Truth Social kicked out of Google Play store

Yet you're the only one using Nazi slogans Adolph.

Well a hearty Seig Heal to you too Herr Himmler

Fucking Nazi twat.

Why is that? Force of habit?

You're not going to do shit to anyone, boy.

So weak, but then you're SO fucking stupid.

Seig Heil.
Well a hearty Seig Heal to you too Herr Himmler

Fucking Nazi twat.

So weak, but then you're SO fucking stupid.

View attachment 689582
There you are again with more Nazi clip art.

I guess when you lead the lifestyle you just creeps out in the strangest places.

It is rather hilarious that you keep calling everyone else a Nazi but you're the only one using the terminology and now the artwork.

You're not very bright, are you?
No. The software does not work like this. The only reason you were banned is because somebody banned you, regardless of their motivation for doing so.

Because I broke their rules. This isn't rocket science. This site advertises their rules and guidelines which state that violations can result in bannings.
Alternatively, don't build something that relies on someone else to host it.
I can access the Weather Channel either through its app or directly via the internet.
I guess TrumpCo was too dumb to even figure out basics.
Because I broke their rules. This isn't rocket science. This site advertises their rules and guidelines which state that violations can result in bannings.
I see the rules broken here all the time with no consequences.
There you are again with more Nazi clip art.

The logo of the democrat party?

Yep, you are Nazis.
I guess when you lead the lifestyle you just creeps out in the strangest places.

And what "lifestyle" is that, Nazi?

It is rather hilarious that you keep calling everyone else a Nazi but you're the only one using the terminology and now the artwork.

You're not very bright, are you?

You are a Nazi - that's just a fact.

You know it, I know it, everyone here knows it.

You are part of Nazi democrat party.

YOU have chosen to be a democrat, a Nazi. I merely expose you for what you are.
Alternatively, don't build something that relies on someone else to host it.
I can access the Weather Channel either through its app or directly via the internet.
I guess TrumpCo was too dumb to even figure out basics.

What did Trump build that depended on others to host it?

Google Play is used for distribution of the interface application, only. Google hosts neither the site nor the actual application.

Truth Social owns their own Server Farm and switching equipment. They are mostly immune to the anti-competitive acts of the illegal trust dubbed "The Monopoly."

However, both Apple and Google have a stranglehold on distribution of software through their monopoly portals.

Apple has always been anti-competitive and crushed competition through questionable means, they are EvilCorp after all.
I see the rules broken here all the time with no consequences.

Do you report the infractions?

I never do - deliberately. But since I don't report, I don't sweat that people get away with shit.

Standard Disclaimer: There was someone calling a member a child molester the other day, and I did report that, but that's about the only line I'll observe in reporting.
Do you report the infractions?

I never do - deliberately. But since I don't report, I don't sweat that people get away with shit.

Standard Disclaimer: There was someone calling a member a child molester the other day, and I did report that, but that's about the only line I'll observe in reporting.
I have contacted a moderator snd asked why the blatant insults are tolerated. I was told that they really don’t care.
What did Trump build that depended on others to host it?

Google Play is used for distribution of the interface application, only. Google hosts neither the site nor the actual application.

Truth Social owns their own Server Farm and switching equipment. They are mostly immune to the anti-competitive acts of the illegal trust dubbed "The Monopoly."

However, both Apple and Google have a stranglehold on distribution of software through their monopoly portals.

Apple has always been anti-competitive and crushed competition through questionable means, they are EvilCorp after all.
They set themselves up being subject to Google for distribution without having a way to access it directly from the internet. Both FB and Twitter have that.
I see the rules broken here all the time with no consequences.

That's because not every violation is caught by moderators. And even the ones which are, don't necessarily result in banishment. Different violations are worth different point values. Exceed a certain point level and the system bans you for a period of time.

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