Truth Social Accused of Stiffing Internet Hosting Firm Out of $1.6 Million

What? Are you defending Trump for not paying a bill that he owes? Sorry, but that dog won't hunt. If you contract a business to do a job for you, or you buy something from a company that turns out to be crap, you STILL have to pay them. The only thing you can do is pay them (they are owed the money), and then if the service was dissatisfactory, or the product didn't live up to the advertisement, you can ask for a refund (the vendor can refuse btw), or you can sue to get your money back, but you STILL have to pay for services rendered. And it's not Truth Social that is owed money, it is RightForge that is owed the money.
Nobody is owed $1.6 million for a few months of web hosting even if they custom-designed the
site bought and set up the servers. Truth Social was never really even as good as here. No regular internet access and 1 Apple app only?
So let's tally up what was done:
Servers built..Ok.
Domain ..ok.
Web design..piss poor. No real internet connectivity for anyone.
App Design: 1 App for Apple devices only and I bet it was buggy as anything ever.

All that does not add up to $1.6 million dollars. $50K or less.
Truth Social is up and running, thus they need to pay for the web servers it is on.

not having made any money yet is no excuse not to pay your bills.
It's not an excuse, but it's a risk that companies take when they extend credit to a start-up business. If the business succeeds, you have a long-term customer that will buy more and more from you. If not, you stand to take a loss. If you are large enough to take the loss and still be profitable from other customers, great. If you are so small that one customer breaks you, you are basically a start-up yourself, and will likely "screw" your own creditors. Those creditors took that risk, and so it goes.

Trying to read some moral lesson from businesses interacting with each other is like making a moral judgement against a pitcher for pitching a change-up.* It's part of the game.

I can tell truthsocial what their problems are, a blind man could see it in a minute:

1) Truthsocial is touted as a less censorious alternative to Facebook, or even a non-censored alternative. But facebook isn't as censorship happy as claimed. Most of my Facebook friends who are friends in real-life also don't feel the need to talk politics on Facebook. A few of my "friends" who friended me because I was a friend of their friend talk about little else and are not censored much. One of them complains about Facebook jail and the fact checkers. I'm sure that process is horribly unfair, because that's how liberals play the game. But it's still a game as stated above.

2) Unless you convince all of your Facebook friends to go with you to truthsocial, it is just another place to read about politics. You can customize it by deciding whose feed or whatever you want, but you can do the same by selecting which news sites and Youtube channels to view. Since at this point it is nearly all conservative, you don't get the debate/arguments that you do on this kind of board.

*I apologize for the sports analogy. I like them, but I always forget that they mean nothing to wokesters. Let's see . . . it would be like accusing a trannie of deception for having her makeup professionally done. Like "Of course she's a woman if she says she is. But she isn't that pretty of a woman, that's a lie!" No, it's part of the game.
It's not an excuse, but it's a risk that companies take when they extend credit to a start-up business. If the business succeeds, you have a long-term customer that will buy more and more from you. If not, you stand to take a loss. If you are large enough to take the loss and still be profitable from other customers, great. If you are so small that one customer breaks you, you are basically a start-up yourself, and will likely "screw" your own creditors. Those creditors took that risk, and so it goes.

Trying to read some moral lesson from businesses interacting with each other is like making a moral judgement against a pitcher for pitching a change-up.* It's part of the game.

I can tell truthsocial what their problems are, a blind man could see it in a minute:

1) Truthsocial is touted as a less censorious alternative to Facebook, or even a non-censored alternative. But facebook isn't as censorship happy as claimed. Most of my Facebook friends who are friends in real-life also don't feel the need to talk politics on Facebook. A few of my "friends" who friended me because I was a friend of their friend talk about little else and are not censored much. One of them complains about Facebook jail and the fact checkers. I'm sure that process is horribly unfair, because that's how liberals play the game. But it's still a game as stated above.

2) Unless you convince all of your Facebook friends to go with you to truthsocial, it is just another place to read about politics. You can customize it by deciding whose feed or whatever you want, but you can do the same by selecting which news sites and Youtube channels to view. Since at this point it is nearly all conservative, you don't get the debate/arguments that you do on this kind of board.

*I apologize for the sports analogy. I like them, but I always forget that they mean nothing to wokesters. Let's see . . . it would be like accusing a trannie of deception for having her makeup professionally done. Like "Of course she's a woman if she says she is. But she isn't that pretty of a woman, that's a lie!" No, it's part of the game.

No PC or Android access implemented means it's a non-starter.

Donald Trump’s Truth Social is in a battle with RightForge over $1.6 million the conservative internet-hosting vendor says it’s owed, according to a Fox Business report Thursday.

