Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

You can't cash a check, drive a car, board an airplane, buy alcohol, enter a bar, buy cigarettes or use a credit card without being subject to showing your ID. But the liberals say you should be able to elect the people who make the rules we all are forced by government guns to live by without it. Showing an ID to vote is a no-brainer, and liberals once again show they have no brains....
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You expect anyone to answer your questions when you continually ignore any that are asked of you?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Why can't you prove that these closings were in Democrat districts?

More lies from truthdoesn'tmatter.


Still waiting for Truthdoesn'tmatter to prove her claims.

I guess she can't.


Still waiting.


And I'm still waiting. Truthdoesn'tmatter, why can't you prove your claims in this thread?

Why have you abandoned this thread? Can't face the truth?

Browse around the board, Rick.

She probably has another thread on the topic.

She does that when she gets her ass handed to her in one thread, she'll start another one.

Still waiting for Truthdoesn'tmatter to prove her claims.

I guess she can't.


Still waiting.


And I'm still waiting. Truthdoesn'tmatter, why can't you prove your claims in this thread?

Why have you abandoned this thread? Can't face the truth?


Browse around the board, Rick.

She probably has another thread on the topic.

She does that when she gets her ass handed to her in one thread, she'll start another one.


However, don't expect any answers there either.

So now you guys are going to pretend they did not have the plan to close DMVs?

Why did they scrap the idea?

It was all over the news and it was real.

Go get ONE lie of mine.

You wont find one
So now you guys are going to pretend they did not have the plan to close DMVs?

Why did they scrap the idea?

It was all over the news and it was real.

Go get ONE lie of mine.

You wont find one

And I also asked for proof that the plan was scrapped. I've seen links saying it is being revamped. Nothing stating it is being scrapped. So, where's the proof of this?

You post nothing but lies and then when asked for proof you run and hide in different threads.

Teamster Nation: Walker cuts DMV in Dem districts now that voter ID is passed

the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

A slander piece from a rag, nothing to see here......

In other words, you don't have a real response.

We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it.

A Republican, his mother and Voter ID | Texas Politics | a blog
Many proponents of HB 218 talk about how easy it is to get photo ID. In doing so they show how out of touch they are with many Americans such as my mother. If any of them ever cared for an invalid family member, besides talking a good game, they would know invalids don’t have recent ID cards and may not even pay bills. When voting in America is only allowed to healthy and wealthy people than the America I know is far sicker than my mother. HB 218 is a direct descendent of poll taxes, and of allowing only white male property owners to vote. In its effect it is racist, barbaric, antidemocratic and contrary to everything that made America great. My mother has sacrificed her life raising my severely handicapped sister and I and making this a better country. She and all mothers like her deserve the right to vote.

If you read the link you will know it is a Republican saying this!

Typical TP members are showing their real anti-democracy bias. They claim they are "against voter fraud" yet use their official powers to deny legitimate voters from the polls.
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So now you guys are going to pretend they did not have the plan to close DMVs?

Why did they scrap the idea?

It was all over the news and it was real.

Go get ONE lie of mine.

You wont find one

You have not shown one bit of proof that these closures were in Democrat districts, even though you keep saying that they were. Where's the proof?

You have not shown one bit of proof that these closures were politically motivated, even though you keep saying that they were. Where's the proof?

You have not shown one bit of proof that the plan was scrapped, even though you keep saying that it was. Where's the proof? In fact your own link says that the decision isn't final. That doesn't sound like it was scrapped to me.

You are nothing but a liar and a partisan hack.

Teamster Nation: Walker cuts DMV in Dem districts now that voter ID is passed

the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

A slander piece from a rag, nothing to see here......

In other words, you don't have a real response.

We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it.

A Republican, his mother and Voter ID | Texas Politics | a blog
Many proponents of HB 218 talk about how easy it is to get photo ID. In doing so they show how out of touch they are with many Americans such as my mother. If any of them ever cared for an invalid family member, besides talking a good game, they would know invalids don’t have recent ID cards and may not even pay bills. When voting in America is only allowed to healthy and wealthy people than the America I know is far sicker than my mother. HB 218 is a direct descendent of poll taxes, and of allowing only white male property owners to vote. In its effect it is racist, barbaric, antidemocratic and contrary to everything that made America great. My mother has sacrificed her life raising my severely handicapped sister and I and making this a better country. She and all mothers like her deserve the right to vote.

If you read the link you will know it is a Republican saying this!

