Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Go get the quote where I said we are NOT a Republic?

you are lying again.
TM, Why do you hate our Republic?

Though you might like this

ID laws keep people from voting.

The gov is upping that effect by removing the DMVs in the democratic parts of the state.

He is trying to double down on the negative effects of this law on voter turnout.

Republicans always do better in elections with low turn out.

It is in the republican partys best interests to keep legal American voters from voting.

Funny, we can register to vote at city hall and at the library. For a couple months before elections there are often 'special sites' like fire departments where one can register. The only reason for the DMV brouhaha would be motor voter, which of course you are pushing. That is what leads to fraud, not ID requirements.
So you claim only voters cheat and partys dont.

The court documents dont agree with you
ZB I came right to the thread and you have yet to make your claim
So you claim only voters cheat and partys dont.

The court documents dont agree with you

So now it's only the GOP that commits voter fraud, ignoring what the NYT wrote in the link you provided? How much do you get paid? While prolific and always on TP, you fail to convince any to your side and alienate so many on your side. I just don't get where the return on investment is.
Where did I say a de mhas never cheated?

Your team just does it way more with better sucess
Where did I say a de mhas never cheated?

Your team just does it way more with better sucess

Hey stupid - no driver's license, like the majority of Americans have ?

If so, you're an idiot.

Going to wait until election-eve to swing by the DMV for some of their "efficient" service??

If that's the case - you're dumber than an idiot.
OMG, she asks me to post the facts I said she ignored, I kindly post the link FOR THE FOURTH FUCKING TIME and she still ignores it.

And she wonders why people call her a lying piece of hack? :lol:
You're not being entirely honest either Truthiepoo. You like playing semantic games and trickery by using democracy as a blanket statement, then when it is pointed out, you weasel out of it by qualifying 'type of democracy'. Then going back to using the misleading term 'Democracy'. I will give you credit, in your weaseling you do reference Democratic Republic in one thread.

But you, who insist on 'clarity' and 'truth' from everyone, just return to hypocritical slop when it suits you, and claim that others are 'misusing the term' when it is actually you deliberately doing just this by not qualifying your statements accordingly like the rest. You even went so far as to provide MANY different examples of Democracy, illustrating the fact that you neither desire to hold yourself to the same absolutist standard while accusing others of being liars for being much more precise than you.

Is the US a Socialist Democracy? Anarchist Democracy? Tribal Democracy? Sortition? Direct Democracy? Hmmm? Which is it? You don't specify but scream people are liars and arguing with dictionaries, when you are deliberately at fault.

So scream liar all you want and point the finger. You've three on your own hand pointing back at you showing truth.

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