Three sources told Fox Business that Truth Social stopped making payments in March, just a month after launching in February. According to these sources, RightForge is threatening legal action over the money owed for setting up Truth Social’s infrastructure.

When will people learn that he never pays his bills?
This is actually a big deal. If an internet company is stiffing its internet provider, then I doubt it has long to live.

Notice DWAC's stock price is in the shitter.
No PC or Android access implemented means it's a non-starter.
I am able to get on with my PC.

BTW, spoke to soon. I checked to make sure I was talking about the right site and one of those friends who complained about FB jail is on. She posted this meme:


Funny, but sad because it's true.
Of course the ad revenue model is HARDER for a "right wing" public forum. They are all too busy trying to SCREW each other. That's what happens when crooks go into business togeather.

You confuse defensive business with theft and greed. That's why leftists can't govern and we get the 2nd term of Jimmy Carter with a stand-in puppet. I've been immersed in understanding the differences between left and right ever since I realized I was politically homeless and on my own.

I've identified 3 basic differences that amount to "primal instinct" that SEPARATE lefties from righties. ONE of those is "risk".

The left HATES risk in any form. They want to make it extinct in life. That;s not possible. They dont understand it. Dont know how to minimize it and dont want to learn. They dont understand how it's a factor in EVERY daily personal decision and especially how risk manifests itself in business.

That's why Joakavitch can't play in the US Tennis Open on one side of a LARGE court with no close contact to ANYONE -- but almost a million Southern border "got a ways" this year can WALTZ right past Customs and Immigration into the US VIOLATING the vaccination rules. This also applied the to continuing REFUSALS to follow the recommendations of expert panels at the FDA on CHILD vaccinations. -- Or in the larger sense STRUCTURED more DRACONIAN general guidelines for Covid control by ignoring the ENORMOUS KNOWN difference in mortality risk between age groups and other confounding conditions of the population.

So -- IN BUSINESS -- where contracts are designed to get detailed tasks, benchmarks, and performance goals DEFINED AND SPECIFIED to minimize the RISK to BOTH parties and make sure BOTH sides have the same PERFORMANCE expectations -- YOU go and call them CROOKS without even KNOWING what the contract contained.

Same problem Brandon now has NULLIFYING THE TERMS of Federal student loans without the POWER to assess the risks or his LEGAL ABILITY to nullify them. And HE is treated by the ULTRA LEFT as a hero. While a lot of others in his party who UNDERSTAND risk and business are SCREAMING their lungs out at trying to ELIMINATE RISKS that were entered into by JOINT agreement under CLEAR TERMS that CONGRESS laid out. And that ACT made the Fed govt the MONOPOLY on writing student loans -- "to lower risk" to borrowers.

PREDICTABLY -- the financial risk to EVERYONE ELSE paying for this generous election bribe and the stability of the Fed gov finances can be damned.

So - to answer your question about all the SCREWING going on -- A lot of it is BECAUSE the ultra left cannot evaluate and minimize risks without SCREWING MORE people than they help.
Nobody is owed $1.6 million for a few months of web hosting even if they custom-designed the
site bought and set up the servers. Truth Social was never really even as good as here. No regular internet access and 1 Apple app only?
So let's tally up what was done:
Servers built..Ok.
Domain ..ok.
Web design..piss poor. No real internet connectivity for anyone.
App Design: 1 App for Apple devices only and I bet it was buggy as anything ever.

All that does not add up to $1.6 million dollars. $50K or less.

Sorry, but Truth Social contracted the company to do their stuff, and they need to pay them for services rendered. I know it makes me a bit miffed when I buy something on Amazon, but see it a week later for a cheaper price. Does that mean that Amazon owes me a refund for the lower prices? Does that mean I can stop paying them because of it? Sorry, but that isn't how business works. I thought you conservatives were all about business and fair play. I guess not.
No, they really got him now!

TBH, I bet "Truth Social" crashes and burns because it poorly implemented and only available

for Apple users. As to the poorly implemented, somebody took Trump's money. $1.6 million for

3 months of web hosting? Were they supposed to be implementing the network, too?

3 months of web hosting used to be $60. The servers should have been privately owned, too.

IMO, somebody took advantage of Trump's ignorance of how things work on the internet.

I still have friends that run their own servers and have their own domains.

Really? Someone took advantage of Trump's ignorance? I thought you conservatives were telling us how great of a businessman he was. Guess he isn't, eh?
You confuse defensive business with theft and greed. That's why leftists can't govern and we get the 2nd term of Jimmy Carter with a stand-in puppet. I've been immersed in understanding the differences between left and right ever since I realized I was politically homeless and on my own.

