Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Todd put up or shut up.

Go get some proof of what you claim

I can prove illegals vote.

Why do you have no problem with that?

Why do you want them to continue voting?

Then shut up and do it

County Ordered to Tighten Rules for Voter Registration : Elections: Action is taken after reports that accused assassin Mario Aburto had received cards twice in L.A.


Stunned at reports that accused Mexican assassin Mario Aburto had registered twice to vote in Los Angeles County, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday ordered county staffers to find ways to prevent such a thing from happening again.

In a sharp reaction to news accounts that Aburto had lived on both sides of the border and had registered to vote here, the board demanded an accounting from county Registrar-Recorder Beatriz Valdez.

County Ordered to Tighten Rules for Voter Registration : Elections: Action is taken after reports that accused assassin Mario Aburto had received cards twice in L.A. - Los Angeles Times
why did Walker change his plan to close DMVs and instead deside to open MORE after this litle plan came to light?

Because his plan could not stand the light of day.

Perhaps because he is not as rigidly stupid or partisan as some people.

And very likely he was not doing what you claimed from the beginning but was actually trying to save money. When people spoke about their concerns he listened to them and adjusted his plan which is something I highly doubt someone as rigid and partisan as you would even consider.

It all boils down to this...

TM does not believe a person should have to 'prove' they are a US Citizen, in order to vote in a US election.

TM believes that everyone should simply be 'taken at their word' that they are a US Citizen, and allowed to vote in a US election.

TM does not believe 'anyone' would lie about being a US Citizen.

Essentially, TM is a gullible fool.
the people who have come to this thread now know what they are supporting.

They are supporting the attempts of the right wing to disenfranchise legal American voters.

Note they think its just fine

How do you know they are legal?
Todd put up or shut up.

Go get some proof of what you claim

The original contention belongs to you. You do not get to abscond from your duty of supporting those contentions with evidence as you so often like to do, by insisting others prove you wrong when you have not proven the point to begin with.

Sorry, it just does not happen that way.

Sorry Todd, but I am throwing down the BS flag on your blogger.
From your link:

"I found there was no way of proving her alive. Invalid 91 year olds do not have driver’s licenses, passports, employment badges, gun permits & etc. Since I’m taking care of her in my home she has no bills with her name and address. I can’t even get her a birth certificate since she lacks the ID necessary for a notary to verify. Under HB 218 my mother, who is a registered voter in Austin, cannot vote in Texas"

1) She needed to have ID in order to get her nursing license. This information would still be on record, even if her license has lapsed. Mom also paid into SS while working.
2) If she is an invalid (assumed disabled) she MUST have medical records and a Doctor. Doctors require ID before they see a patient. If this Mom ever had to go to a hospital, and at the age of 91, I am sure that has happened, again, ID would be required for billing purposes unless this dear son is very wealthy and can pay for all of Mom's medical expenses out of pocket. Additionally, the average prescription meds taken by the elderly is six. Again, some form of ID is required.

Register To Vote
To vote in Texas, you must be registered. Simply pick up a voter registration application, fill it out, and mail it at least 30 days before the election date. Get your application here.
You are eligible to vote if:

You are a United States citizen;
You are legally registered to vote in Texas;
You are at least 18 years old on Election Day;
You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Are you already registered?
To confirm your voter registration status, you may select one of three methods to perform a search:
1)Your Texas driver's license number, if you provided it when you applied for voter registration;
2)Your Voter Unique Identifier (VUID), which appears on your voter registration certificate;
3)Your first and last name.

The blogger claims his Mom is legally registered to vote in Austin. All Mom would need to do is fill out a change of address form.

Oh yeah, about the BC the blogger claims Mom can't get....
Texas Vital Statistics Indexes - Texas State Library

Do the research before laying false claim or accepting a bogus blogger at their word!!
Sorry Todd, but I am throwing down the BS flag on your blogger.
From your link:

"I found there was no way of proving her alive. Invalid 91 year olds do not have driver’s licenses, passports, employment badges, gun permits & etc. Since I’m taking care of her in my home she has no bills with her name and address. I can’t even get her a birth certificate since she lacks the ID necessary for a notary to verify. Under HB 218 my mother, who is a registered voter in Austin, cannot vote in Texas"

1) She needed to have ID in order to get her nursing license. This information would still be on record, even if her license has lapsed. Mom also paid into SS while working.
2) If she is an invalid (assumed disabled) she MUST have medical records and a Doctor. Doctors require ID before they see a patient. If this Mom ever had to go to a hospital, and at the age of 91, I am sure that has happened, again, ID would be required for billing purposes unless this dear son is very wealthy and can pay for all of Mom's medical expenses out of pocket. Additionally, the average prescription meds taken by the elderly is six. Again, some form of ID is required.

