Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

why did Walker change his plan to close DMVs and instead deside to open MORE after this litle plan came to light?

Because his plan could not stand the light of day.

Prove that the original scheduled closings were due to the DMVs being in Dem districts.

Prove that they reorganized the plan due to same.

Walker caved to leftist whining. The new plan will cost the state gobs more money. What a wimp.

eta: Correction to my last sentence. Apparently the criticism was more widespread and Walker listened to WI residents.

While Gov. Scott Walker and his administration initially stated that the city's DMV office was one of 16 locations slated to be shut down as a cost-saving move for the state, that proposal has now been cancelled.

Oconomowoc City Clerk Diane Coenen said this is positive news for city residents, adding many citizens weren't so happy when the closing was a possibility.

As a result, she said citizens came to Common Council meetings to express their concerns to council members.

With enough feedback against closing it down, the council was set to send a draft to Madison urging them to reconsider their decision.

But before any letter could be sent out, the city got the news they were hoping for earlier this month.

A reason for the change the overwhelming number of responses against the closures, said Kristina Boardman, the director of the DMV Bureau of Field Services for the Department of Transportation.

"We put out the original proposal for cities and citizens to see," Boardman said. "There were concerns brought up and we considered those concerns."

One person who seems to have had an affect on the decision was Democratic Rep. Andy Jorgensen, who represents constituents in nearby Fort Atkinson in Jefferson County.

Jorgensen was upset that his location was selected to shut down and said the DOT was targeting areas mostly represented by Democrats. <-- Whiny Dem crying foul.

Even so, Oconomowoc is represented in the state Assembly by Republican Joel Kleefisch.

"Some were concerned that these were politically motivated," Boardman said. "But the department did a poll and plotted out the areas and tried to put together a serviceable model. There were no political motivations involved in the process."

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Teamster Nation: Walker cuts DMV in Dem districts now that voter ID is passed

the plan to keep democratic voters from voting is steaming along

A slander piece from a rag, nothing to see here......

In other words, you don't have a real response.

We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it.

A Republican, his mother and Voter ID | Texas Politics | a blog
Many proponents of HB 218 talk about how easy it is to get photo ID. In doing so they show how out of touch they are with many Americans such as my mother. If any of them ever cared for an invalid family member, besides talking a good game, they would know invalids don’t have recent ID cards and may not even pay bills. When voting in America is only allowed to healthy and wealthy people than the America I know is far sicker than my mother. HB 218 is a direct descendent of poll taxes, and of allowing only white male property owners to vote. In its effect it is racist, barbaric, antidemocratic and contrary to everything that made America great. My mother has sacrificed her life raising my severely handicapped sister and I and making this a better country. She and all mothers like her deserve the right to vote.

If you read the link you will know it is a Republican saying this!

Typical TP members are showing their real anti-democracy bias. They claim they are "against voter fraud" yet use their official powers to deny legitimate voters from the polls.

"We all know voter ID laws favor Republicans. Even they admit to it"

If requiring ID prevents illegals from voting and prevents the dead from voting, how does that benefit Republicans?
Why did Walker havee to change his plan once it became public?

The plan was changed because the public gave their input, directly and through their legislators, and the decision was made to compromise on the final plan.

You know, compromise, the thing you say Republicans never do.

If requiring ID prevents illegals from voting and prevents the dead from voting, how does that benefit Republicans?

It keeps the poor and elderly (those least likely to have drivers licenses but most likely to vote Democrat) away from the polls.

Voter ID laws are a solution to a phantom problem. Voter fraud is a very partisan and extremely inflated issue. It is more likely to turn away legitimate voters than it is to prevent a fraudulent one. Most voter ID laws won't do squat against the most common forms of voter fraud. You are worrying about a problem which is statistically insignificant by taking measures which harm a much greater number of legitimate voters.

Numbers of fraudulent voters per state is about 0.0003% to .0005%
Number of legitimate voters affected according to Mr. Masset 3.0%. So we are talking 10,000X more likely to hurt citizen voters than it is to prevent fraud.

Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:
Among Republicans it is an &#8220;article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,&#8221;
Masset said. He doesn&#8217;t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause
enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.
Why did Walker havee to change his plan once it became public?

The plan was changed because the public gave their input, directly and through their legislators, and the decision was made to compromise on the final plan.

You know, compromise, the thing you say Republicans never do.

And it angered the people because it would have made it harder for poor people to get IDs to vote.

So he had to change the plan and open MORE instead.
Why did Walker havee to change his plan once it became public?

The plan was changed because the public gave their input, directly and through their legislators, and the decision was made to compromise on the final plan.

You know, compromise, the thing you say Republicans never do.

And it angered the people because it would have made it harder for poor people to get IDs to vote.

So he had to change the plan and open MORE instead.

No, it upset people that they would not have motor vehicle services in their areas, and that they would have to drive farther to get them.
Prove there is a national problem with illegals voting that warrents spending Millions of tax payer dollars and keeps Legal American voters from voting?
The plan was changed because the public gave their input, directly and through their legislators, and the decision was made to compromise on the final plan.

You know, compromise, the thing you say Republicans never do.

And it angered the people because it would have made it harder for poor people to get IDs to vote.

So he had to change the plan and open MORE instead.

No, it upset people that they would not have motor vehicle services in their areas, and that they would have to drive farther to get them.

So in you world NO ONE complained about procuring IDs?

Prove you point with facts

If requiring ID prevents illegals from voting and prevents the dead from voting, how does that benefit Republicans?

It keeps the poor and elderly (those least likely to have drivers licenses but most likely to vote Democrat) away from the polls.

Voter ID laws are a solution to a phantom problem. Voter fraud is a very partisan and extremely inflated issue. It is more likely to turn away legitimate voters than it is to prevent a fraudulent one. Most voter ID laws won't do squat against the most common forms of voter fraud. You are worrying about a problem which is statistically insignificant by taking measures which harm a much greater number of legitimate voters.

Numbers of fraudulent voters per state is about 0.0003% to .0005%
Number of legitimate voters affected according to Mr. Masset 3.0%. So we are talking 10,000X more likely to hurt citizen voters than it is to prevent fraud.

Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:
Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”
Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause
enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

The poor and the elderly lack ID?

How do they cash their welfare or Social Security checks?

How did they register to vote in the first place?
And it angered the people because it would have made it harder for poor people to get IDs to vote.

So he had to change the plan and open MORE instead.

No, it upset people that they would not have motor vehicle services in their areas, and that they would have to drive farther to get them.

So in you world NO ONE complained about procuring IDs?

Prove you point with facts

I never said no one complained. It clearly upset the Teamsters enough to write their bullshit blog that you're desperately trying to defend.

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