Truth Social Accused of Stiffing Internet Hosting Firm Out of $1.6 Million

Ok. What specifically did he say that wasn't reported, and when did he say it? This is your chance to prove your point.
He talked about all the state hearings and how fraud was proven to the legislatures that made symbolic electors for Trump. None of what those legislatures heard was covered by the media. They said it was false without saying what it was.

A cover up is still going on, but it has not convinced anyone that fraud did not happen. More people believe there was fraud now than ever. That number will continue to grow.
He talked about all the state hearings and how fraud was proven to the legislatures that made symbolic electors for Trump. None of what those legislatures heard was covered by the media. They said it was false without saying what it was.

A cover up is still going on, but it has not convinced anyone that fraud did not happen. More people believe there was fraud now than ever. That number will continue to grow.
I'm trying to help you make your case, but you gotta at least try a little. What specifically are you talking about? Point to specific things he said on specific dates that were not covered by the press.
Because Trump would have demanded a real investigation and people would have backed him. And the media would have to report it. They wanted none of that because they were scrambling to cover their asses.

Where are you getting this shit from? Sounds like, from your imagination.
He talked about all the state hearings and how fraud was proven to the legislatures that made symbolic electors for Trump.

Has he been diagnosed for schizophrenia yet?

None of what those legislatures heard was covered by the media.

Because it was a waste of their time.

They said it was false without saying what it was.

Pretty much any and everything that came from Trump and his defenders was false. Basically, any time they opened their mouths to speak or typed on their keyboard to post, it was assumed to be false - because it was.

A cover up is still going on, but it has not convinced anyone that fraud did not happen.

Look, you guys were given opportunities to make your case to 60+ judges across the country, all of whom said it was a waste of the court's time.

Still not satisfied? There was an audit of election results in Arizona conducted by a pro-Trump IT company called Cyber Ninjas. Even they confirmed Trump lost. All Trump does is lose, lose, lose. In elections. In court. Everywhere. He is a loser. And the sooner his defenders wake up and actually begin thinking about issues again, we'll all be better for it.

More people believe there was fraud now than ever. That number will continue to grow.

Wrong. More people believe he should be prosecuted by the Department of Justice than ever.

More than half of U.S. voters say former President Trump should face criminal charges for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill on Monday.

That was before Mar-a-Lago was raided for holding classified documents, so it is very likely that even more want him behind bars now.

Trump for President?

Nah, Trump for Prison.
Because Trump would have demanded a real investigation and people would have backed him. And the media would have to report it. They wanted none of that because they were scrambling to cover their asses.

Oh for Fucks Sake. You have got to be kidding me. You really want to argue that after the vote had been confirmed. And according to the Constitution the next President was to be Biden. That if only Trump had Twitter and Facebook that through some imaginary Unconstitutional way. Trump would still be President?

How exactly would that work? Other than your vague. It just would.
Has he been diagnosed for schizophrenia yet?

Because it was a waste of their time.

Pretty much any and everything that came from Trump and his defenders was false. Basically, any time they opened their mouths to speak or typed on their keyboard to post, it was assumed to be false - because it was.

Look, you guys were given opportunities to make your case to 60+ judges across the country, all of whom said it was a waste of the court's time.

Still not satisfied? There was an audit of election results in Arizona conducted by a pro-Trump IT company called Cyber Ninjas. Even they confirmed Trump lost. All Trump does is lose, lose, lose. In elections. In court. Everywhere. He is a loser. And the sooner his defenders wake up and actually begin thinking about issues again, we'll all be better for it.

Wrong. More people believe he should be prosecuted by the Department of Justice than ever.

That was before Mar-a-Lago was raided for holding classified documents, so it is very likely that even more want him behind bars now.

Trump for President?

Nah, Trump for Prison.
Dominion was at the AZ. audit and at the GA. audit. The resistance of election officials to release any information and the ballots was uncalled for unless there was fraud. The election had 0 integrity. 30 laws were broken in AZ. and the new governor will prove the fraud.
Oh for Fucks Sake. You have got to be kidding me. You really want to argue that after the vote had been confirmed. And according to the Constitution the next President was to be Biden. That if only Trump had Twitter and Facebook that through some imaginary Unconstitutional way. Trump would still be President?

How exactly would that work? Other than your vague. It just would.
Confirmed after all the evidence of fraud in the swing states? Those elections had no business being certified. They ignored state laws and did it anyway. That is what happens with organized fraud.
Dominion was at the AZ. audit and at the GA. audit. The resistance of election officials to release any information and the ballots was uncalled for unless there was fraud. The election had 0 integrity. 30 laws were broken in AZ. and the new governor will prove the fraud.

I would suggest that you take up writing fiction, but you need a different plot - because this one's been copy/pasted ad nauseam. Seriously, get original dude.
Then how do you explain states, including those in which Republicans had the power to certify elections, ended up certifying those elections? Why did the Courts reject all those bogus lawsuits - all 60+ of them?

No it didn't because every single institution that could have agreed with you didn't. You need to get out of your information bubble and start thinking a little more critically. MAGA lost - deal with it.
Because on the face they looked legitimate. In those states, no signature verifications or ID were provided. Dozens of people living at the same nonexistent single family home address and things like that.
Because on the face they looked legitimate. In those states, no signature verifications or ID were provided. Dozens of people living at the same nonexistent single family home address and things like that.

No, just shut up.
That's where you're wrong.

Nope, not wrong. You fuckers are so weak, so low-T that you have made people like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban your little blow-up fuck dolls. You people are so insecure, so in search of masculinity and power that you would willingly trade in your right to vote to have a tough guy icon that aligns with your imagination.
Nope, not wrong. You fuckers are so weak, so low-T that you have made people like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban your little blow-up fuck dolls. You people are so insecure, so in search of masculinity and power that you would willingly trade in your right to vote to have a tough guy icon that aligns with your imagination.
Okay, that was insane. No further comment.

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