Register To Vote
To vote in Texas, you must be registered. Simply pick up a voter registration application, fill it out, and mail it at least 30 days before the election date. Get your application here.
You are eligible to vote if:

You are a United States citizen;
You are legally registered to vote in Texas;
You are at least 18 years old on Election Day;
You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Are you already registered?
To confirm your voter registration status, you may select one of three methods to perform a search:
1)Your Texas driver's license number, if you provided it when you applied for voter registration;
2)Your Voter Unique Identifier (VUID), which appears on your voter registration certificate;
3)Your first and last name.

The blogger claims his Mom is legally registered to vote in Austin. All Mom would need to do is fill out a change of address form.

Oh yeah, about the BC the blogger claims Mom can't get....
Texas Vital Statistics Indexes - Texas State Library

Do the research before laying false claim or accepting a bogus blogger at their word!!

Hey MeBelle!
Thanks for your excellent analysis.

That's not my bogus blogger by the way.
Sorry Todd, but I am throwing down the BS flag on your blogger.
From your link:

"I found there was no way of proving her alive. Invalid 91 year olds do not have driver’s licenses, passports, employment badges, gun permits & etc. Since I’m taking care of her in my home she has no bills with her name and address. I can’t even get her a birth certificate since she lacks the ID necessary for a notary to verify. Under HB 218 my mother, who is a registered voter in Austin, cannot vote in Texas"

1) She needed to have ID in order to get her nursing license. This information would still be on record, even if her license has lapsed. Mom also paid into SS while working.
2) If she is an invalid (assumed disabled) she MUST have medical records and a Doctor. Doctors require ID before they see a patient. If this Mom ever had to go to a hospital, and at the age of 91, I am sure that has happened, again, ID would be required for billing purposes unless this dear son is very wealthy and can pay for all of Mom's medical expenses out of pocket. Additionally, the average prescription meds taken by the elderly is six. Again, some form of ID is required.

Register To Vote
To vote in Texas, you must be registered. Simply pick up a voter registration application, fill it out, and mail it at least 30 days before the election date. Get your application here.
You are eligible to vote if:

You are a United States citizen;
You are legally registered to vote in Texas;
You are at least 18 years old on Election Day;
You are not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Are you already registered?
To confirm your voter registration status, you may select one of three methods to perform a search:
1)Your Texas driver's license number, if you provided it when you applied for voter registration;
2)Your Voter Unique Identifier (VUID), which appears on your voter registration certificate;
3)Your first and last name.

The blogger claims his Mom is legally registered to vote in Austin. All Mom would need to do is fill out a change of address form.

Oh yeah, about the BC the blogger claims Mom can't get....
Texas Vital Statistics Indexes - Texas State Library

Do the research before laying false claim or accepting a bogus blogger at their word!!

Hey MeBelle!
Thanks for your excellent analysis.

That's not my bogus blogger by the way.

I didn't think so ;)
So after hearing this old womans story you care more about IDs than the sacred riught to vote in this country?

Man you people just really dont care about democracy do you?
I care about people voting but she is 83 years old she should know by now she needs an ID. What about going to a dr office . Most require you to show photo ID or in the hospital Photo ID.. So many other places require it. I am NOT for voter fraud and it is easier to do it without proof of an photo ID period!
I can prove illegals vote.

Why do you have no problem with that?

Why do you want them to continue voting?

Then shut up and do it

County Ordered to Tighten Rules for Voter Registration : Elections: Action is taken after reports that accused assassin Mario Aburto had received cards twice in L.A.


Stunned at reports that accused Mexican assassin Mario Aburto had registered twice to vote in Los Angeles County, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday ordered county staffers to find ways to prevent such a thing from happening again.

