Trust A Liar At Your Own Peril

And what do you think your GIFs prove?
The same thing on the other Hundred Threads on this board prove..............

That the Global Warming Cult has BEEN LYING IT'S ASS OFF..............

When you say "Global Warming Cult", does that include that thousands of degreed scientists publishing research for the last 30-40 years which supports the theory that the primary cause of the global warming we've been experiencing and will continue to experience is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions?
How are the computer models doing in regards to REALITY??????????????

Just asking..................
he'll have to alter reality and get back to you!
And what do you think your GIFs prove?
The same thing on the other Hundred Threads on this board prove..............

That the Global Warming Cult has BEEN LYING IT'S ASS OFF..............

When you say "Global Warming Cult", does that include that thousands of degreed scientists publishing research for the last 30-40 years which supports the theory that the primary cause of the global warming we've been experiencing and will continue to experience is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions?

How are the computer models doing in regards to REALITY??????????????

Just asking..................

I have already shown you a large collection of model vs observation plots that show you they are doing far better than Spencer and Christy would like you to believe. However, you seem to be trying to dodge my last question: when you say that you believe "the Global Warming Cult has been lying it's ass off" are you referring to the world's climate scientists or to some other collection of individuals?
I know for a fact that you have never shown AGW to be lie. I know the theory is supported by mountains of evidence and is fully accepted by thousands of PhD climate scientists who know this topic orders of magnitude better than do you. I also know that your charge requires thousands of people to have joined in a massive conspiracy to delude the public. I can also see that your hatred of the president exceeds rational bounds. It's pretty much your modus operandi. Big surprise, eh.
but that mountain's worth of evidence can't ever be documented here. You're still losing the battle dude. post something you claim. come now big socks, let's see your evidence.

For the umpteenth time:

And if you're going to say that's all crap, don't bother. Just go fuck yourself. 'Kay?
I know for a fact that you have never shown AGW to be lie. I know the theory is supported by mountains of evidence and is fully accepted by thousands of PhD climate scientists who know this topic orders of magnitude better than do you. I also know that your charge requires thousands of people to have joined in a massive conspiracy to delude the public. I can also see that your hatred of the president exceeds rational bounds. It's pretty much your modus operandi. Big surprise, eh.
but that mountain's worth of evidence can't ever be documented here. You're still losing the battle dude. post something you claim. come now big socks, let's see your evidence.

For the umpteenth time:

And if you're going to say that's all crap, don't bother. Just go fuck yourself. 'Kay?
Dude I t's crap how many times would you like us to put it in print it's crap
You haven't got the intellect or knowledge to give a valid opinion of the first paragraph of the several thousand pages of that document. You insult the work of thousands of scientists whose shoes you're not qualified to lick. You're an ignorant ass and a fool and a living paragon of the Dunning-Kreuger effect.

God are you stupid.
You haven't got the intellect or knowledge to give a valid opinion of the first paragraph of the several thousand pages of that document. You insult the work of thousands of scientists whose shoes you're not qualified to lick. You're an ignorant ass and a fool and a living paragon of the Dunning-Kreuger effect.

God are you stupid.
Your Effen right I do Bubba because they all lie every freaking one of them how many times would you like me to put that in print as well who do you think you are I really want to know who do you think you are i'm still waiting for your evidence when are you going to show me your evidence give me something
When are you going to realize you aren't worth the effort? Any effort actually.

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