Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

WHY did they scrap the idea?

what reason did they give?

You expect anyone to answer your questions when you continually ignore any that are asked of you?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these closings were in Democrat districts?

More lies from truthdoesn'tmatter.

WHY did they scrap the idea?

what reason did they give?

Where do you get that they scrapped the idea? Where exactly is your proof of this lie?

Because from everything I've seen (hint: other people actually post links that prove their points) this has not been scrapped.

So, one more thing to add to the list of things you need to prove.

But I guess spreading lies is something you like doing.

Read more: DMV to add hours, offices to address increased demand for photo IDs

I wonder if our friend TM knows the difference between a preliminary proposal and a finished bill?

And this is why you release a proposal. To get feedback from the community to see if anything is wrong with the proposal, and make needed changes.

They didn't "dump" the idea, they worked to make it better.

After it was pointed out to them that closing offices would keep people from being able to vote.

The proposal they first proffered would have and people pointed it out so they changed the plan huh?

No, it was after it was pointed out that the proposal would leave some areas without motor vehicle services.

And, come to think of it, you never did get around to explaining how the closure of these offices would keep the Democratic voters from getting ID's, while the Republican voters in the same towns would have no such problems. How about filling us in on that?

TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.
After it was pointed out to them that closing offices would keep people from being able to vote.

The proposal they first proffered would have and people pointed it out so they changed the plan huh?

No, it was after it was pointed out that the proposal would leave some areas without motor vehicle services.

And, come to think of it, you never did get around to explaining how the closure of these offices would keep the Democratic voters from getting ID's, while the Republican voters in the same towns would have no such problems. How about filling us in on that?

TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.

I predict that it will be a month before she bumps this thread again and claims victory.

Just to clarify:

1. TM says the dmvs closing was politically motivated and her 'proof' is that Republicans suck.
2. She ignores facts presented that show politics (re: evil Republican plan to keep Dems from voting) was not the reason for the dmvs closing.
3. TM ignores said facts and leaves the thread.
4. In another thread it is pointed out that TM runs away from threads when presented with facts that prove her wrong. TM shouts 'Lair! Show me where I've ever run away from a thread. ha ha, prove it'.
5. This thread is then given as said proof.
6. TM completely and totally ignores the fact that she did (originally) ignore the info presented in the Business Week link.
7. TM refuses to offer an apology for calling me a liar.


TM demands proof of anything anyone says but when given said proof, she just ignores it. Also, when she is held to the same standard of proof she deflects/changes the conversation/runs away.

TM is nothing but a partisan hack liar.

End. of. Discussion.
No, it was after it was pointed out that the proposal would leave some areas without motor vehicle services.

And, come to think of it, you never did get around to explaining how the closure of these offices would keep the Democratic voters from getting ID's, while the Republican voters in the same towns would have no such problems. How about filling us in on that?

TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.

I predict that it will be a month before she bumps this thread again and claims victory.

TM gets her marching orders from her little doggie.
And I proved there is pleanty of evidence to show that the republican party has used these types of tactics in the past to keep voters from voting.

Then the capper is they did NOT impliment the plan after it was publicized WHAT they were doing.

If it was not scrapped because of the beliefs of people it was politically motivated WHY did they scrap the idea?
"Pleanty"? Sheesh, what a maroon...
TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.

I predict that it will be a month before she bumps this thread again and claims victory.

TM gets her marching orders from her little doggie.

TDM gets her marching orders from Talking Points Memo, The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground.

After it was pointed out to them that closing offices would keep people from being able to vote.

The proposal they first proffered would have and people pointed it out so they changed the plan huh?

No, it was after it was pointed out that the proposal would leave some areas without motor vehicle services.

And, come to think of it, you never did get around to explaining how the closure of these offices would keep the Democratic voters from getting ID's, while the Republican voters in the same towns would have no such problems. How about filling us in on that?

TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.

"That's... that's enough music for now lads,
*** there's dirty work afoot*** ???."

Brave Truthmatters ran away.
(Truthmatters: "No!")
Bravely ran away, away.
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
When danger reared it's ugly head,
She bravely turned her tail and fled.
(Truthmatters: "no!")
Yes, brave Truthmatters turned about
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
And gallantly she chickened out.

****Bravely**** taking to her feet,
(Truthmatters: "I never did!")
She beat a very brave retreat.
(Truthmatters: "all lies!")
Bravest of the braaaave, Truthmatters!
(Truthmatters: "I never!")
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

I'm sure the local democratic party can have people availible to make sure thier consituent voters have the proper ID.

Also, why does her SS payments support them both? What does the son do?
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

If the only reason she's getting an ID is to vote (having gone some years without one), why not get the ID in the name shown on her birth certificate? Use that ID to vote and she's good to go. She changed her name at some point after her birth. Did she not think that would involve having to revise government issued documents?
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

3 falsified ID's an expired one, and her birth cert from another country.

And her son cried that "they" were living on her SS.

She needs to have correct ID like every single last person in America.
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

OMG no one has ever said voter ID would be =the fix all to the problem, but it sure as hell better system than what we have at the present, allowing voters such as mickey mouse and dead people to vote.

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