In a sharp reaction to news accounts that Aburto had lived on both sides of the border and had registered to vote here, the board demanded an accounting from county Registrar-Recorder Beatriz Valdez.

County Ordered to Tighten Rules for Voter Registration : Elections: Action is taken after reports that accused assassin Mario Aburto had received cards twice in L.A. - Los Angeles Times

From your own link.

Valdez confirmed that according to county records, the man accused of killing Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio last week had never voted in the United States.
Then shut up and do it

County Ordered to Tighten Rules for Voter Registration : Elections: Action is taken after reports that accused assassin Mario Aburto had received cards twice in L.A.


Stunned at reports that accused Mexican assassin Mario Aburto had registered twice to vote in Los Angeles County, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday ordered county staffers to find ways to prevent such a thing from happening again.

In a sharp reaction to news accounts that Aburto had lived on both sides of the border and had registered to vote here, the board demanded an accounting from county Registrar-Recorder Beatriz Valdez.

County Ordered to Tighten Rules for Voter Registration : Elections: Action is taken after reports that accused assassin Mario Aburto had received cards twice in L.A. - Los Angeles Times

From your own link.

Valdez confirmed that according to county records, the man accused of killing Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio last week had never voted in the United States.

According to the same county that allowed him to register, twice!!!!
From your own link.

Valdez confirmed that according to county records, the man accused of killing Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio last week had never voted in the United States.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking milk when I read you chastising someone because data in their own link contradicted their own argument...
Todd put up or shut up.

Go get some proof of what you claim

Are you really once again demanding proof when you've yet to prove your two main claims in this thread?

Why can't you prove that the DMV closures were in Democrat districts?

Why can't you prove that this was politically motivated?

Either put up or shut up.

Go get some proof of what you claim.

Why the opposition 'against voter ID' is indefensible

The idea that identification requirement disenfranchises voters is a spiel that borders on absurdity. The objection is based on stereotypes. Why is this protest predominately coming from those who are ideologically left of center? Are there not elderly, disabled, economically challenged, or ethic minority voters, who are conservative voters as well?

The claim that voter fraud is uncommon is a red-herring. Simply because there are statistically few prosecutable cases is hardly an argument that nothing much is going on. When I was a youth, I constantly heard that shop-lifting was a serious problem, and that it was responsible for the increased price of merchandise at retail stores. Only a small number of shop-lifters were actually caught, so is that reason to assume the problem was being purposefully exaggerated?

At the founding of this country, you had to be a landholder to vote, and later on, a tax-payer. Was that required to perpetuate an aristocracy? Hardly. Common understanding was that if you wanted a voice in civic affairs, you ought to be a stakeholder in society, with skin in the game as well. It was a check against people voting for themselves the largesse of the treasury, funded by the productivity of others. One might also surmise that your identity had to be revealed to determine whether you owned land or had paid taxes.

Conservatives don't have only a single principle, saving money at any cost, but also an ethical requirement to lawful process. When principles come into conflict there is a cost/benefit analysis. There is confidence that any extra expenses implementing voter ID will be recouped by electing economically astute representatives.
New voter ID law good for Wisconsin - The Northwoods River News - Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I've heard the weak argument made by liberals, about how the new Voter ID Law in Wisconsin is discriminatory towards the elderly, college students and poor. And, since Jim Holperin voted against the voter ID law, I have a few common sense questions for Holperin and his liberal friends to ponder.

Is it also discriminatory that these same people (elderly, college students and poor) must have photo ID to check in at an airport before boarding an airplane? Is it discriminatory if these same people are asked for photo ID when cashing a check? Is it discriminatory if these same people are asked for a photo ID driver's license if stopped for a moving violation by a police officer? Is it discriminatory if these same people are asked to provide photo ID when purchasing an alcoholic drink in a tavern? I recently opened a post office box and was asked to provide my photo ID to the postal clerk. Would it be discriminatory if the elderly, college students or poor were asked to provide photo ID when opening a post office box?

Voting is a civil right that is susceptible to fraud without controls. It's our duty to make sure people who vote are who they say they are. In a perfect world, the honor system would work just fine. But we don't live in a perfect world and have all heard stories about people voting from the grave.
Andy Loduha

Chairman-Republican Party of Oneida County

your source is a little biased

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