's worth of evidence can't ever be documented here. You're still losing the battle dude. post something you claim. come now big socks, let's see your evidence.

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