Zone1 truth about Elohim

John Smith didn't know about Byblos or Baalbek or Sumer or the Akkadians... All much older than Adam and Eve.
They aren't older. That's the fault of archeology which isn't a science. And, if you want to continue this conversation, the Prophet is Joseph Smith.
They aren't older. That's the fault of archeology which isn't a science. And, if you want to continue this conversation, the Prophet is Joseph Smith.

They are older. If Joseph Smith was a prophet he would have known about the 2nd century BC Abomination of Desolation when the Greek Hellenistic king of the Seleucids had pagan sacrifices in the Jewish temple. He didn't know... So much for your Mormon prophets and apostles.
I have never heard such nonsense.

El / Elloh - God, hence Allah

Elohim - plural - gods.

You are extremely dumb.
In fact, there is no "single god" in the old scriptures, because these are rewritten Babylonian-Akkadian myths, Legacy. Almost all Sumero-Akkadian myths are repeated there, only changed.
They are older. If Joseph Smith was a prophet he would have known about the 2nd century BC Abomination of Desolation when the Greek Hellenistic king of the Seleucids had pagan sacrifices in the Jewish temple. He didn't know... So much for your Mormon prophets and apostles.
What does any of this have to do with who came first? Adam and Eve came before 2nd Century BC. We knew that in 2nd Century BC that the heavens were closed. Malachi was the last prophet before the coming of Christ.
Monotheism is the desire of imperialist politicians to establish a totalitarian theocratic regime. This process did not always go smoothly, so "one god" is a late idea that does not even correspond to the content of the rewritten myths.
Intuitively, the destruction of Babylon should symbolize the closing of the gates of heaven.

"New era" sounds like "new Erra" - the new god of epidemic and chaos, or his reincarnation.
What does any of this have to do with who came first? Adam and Eve came before 2nd Century BC. We knew that in 2nd Century BC that the heavens were closed. Malachi was the last prophet before the coming of Christ.


Daniel is not considered a prophet but an historian by educated Christians. Well, some think he's a prophet until they realize it was written in 164 BC when the Jews rededicated the temple.

Why did Joseph Smith teach the heavens were closed? Obviously they weren't since Jesus told the thief he would be in paradise with Jesus.
The Tower of Babel really symbolizes the stairway to heaven. This is a completely transparent image/symbol. And I doubt that the heavenly gods could be overthrown, rather they are simply closed. Such allusions are somewhere among the Gnostics. The architect Jaldabaoth hid this world from the light, Sophia-Wisdom was guilty of stealing a particle of light from Heaven, which he chained into matter when he created people. This repeats the old Sumero-Akkadian myths about the creation of humans from clay, a myth that also influenced the Genesis myth of creation.

Daniel is not considered a prophet but an historian by educated Christians. Well, some think he's a prophet until they realize it was written in 164 BC when the Jews rededicated the temple.

Why did Joseph Smith teach the heavens were closed? Obviously they weren't since Jesus told the thief he would be in paradise with Jesus.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house.

So Jesus lied?
Everyone but you heretics knows Daniel was a Prophet.
Elohim translates--Supreme one or mighty one
Elijah translates-El is Yhwh
Israel translates-prince of EL
Angels and judges were called Elohim= proof it is not a name but a title
Psalm 109:26= Help me YHWH my Elohim

Those claiming it to be a name are wrong.
"Angels and judges were called Elohim= proof it is not a name but a title"

So were all of God's children called Elohim

Psalms 82:6
6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

see Biblehub's Interlinear Bible for this verse
So Jesus lied?
Everyone but you heretics knows Daniel was a Prophet.
There was no "Jesus". Roman Christianity is a lie, there was no Christianity, some old cults like Mithraism are being passed off as it. The first crucifixes appeared only in the Middle Ages, and even then, it was not yet the Germanic Christianity of the Franks. Before the crucifixion, the symbol was the Holy Grail. The name Jesus apparently comes from the name of Zeus. There are no authentic manuscripts of Scripture, they only appeared around the 10th century, and this may have been related to the Pornocracy.
There is absolutely no real evidence of the existence of any "Christ" in the first centuries of our era. And in Islam, this character most likely appeared even earlier than in Europe
And even in early Christian icons, the Eucharist was depicted as the dismemberment of a baby, and not as "gifts of Christ", there is no symbolism of the crucifixion


Daniel is not considered a prophet but an historian by educated Christians. Well, some think he's a prophet until they realize it was written in 164 BC when the Jews rededicated the temple.

Why did Joseph Smith teach the heavens were closed? Obviously they weren't since Jesus told the thief he would be in paradise with Jesus.
I could careless what you or anyone else thinks about whether Daniel is a prophet. He obviously was by definition.
I could careless what you or anyone else thinks about whether Daniel is a prophet. He obviously was by definition.

He's writing about what is happening in the 2nd century BC in 164 BC. That's not prophecy.. that's contemporaneous.

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