Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

WHY did they scrap the idea?

what reason did they give?

You expect anyone to answer your questions when you continually ignore any that are asked of you?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these closings were in Democrat districts?

More lies from truthdoesn'tmatter.


Still waiting for Truthdoesn'tmatter to prove her claims.

I guess she can't.

It's funny how, TM and the left expect this criminal to be given the chance to vote and not be arrested.

none of her ID's match her BC and she did not provide proof of a name change.

She should thank the people there for not having her arrested for having improper documents.
looky looky.

This is cold hard proof you people dont care about voters rights.

You want certain people kept off the roles so YOUR team can win elections.

Did the founders force people to produce ID that took several documents to have to be shown to obtain?
She has a passport in her name for gods sake people and they refused her the voting ID

her vote is stripped if they refuse to give her one
A birth certificate would be a start. In fact, that's the only one needed. Had she just provided her birth certificate, she would have gotten the ID no problem.

She did provide a BC. It just didn't have the Angicized form of her name. How can that be reconciled, except that she had all those other forms of identification proving it had been sufficient in the past?

The article says she used everything but her birth certificate.

No it doesn't. It said, "But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID." Sounds to me like she attempted to use it, but it was rejected, despite all her other documentation.
She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.
Look at them and there glee that an old woman will be stripped of her right to vote because of the laws the republicans have pushed all acrossed this country.
looky looky.

This is cold hard proof you people dont care about voters rights.

You want certain people kept off the roles so YOUR team can win elections.

Did the founders force people to produce ID that took several documents to have to be shown to obtain?

No, some of them required you own property before you could vote. Universal sufferage was not guarnateed at the federal level until the passage of several amendments, and most states did not grant at least full white male sufferage until the mid 1800's.

History. Read it.
looky looky.

This is cold hard proof you people dont care about voters rights.

You want certain people kept off the roles so YOUR team can win elections.

Did the founders force people to produce ID that took several documents to have to be shown to obtain?

No they did not.

However, thanks to liberals need to over regulate everything, we now have to deal with bringing 3 ID's and 2 proofs of address just to get a DL.

And again, we are not keeping her from voting, you lying twit, and we have no idea her party of choice, another lie.
She did provide a BC. It just didn't have the Angicized form of her name. How can that be reconciled, except that she had all those other forms of identification proving it had been sufficient in the past?

The article says she used everything but her birth certificate.

No it doesn't. It said, "But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID." Sounds to me like she attempted to use it, but it was rejected, despite all her other documentation.

No it doesn't. It said, "But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID." Sounds to me like she attempted to use it, but it was rejected, despite all her other documentation, That did not match the birth certificate.

Lets keep this in mind, that way you don't look like you are lying like TM.
No, it was after it was pointed out that the proposal would leave some areas without motor vehicle services.

And, come to think of it, you never did get around to explaining how the closure of these offices would keep the Democratic voters from getting ID's, while the Republican voters in the same towns would have no such problems. How about filling us in on that?

TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.

"That's... that's enough music for now lads,
*** there's dirty work afoot*** ???."

Brave Truthmatters ran away.
(Truthmatters: "No!")
Bravely ran away, away.
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
When danger reared it's ugly head,
She bravely turned her tail and fled.
(Truthmatters: "no!")
Yes, brave Truthmatters turned about
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
And gallantly she chickened out.

****Bravely**** taking to her feet,
(Truthmatters: "I never did!")
She beat a very brave retreat.
(Truthmatters: "all lies!")
Bravest of the braaaave, Truthmatters!
(Truthmatters: "I never!")
And they ate Sir Truthipoo's Minstrels... and there was much rejoicing.

Look at them and there glee that an old woman will be stripped of her right to vote because of the laws the republicans have pushed all acrossed this country.


ID's for everything come from the dems.

The reps are just working with what you give them.

don't like it? Demand cuts in these vast regulations.

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