I've identified 3 basic differences that amount to "primal instinct" that SEPARATE lefties from righties. ONE of those is "risk".

The left HATES risk in any form. They want to make it extinct in life. That;s not possible. They dont understand it. Dont know how to minimize it and dont want to learn. They dont understand how it's a factor in EVERY daily personal decision and especially how risk manifests itself in business.

That's why Joakavitch can't play in the US Tennis Open on one side of a LARGE court with no close contact to ANYONE -- but almost a million Southern border "got a ways" this year can WALTZ right past Customs and Immigration into the US VIOLATING the vaccination rules. This also applied the to continuing REFUSALS to follow the recommendations of expert panels at the FDA on CHILD vaccinations. -- Or in the larger sense STRUCTURED more DRACONIAN general guidelines for Covid control by ignoring the ENORMOUS KNOWN difference in mortality risk between age groups and other confounding conditions of the population.

So -- IN BUSINESS -- where contracts are designed to get detailed tasks, benchmarks, and performance goals DEFINED AND SPECIFIED to minimize the RISK to BOTH parties and make sure BOTH sides have the same PERFORMANCE expectations -- YOU go and call them CROOKS without even KNOWING what the contract contained.

Same problem Brandon now has NULLIFYING THE TERMS of Federal student loans without the POWER to assess the risks or his LEGAL ABILITY to nullify them. And HE is treated by the ULTRA LEFT as a hero. While a lot of others in his party who UNDERSTAND risk and business are SCREAMING their lungs out at trying to ELIMINATE RISKS that were entered into by JOINT agreement under CLEAR TERMS that CONGRESS laid out. And that ACT made the Fed govt the MONOPOLY on writing student loans -- "to lower risk" to borrowers.

PREDICTABLY -- the financial risk to EVERYONE ELSE paying for this generous election bribe and the stability of the Fed gov finances can be damned.

So - to answer your question about all the SCREWING going on -- A lot of it is BECAUSE the ultra left cannot evaluate and minimize risks without SCREWING MORE people than they help.
Your blanket statements are to be expected from a 12year old, but rediculous for a grown man. Not sure what you were trying to get at with your absurd comparison of tennis and our southern border, but I'm sure it made sense to you somehow.
Nobody is owed $1.6 million for a few months of web hosting even if they custom-designed the
site bought and set up the servers. Truth Social was never really even as good as here. No regular internet access and 1 Apple app only?
So let's tally up what was done:
Servers built..Ok.
Domain ..ok.
Web design..piss poor. No real internet connectivity for anyone.
App Design: 1 App for Apple devices only and I bet it was buggy as anything ever.

All that does not add up to $1.6 million dollars. $50K or less.
You can buy phpfox for $1600 and have a hell of a starting point.

Twitter and anything like it is not complex

Donald Trump’s Truth Social is in a battle with RightForge over $1.6 million the conservative internet-hosting vendor says it’s owed, according to a Fox Business report Thursday.

Three sources told Fox Business that Truth Social stopped making payments in March, just a month after launching in February. According to these sources, RightForge is threatening legal action over the money owed for setting up Truth Social’s infrastructure.

When will people learn that he never pays his bills?
It would be nice if someone was concerned about inflation and open borders. Are those things out of league?
Really, I have seen you say 0 about inflation or the open border. Not to mention the rampant crime that goes unpunished in the Democratic shitholes.
You're trying to cloud the thread with discussions of public policy. This is about two private companies.
You're trying to cloud the thread with discussions of public policy. This is about two private companies.
It is only in the news because it is more negative press for Trump. They ( government) should be running the country not into the ground and a responsible media would be telling them that
Nobody is owed $1.6 million for a few months of web hosting even if they custom-designed the
site bought and set up the servers. Truth Social was never really even as good as here. No regular internet access and 1 Apple app only?
So let's tally up what was done:
Servers built..Ok.
Domain ..ok.
Web design..piss poor. No real internet connectivity for anyone.
App Design: 1 App for Apple devices only and I bet it was buggy as anything ever.

All that does not add up to $1.6 million dollars. $50K or less.

It depends on the contracts signed. Those contracts are the deciding factor of what anyone owes. Agreed?
It is only in the news because it is more negative press for Trump. They ( government) should be running the country not into the ground and a responsible media would be telling them that
Of course it is. Trump publicized the site, and made sure everybody understood it would be his site, and would strongly support him in any actions he might take, no matter what. After all the publicity he provided, and making sure it was included in discussion of the events of the day, did you expect everyone to just pretend the site is no longer of interest when it turned to shit?

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