Truth Social Accused of Stiffing Internet Hosting Firm Out of $1.6 Million

Trump is not president because 81 million people voted to fire his crooked ass.
That didn't happen. No "Weekend at Bernies" motherfucker with zero enthusiasm got the most votes ever in America from an objective standpoint. Believing that actually happened when they had weeks to fake votes after the real count was in is derp.
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You are free to doubt that, but just because you don't believe it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Anyone with a grasp of reality can see that it isn't plausible. Why didn't it happen on election night? Or the next? Or the next?
Because that period of time was used to cheat votes after the real votes were in, that's why.
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Anyone with a grasp of reality can see that it isn't plausible. Why didn't it happen on election night? Or the next? Or the next?
Because that period of time was used to cheat votes after the real votes were in, that's why.
I understand that is what you believe. Lots of crazies agree with you.
No, no domain or anything of what I've seen is worth $1.6 million dollars, no.

I might agree. But again. If the contracts signed say so. And this is several months we are talking about. Then that is what is owed. The hosting company has to be able to prove what is owed.

Donald Trump’s Truth Social is in a battle with RightForge over $1.6 million the conservative internet-hosting vendor says it’s owed, according to a Fox Business report Thursday.

Three sources told Fox Business that Truth Social stopped making payments in March, just a month after launching in February. According to these sources, RightForge is threatening legal action over the money owed for setting up Truth Social’s infrastructure.

When will people learn that he never pays his bills?

But he's such a great 'bidness' man, lol
That didn't happen. No "Weekend at Bernies" motherfucker with zero enthusiasm got the most votes ever in America from an objective standpoint.

Then how do you explain states, including those in which Republicans had the power to certify elections, ended up certifying those elections? Why did the Courts reject all those bogus lawsuits - all 60+ of them?

Believing that actually happened when they had weeks to fake votes after the real count was in is derp.

No it didn't because every single institution that could have agreed with you didn't. You need to get out of your information bubble and start thinking a little more critically. MAGA lost - deal with it.
They didn’t ban him until after January 6th 2021. Three months after the election. How the actual fuck did banning him three months after the election cost him the election?

Because Trump would have demanded a real investigation and people would have backed him. And the media would have to report it. They wanted none of that because they were scrambling to cover their asses.
Because Trump would have demanded a real investigation and people would have backed him. And the media would have to report it. They wanted none of that because they were scrambling to cover their asses.
Can you point out any remarks he made that wasn't reported by the media?
Plenty. The media censored any talk of fraud and you know they did. The fraud and the guilt are obvious.
No. Every network reported trump claimed fraud in damn near every aspect of the problems he is facing. Which particular fraud claim by trump do you think wasn't reported?
No. Every network reported trump claimed fraud in damn near every aspect of the problems he is facing. Which particular fraud claim by trump do you think wasn't reported?
What he had to say about it was not covered and, again, you know it.

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