Typical TP members are showing their real anti-democracy bias. They claim they are "against voter fraud" yet use their official powers to deny legitimate voters from the polls.

If voter ID laws favor one party, that would be because democrats cheat at every opportunity.
Teamster Nation: Walker cuts DMV in Dem districts now that voter ID is passed

the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

A slander piece from a rag, nothing to see here......

In other words, you don't have a real response.

We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it.

A Republican, his mother and Voter ID | Texas Politics | a blog
Many proponents of HB 218 talk about how easy it is to get photo ID. In doing so they show how out of touch they are with many Americans such as my mother. If any of them ever cared for an invalid family member, besides talking a good game, they would know invalids don’t have recent ID cards and may not even pay bills. When voting in America is only allowed to healthy and wealthy people than the America I know is far sicker than my mother. HB 218 is a direct descendent of poll taxes, and of allowing only white male property owners to vote. In its effect it is racist, barbaric, antidemocratic and contrary to everything that made America great. My mother has sacrificed her life raising my severely handicapped sister and I and making this a better country. She and all mothers like her deserve the right to vote.

If you read the link you will know it is a Republican saying this!

Typical TP members are showing their real anti-democracy bias. They claim they are "against voter fraud" yet use their official powers to deny legitimate voters from the polls.

Oh goody, another blog linker.
A slander piece from a rag, nothing to see here......

In other words, you don't have a real response.

We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it.

A Republican, his mother and Voter ID | Texas Politics | a blog
Many proponents of HB 218 talk about how easy it is to get photo ID. In doing so they show how out of touch they are with many Americans such as my mother. If any of them ever cared for an invalid family member, besides talking a good game, they would know invalids don’t have recent ID cards and may not even pay bills. When voting in America is only allowed to healthy and wealthy people than the America I know is far sicker than my mother. HB 218 is a direct descendent of poll taxes, and of allowing only white male property owners to vote. In its effect it is racist, barbaric, antidemocratic and contrary to everything that made America great. My mother has sacrificed her life raising my severely handicapped sister and I and making this a better country. She and all mothers like her deserve the right to vote.

If you read the link you will know it is a Republican saying this!

Typical TP members are showing their real anti-democracy bias. They claim they are "against voter fraud" yet use their official powers to deny legitimate voters from the polls.

Oh goody, another blog linker.

Oh goody, a lazy bastage.

The linked site references the original source, Royal Masset's own words. If you can find an article where he supported Voter ID laws, go ahead.

You guys all "call bullshit" on the source but I don't see any kind of factual response. Put up or shut up.
So now you guys are going to pretend they did not have the plan to close DMVs?

Again, YOU LIE.

Why did they scrap the idea?

It was all over the news and it was real.

Go get ONE lie of mine.

You wont find one

Another lie of yours:

I bumped it becasue a poster linked to it in a claim that I ignored a question to me in it.

Then the dishonest poster refused to point out the question they claimed I ingored.

It was pointed out more times than I can count and you still refuse to acknowledge it. You're a fucking partisan lying hack and refuse to apology for calling me a liar.

Fuck off.
In other words, you don't have a real response.

We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it.

A Republican, his mother and Voter ID | Texas Politics | a blog
Many proponents of HB 218 talk about how easy it is to get photo ID. In doing so they show how out of touch they are with many Americans such as my mother. If any of them ever cared for an invalid family member, besides talking a good game, they would know invalids don’t have recent ID cards and may not even pay bills. When voting in America is only allowed to healthy and wealthy people than the America I know is far sicker than my mother. HB 218 is a direct descendent of poll taxes, and of allowing only white male property owners to vote. In its effect it is racist, barbaric, antidemocratic and contrary to everything that made America great. My mother has sacrificed her life raising my severely handicapped sister and I and making this a better country. She and all mothers like her deserve the right to vote.

If you read the link you will know it is a Republican saying this!

Typical TP members are showing their real anti-democracy bias. They claim they are "against voter fraud" yet use their official powers to deny legitimate voters from the polls.

Oh goody, another blog linker.

Oh goody, a lazy bastage.

The linked site references the original source, Royal Masset's own words. If you can find an article where he supported Voter ID laws, go ahead.

You guys all "call bullshit" on the source but I don't see any kind of factual response. Put up or shut up.

Your blog is bullshit as it doesn't prove squat that voter ID laws favor Republicans. It's one guy's opinion.

Try again.
why did Walker change his plan to close DMVs and instead deside to open MORE after this litle plan came to light?

Because his plan could not stand the light of day.

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