Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Interesting that TM considers voter fraud 'statistically insignificant', so voter registration laws that prevent it are not needed...

yet a single instance of a voter who might not vote because they don't have the proper ID (nothing in the story says the woman was actually prevented from voting) is apparently statistically significant.

There are lies... damned lies... statistics... and the statistical nonsense that TM utters.
She has a passport in her name for gods sake people and they refused her the voting ID

Set aside the fact that the passport expired. She never had a passport in her name. If she did, it would match the name on her BC. If she legally changed her name, she should get a revised BC. If she lied about her name to get the passport, that's illegal. Either way, if she had just presented her current BC, she could have gotten her ID and been able to vote.

This is a really lousy example of your assessment, that Republicans are trying to prevent voting. Besides, how do you know she would vote Democrat?
TM has had over 2 hours to explain why Dems would have problems while Reps don't, but hasn't answered yet.

Surely the DNC would have issued her an answer by now.

"That's... that's enough music for now lads,
*** there's dirty work afoot*** ???."

Brave Truthmatters ran away.
(Truthmatters: "No!")
Bravely ran away, away.
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
When danger reared it's ugly head,
She bravely turned her tail and fled.
(Truthmatters: "no!")
Yes, brave Truthmatters turned about
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
And gallantly she chickened out.

****Bravely**** taking to her feet,
(Truthmatters: "I never did!")
She beat a very brave retreat.
(Truthmatters: "all lies!")
Bravest of the braaaave, Truthmatters!
(Truthmatters: "I never!")
And they ate Sir Truthipoo's Minstrels... and there was much rejoicing.


I think TM just went to change her armor.
So is this the gist of the thread?

Republicans are suppressing old white people's votes now?

Is that who is touted as the Tea Party participants?

Talk about lacking game. The Democrats should easily win next November.
She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

You want voter registration to be based on someone having ID with their first name on it? :lol:
My reaction: Wahhh. Too fucking bad. Not a good enough reason to allow dead people and multiple Democrat voters unrestricted access to the polling booths.

Dem cities needs purple fingers
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

We live on her SS payment, he said...

She's 83 year old. How old is her son?
looky looky.

This is cold hard proof you people dont care about voters rights.

You want certain people kept off the roles so YOUR team can win elections.

Did the founders force people to produce ID that took several documents to have to be shown to obtain?

Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand.

It's a citizens responsibility to keep their legal documents current.

her vote is stripped if they refuse to give her one

She's almost as much of an idiot as you.

All she had to do was not show the birth certificate.

The SS card, passport and marriage cert. would probably been enough.
You need a PHOTO ID to cash a check , get on a plane. There is NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR Not having VALID PHOTO ID.. GET IT THROUGH THICK SKULL ALREADY// If she can get to the VOTING thing with all of these ITEMS then why not the DMV !! Go more then once!
Last edited:
"That's... that's enough music for now lads,
*** there's dirty work afoot*** ???."

Brave Truthmatters ran away.
(Truthmatters: "No!")
Bravely ran away, away.
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
When danger reared it's ugly head,
She bravely turned her tail and fled.
(Truthmatters: "no!")
Yes, brave Truthmatters turned about
(Truthmatters: "I didn't!")
And gallantly she chickened out.

****Bravely**** taking to her feet,
(Truthmatters: "I never did!")
She beat a very brave retreat.
(Truthmatters: "all lies!")
Bravest of the braaaave, Truthmatters!
(Truthmatters: "I never!")
And they ate Sir Truthipoo's Minstrels... and there was much rejoicing.


I think TM just went to change her armor.
Get stains off the chicken seal?
So after hearing this old womans story you care more about IDs than the sacred riught to vote in this country?

Man you people just really dont care about democracy do you?
Let me start by making it clear I don't buy into TM's usual mantra of 'the Republicans did it!'. I also don't believe, based on this article, that the woman is being stripped of her right to vote.

That said, obtaining a license or ID can be more difficult than some people seem to think. First, it is not true that all anyone ever needs to get an ID is a birth certificate. Depending on where you live, and if you are getting an ID for the first time in a new state, it can require much more documentation than that.

Second, getting a state ID rather than a driver's license is not free, or at least not everywhere. I find it hard to believe any state gives away their ID's for free, but I don't know for certain about anywhere but the couple of states I've lived in. I'm not saying the cost is outrageous or unfair, just that it isn't free. I don't know how many states may give away free ID's specifically for voting.

Third, I would like to see some proof that the regulations regarding ID's come from Democrats and not Republicans. I was under the impression that at least some of these things are part of the post 9-11, Patriot Act mindset. That would seem likely to include members of both the parties.

Last, nothing I saw in the article indicates that the woman changed her own name. Isn't it just as possible her parents may have done so before she was an adult? That doesn't mean she wouldn't still need to show proof of the name change; I'm just questioning the assumption that the woman must have done it herself.
There is an english spelling of her name and a polish one.

Its a very common thing.
this thread shows the real intent of republicans in this ID law.

They dont care about fraud ( even Bushs five year study only found a tiny fraction) they dont care about voting rights, they only care about doing the republican partys bidding.,
WHY did they scrap the idea?

what reason did they give?

You expect anyone to answer your questions when you continually ignore any that are asked of you?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these closings were in Democrat districts?

More lies from truthdoesn'tmatter.


Still waiting for Truthdoesn'tmatter to prove her claims.

I guess she can't.


Still waiting.

this thread shows the real intent of republicans in this ID law.

They dont care about fraud ( even Bushs five year study only found a tiny fraction) they dont care about voting rights, they only care about doing the republican partys bidding.,


Don't the majority of people who already drive have a driver's license, numbskull?

You think there's a "run" on the DMV to get a license prior-to elections?

I only go to the DMV when I absolutly have to - I mean it better be a freaking emergency. The majority of transactions these days are done on the Internet.

And what a bunch of incompetent morons running the place.

The governor's doing the right thing - cutting waste.

Hey dumbass, in order to get a state issues id card....(not just a license) you go to the dmv. If you dont have a license, you would have to get an id card in order to vote now and here is the way they will try to stop them from voting....make it hard as humanly possible to get id's. Its simple really.

Aren't you the dumb ass who didnt believe there are 6,000 military suicides. Asshole.

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