Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

Do you ever deal in the Truth, or are you incapable of commenting with out attempting to twist and spin the facts to suit your beliefs?
That's a stretch.

No more a stretch than TM claiming the right want's to take away voting rights.

If I had to put them on a scale, it would be close but saying she's a criminal that should be jailed is the more extreme sounding one, to me. They're both fucking retarded.

Well it seems TM has left her thread and you are not getting it.

My post was a joke. A play on the way TM stretches the truth to the piont what she says has little to no meaning.

In this thread, she thought she was prving reps are stopping people from voting, she didn't, failed and lied, but she kept going, so I thought I would turn the tables.
No more a stretch than TM claiming the right want's to take away voting rights.

If I had to put them on a scale, it would be close but saying she's a criminal that should be jailed is the more extreme sounding one, to me. They're both fucking retarded.

Well it seems TM has left her thread and you are not getting it.

My post was a joke. A play on the way TM stretches the truth to the piont what she says has little to no meaning.

In this thread, she thought she was prving reps are stopping people from voting, she didn't, failed and lied, but she kept going, so I thought I would turn the tables.

TM is has always been a Drive By Poster. She lies, then runs before she has to argue the facts to much.

Always has, Always will.
No more a stretch than TM claiming the right want's to take away voting rights.

If I had to put them on a scale, it would be close but saying she's a criminal that should be jailed is the more extreme sounding one, to me. They're both fucking retarded.

Well it seems TM has left her thread and you are not getting it.

My post was a joke. A play on the way TM stretches the truth to the piont what she says has little to no meaning.

In this thread, she thought she was prving reps are stopping people from voting, she didn't, failed and lied, but she kept going, so I thought I would turn the tables.

I didn't miss it, at all. I was just sayin
No its because he is the one who wanted to close DMVs to keep Americans from voting.

Prove your claim that this was Gov Walker's intent.

Still waiting....

keep waiting.

Another thread already showed that the end result of closing a small number of temporary DMV offices, while at the same time increasing staffing and hours at others, actually INCREASED access to DMV services. TM is not mentally capable of understanding that.
Suppressing the Vote -- In These Times

Genevieve Winslow, an 83-year-old widow in frail health living with her son Jeffrey in Milwaukee, Wis., spent 90 minutes at a DMV office in July and came away exasperated. “She came with her Social Security card in the name of Genevieve, her Medicare card in the name of Genevieve, a certified copy of her marriage certificate from 1948 in the name of Genevieve … and perhaps most important, an expired passport issued in 1987 in the name of Genevieve,” recounts her son. But because her birth certificate featured the Polish version of her name, she walked away without a new ID.

“The easiest thing for mom would be to get a new passport, which would be quite expensive [$135]. But we live on her Social Security payment,” Jeffrey Winslow says. “It’s not a happy situation, but she’s determined for them not to take away her vote.”

Her son is also a dolt, as are the folks at TM's 'site':

Wisconsin Election Information - Election Protection

Identification Required for Registration

Yes. Proof of residence is required of (a) first time voters registering by mail, (b) individuals who register in person after the registration cut-off date, and (c) individuals who register to vote on Election Day. Proof of residence is not required if the individual registers in person before the registration cutoff date. Acceptable forms of identification include:

* a current and valid Wisconsin driver's license;
* a current and valid Wisconsin I.D. card;
* an official I.D. card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit;
* an employer-issued photo I.D. card, issued in the normal course of business, but not a business card;
* a university, college or technical college fee card or I.D. card with photo, full name, and current address;
* a utility bill for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before election day;
* a bank statement;
* a real estate (i.e., property) tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the
* date of the election;
* for anyone other than a first time voter, a current residential lease which is effective for a
* period that includes election day; or
* a pay check or a government check or other document issued by a unit of government.

The proof of residence provided must contain the applicant's full name, complete residential address, and state the municipality to which the applicant belongs. Mail addressed to the applicant cannot be considered proof of residence. If an applicant cannot provide proof of residence, an applicant's residency information can be corroborated by another elector residing in the same municipality. The corroborator must sign the applicant's registration form and provide acceptable proof of his own residence.

Furthermore, federal law requires that an applicant supply a driver's license number or the last 4 digits of his social security number in order to register to vote. Such information may be provided on the Application for Voter Registration Form (Form EB-131). Any form lacking this information cannot be processed until such information is provided

The last 4 numbers of SS# would be on her SSI check. :rolleyes:
If I had to put them on a scale, it would be close but saying she's a criminal that should be jailed is the more extreme sounding one, to me. They're both fucking retarded.

Well it seems TM has left her thread and you are not getting it.

My post was a joke. A play on the way TM stretches the truth to the piont what she says has little to no meaning.

In this thread, she thought she was prving reps are stopping people from voting, she didn't, failed and lied, but she kept going, so I thought I would turn the tables.

I didn't miss it, at all. I was just sayin

I believe you.



Well it seems TM has left her thread and you are not getting it.

My post was a joke. A play on the way TM stretches the truth to the piont what she says has little to no meaning.

In this thread, she thought she was prving reps are stopping people from voting, she didn't, failed and lied, but she kept going, so I thought I would turn the tables.

I didn't miss it, at all. I was just sayin

I believe you.




WHY did they scrap the idea?

what reason did they give?

You expect anyone to answer your questions when you continually ignore any that are asked of you?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these closings were in Democrat districts?

More lies from truthdoesn'tmatter.


And we're still waiting for Truthdoesn'tmatter to back up her claims with some proof.

I'm guessing it isn't coming though.

And we're still waiting for Truthdoesn'tmatter to back up her claims with some proof.

I'm guessing it isn't coming though.


You, my friend, forgot about the inherent truth of liberalism? Why bother proving what is inherently true? She's way too busy to waste her time like that.

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