Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Todd put up or shut up.

Go get some proof of what you claim

I can prove illegals vote.

Why do you have no problem with that?

Why do you want them to continue voting?

You have yet to prove illegals are voting and effecting elections in enough numbers to warrent the millions of tax payer dollars that these bills cost the people.

Funny none of these people on the right seem to mind you not answering questions.

My link showed an illegal who registered to vote, twice.

Why was he allowed to register?

Why do you want illegals to register?

Why do you want illegals to vote?

Why do you hate America?

We should take the money currently spent on NPR and use it for vote fraud prevention.
MN Voters back Voter ID

Age demographics – The lowest level of support in age groups comes from seniors, who back voter ID 69/23. The best support comes, surprisingly, from the youngest voters (18-34YOs) at 82/12.

Party affiliation – Yes, 92% of Republicans support voter ID. So do 76% of independents … and 59% of those wingnutty Democrats in Minnesota, too. Among Tea Party “members,” voter ID enjoys 93% support. And for those who don’t identify with the Tea Party, support plummets all the way to … 74%. Along ideological lines, liberals were least likely to support it — at 67%, the second-lowest level of support among all demographics.

Education – Surely, support must be coming from the mouthbreathers, right? High-school graduates give a 79% level of support, almost the same as the 78% among those with some college education. Those with degrees are a little more discerning … at 75%.

Income level – It won’t be much of a surprise to know that those making six figures support voter ID 73/25. It will be a surprise to Dayton to find that those making less than $50K per year support it even more, 78/14.

Region – Like all of the other demographics, there isn’t much difference between the Twin Cities demo (76/19) and the rural area of western Minnesota (81/15). In each region, support is at 75% or higher.

with all that....

Governor Mark Dayton (D) vetoed the voter ID bill saying it lacked “broad legislative bipartisan” support.

Republicans who control the House and Senate say they'll pass a bill that would put the issue on the 2012 ballot.

You were bitching about how voter ID laws are expensive, and therefore should not be implemented, yet you approve of this?
Department of Transportation Secretary Mark Gottlieb said Thursday that while the new plan is more expensive, he believes the best overall course is to expand services. hypocrite.

Walker did a 180 because he listened to his opposition AND his constituents, you dipshit...
Gottlieb said the department decided not to close any offices after listening to concerns raised by Democratic state Rep. Andy Jorgensen of Fort Atkinson and others



Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

TM believes all people are inherently too honest to lie about being eligible to vote in a US election... unless they have an (R) after their name.


You are comparing people being stopped in the street to prove they are not of a certain religion to those being stopped at the polls to prove they are legal and thus allowed to vote.

Such a comparison is lufdicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

You must feel very insecure with your position on this topic to toss out such a ludicrous analogy.

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.
I already ready did , you just pretend over and over I have not HB

Is this a reply to me? If so it is a flat out lie. But since you refuse to quote who you're replying to it gives you an excuse to lie more.

You have never offered proof that this was politically motivated.

You have never offered proof that the DMV's are in Democrat districts.

You are a liar. And a teamster's blog is not proof of anything, it is a teamster's opinion.


Why did Walker do a 180 on the plan?

I think you need to look up proof in the dictionary, because your opinion is nowhere near proof of anything.

Prove that this was politically motivated.

Prove that the DMV's are in Democrat districts.

Either prove these two claims or shut up.


Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

TM believes all people are inherently too honest to lie about being eligible to vote in a US election... unless they have an (R) after their name.

she actually believes that those who are willing to break our immigratioin laws have respect for our laws and wont wish to break our election laws.

I mean...such thinking is....well...idnicative of the way TM thinks......I guiess?

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

It used to be that liberals looked at showing proof of eligibility to vote as a badge of honor... an assurance that no ones vote could be challenged.

My, how times have changed.

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

TM believes all people are inherently too honest to lie about being eligible to vote in a US election... unless they have an (R) after their name.

she actually believes that those who are willing to break our immigratioin laws have respect for our laws and wont wish to break our election laws.

I mean...such thinking is....well...indicative of the way TM thinks......I guiess?

I threw up a little in my mouth when I read that.

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

TM still hasn't provided proof that they were in Democratic districts.

We're still waiting patiently for that.

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

let me put it this has not been proven as true.

If you stayed up with the story, it had to do with TEMPORARY DMV offices and the lack of funds to keep them open. It had nothing to do with the districts....and the distance between ones that were to close and others that were staying open was negligible...

And the fianl have a temporary DMV office and a permanent DMV office servicing the same people...which do you close...the termporary or the permanent?

Youy fell into another one of TM's paranoia epidsodes.

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

That is one of Truthdoesn'tmatter's claims that she's never given proof for. She believes it just because it was in a Teamster's blog, with no proof. That is proof enough for her, but in the real world there has been no proof of the claim that these DMV's were in Democrat districts.



You are comparing people being stopped in the street to prove they are not of a certain religion to those being stopped at the polls to prove they are legal and thus allowed to vote.

Such a comparison is lufdicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

You must feel very insecure with your position on this topic to toss out such a ludicrous analogy.

Insecure... wow... A little lampooning and you get all defensive... Perhaps the insecurity lies with you.

Ok how's this... does this make you feel better?

Or how about this?

All in fun... unless someone does it to you, I guess.
I can prove illegals vote.

Why do you have no problem with that?

Why do you want them to continue voting?

You have yet to prove illegals are voting and effecting elections in enough numbers to warrent the millions of tax payer dollars that these bills cost the people.

Funny none of these people on the right seem to mind you not answering questions.

My link showed an illegal who registered to vote, twice.

Why was he allowed to register?

Why do you want illegals to register?

Why do you want illegals to vote?

Why do you hate America?

We should take the money currently spent on NPR and use it for vote fraud prevention.

Maybe, but your post wasn't liberal

Need she say more?
TM believes all people are inherently too honest to lie about being eligible to vote in a US election... unless they have an (R) after their name.

she actually believes that those who are willing to break our immigratioin laws have respect for our laws and wont wish to break our election laws.

I mean...such thinking is....well...indicative of the way TM thinks......I guiess?

I threw up a little in my mouth when I read that.

I guess that is like.....jumbo shrimp...guest host....pretty ugly.....



TM defined with a word that has the word moron in it......

see how the whole thing goes full circle?


You are comparing people being stopped in the street to prove they are not of a certain religion to those being stopped at the polls to prove they are legal and thus allowed to vote.

Such a comparison is lufdicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

You must feel very insecure with your position on this topic to toss out such a ludicrous analogy.

Insecure... wow... A little lampooning and you get all defensive... Perhaps the insecurity lies with you.

Ok how's this... does this make you feel better?

Or how about this?

All in fun... unless someone does it to you, I guess.

nah....just a harmless dig on my part.

FYI...Obama is not Hitler, a socialist or a marxist.

I see him as a shitass leader with horrendous ideas for policy....

But I am not one of those "he wants to destroy our country" people.

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