Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.





You are comparing people being stopped in the street to prove they are not of a certain religion to those being stopped at the polls to prove they are legal and thus allowed to vote.

Such a comparison is lufdicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

You must feel very insecure with your position on this topic to toss out such a ludicrous analogy.

Insecure... wow... A little lampooning and you get all defensive... Perhaps the insecurity lies with you.

Ok how's this... does this make you feel better?

Or how about this?

All in fun... unless someone does it to you, I guess.

I don't have a problem with the Socialism one. However, the Hitler/Nazi one is uncalled for... just as it was when liberals continually did it to Bush.
It doesnt Todd

Then why are the Dems whining?

I know you don't mind when illegals vote. Why is that?

But they aren't. I guess ignoring facts especially when they support your party.

Unlike the rambling, whining and just utter bullshit used to support voter ID, there are actual studies showing:

1. The problem is vastly overblown compared to its significance. .0003% of fraudulent votes over 3.0 % of those turned away (10,000x greater number of people prevented from exercising their Consitutionally protected rights than there are those who you are trying to keep from voting)

2. Its used to disenfranchise more legitimate voters than it does to prevent fraud
3. Doesn't do jackshit to prevent the most common forms of voter fraud.
Again I refer to the admissions of a former bigwig from the Texas GOP chiming in on the subject
Royal Masset, the formerpolitical director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

So I guess election rigging should only be done by preventing people from the polls.
It doesnt Todd

Then why are the Dems whining?

I know you don't mind when illegals vote. Why is that?

But they aren't. I guess ignoring facts especially when they support your party.

Unlike the rambling, whining and just utter bullshit used to support voter ID, there are actual studies showing:

1. The problem is vastly overblown compared to its significance. .0003% of fraudulent votes over 3.0 % of those turned away (10,000x greater number of people prevented from exercising their Consitutionally protected rights than there are those who you are trying to keep from voting)

2. Its used to disenfranchise more legitimate voters than it does to prevent fraud
3. Doesn't do jackshit to prevent the most common forms of voter fraud.
Again I refer to the admissions of a former bigwig from the Texas GOP chiming in on the subject
Royal Masset, the formerpolitical director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

So I guess election rigging should only be done by preventing people from the polls.

Such BS Yet time in and time out in King county Wa, alone there is a thousand more votes then voters. Its just 3% nothing to see here. OH BROTHER.
It doesnt Todd

Then why are the Dems whining?

I know you don't mind when illegals vote. Why is that?

But they aren't. I guess ignoring facts especially when they support your party.

Unlike the rambling, whining and just utter bullshit used to support voter ID, there are actual studies showing:

1. The problem is vastly overblown compared to its significance. .0003% of fraudulent votes over 3.0 % of those turned away (10,000x greater number of people prevented from exercising their Consitutionally protected rights than there are those who you are trying to keep from voting)

2. Its used to disenfranchise more legitimate voters than it does to prevent fraud
3. Doesn't do jackshit to prevent the most common forms of voter fraud.
Again I refer to the admissions of a former bigwig from the Texas GOP chiming in on the subject
Royal Masset, the formerpolitical director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

So I guess election rigging should only be done by preventing people from the polls.

from your linked PDF...

Moreover, these claims of voter fraud are frequently used to justify policies that do not solve the alleged wrongs, but that could well disenfranchise legitimate voters.
Not DID... but COULD. That is the exact same argument you and TM are whining about, in regards to illegals who 'could' be voting.
It doesnt Todd

Then why are the Dems whining?

I know you don't mind when illegals vote. Why is that?

But they aren't. I guess ignoring facts especially when they support your party.
Dems aren't whining? But that's what Dems do best. That and the ignoring facts thing that you said.
Unlike the rambling, whining and just utter bullshit used to support voter ID, there are actual studies showing:

1. The problem is vastly overblown compared to its significance. .0003% of fraudulent votes over 3.0 % of those turned away (10,000x greater number of people prevented from exercising their Consitutionally protected rights than there are those who you are trying to keep from voting)
That's terrible. Tell you what, you fix the problem of legal voters getting turned away and we'll fix the problem of illegal and dead voters.
2. Its used to disenfranchise more legitimate voters than it does to prevent fraud
3. Doesn't do jackshit to prevent the most common forms of voter fraud.
Again I refer to the admissions of a former bigwig from the Texas GOP chiming in on the subject
Royal Masset, the formerpolitical director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

So I guess election rigging should only be done by preventing people from the polls.

Masset sounds like a Royal whiner, must be a Democrat.
And Truthdoesn'tmatter disappears once again when confronted with the fact that she has yet to offer proof of her claims.

Why can't she prove that this is politically motivated?

Why can't she prove that these DMV's were located in Democrat districts?

Could it be that she is a liar being led by other liars?

Does Wisconsin’s new voter ID law ‘disenfranchise’ voters?

Photo ID laws do not directly bar anyone from voting.

Scot Ross, head of the liberal advocacy group One Wisconsin Now, said evidence suggests reduced voter participation is likely. "When new impediments prevent otherwise legal voters from exercising their constitutional right to vote, that is the definition of disenfranchisement."

State Rep. Jeff Stone, Republican co-author of Wisconsin’s photo ID law, said the claim that this will somehow prevent someone from voting is just false. "Requiring a photo ID in order to be given one’s ballot is not disenfranchisement, it is now one of the rules governing our election process."

Curtis Gans has mixed feelings about "disenfranchise."

"I don’t like the word," said Gans, director of the Center for the Study of the American Electorate. "I don’t think it applies."

Rob Richie, executive director, Fair Vote, The Center for Voting and Democracy, uses "disenfranchise" to describe what he sees as the real-world impact of the laws.

But he agrees the term can be overstated because ID requirements are "not a fundamental loss of franchise rights."

Von Spakovsky said "disenfranchise" is totally inappropriate, especially when critics compare photo ID to Jim Crow laws. Von Spakovsky is senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

"I think they believe they can use it as a political weapon," he said of critics.
53 pages later and truthmangler still hasn't proven her claims, continues to ignore facts that show her claims to be incorrect and still hasn't apologized for calling me a liar.

:lol: She's gotta be a paid partisan hack troll, right? I mean seriously, no one can be this dense . . . can they?

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From your own link.

Valdez confirmed that according to county records, the man accused of killing Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio last week had never voted in the United States.

I'm glad I wasn't drinking milk when I read you chastising someone because data in their own link contradicted their own argument...

No kidding. If we had $1 for everytime that happened to her, we could pay off the national debt.
Liberals more often than not, choose battles they cannot possibly win. It usually ends with ad hominems or like TM they simply vanish from the thread.
Then why are the Dems whining?

I know you don't mind when illegals vote. Why is that?

But they aren't. I guess ignoring facts especially when they support your party.
Dems aren't whining? But that's what Dems do best. That and the ignoring facts thing that you said.
Unlike the rambling, whining and just utter bullshit used to support voter ID, there are actual studies showing:

1. The problem is vastly overblown compared to its significance. .0003% of fraudulent votes over 3.0 % of those turned away (10,000x greater number of people prevented from exercising their Consitutionally protected rights than there are those who you are trying to keep from voting)
That's terrible. Tell you what, you fix the problem of legal voters getting turned away and we'll fix the problem of illegal and dead voters.
2. Its used to disenfranchise more legitimate voters than it does to prevent fraud
3. Doesn't do jackshit to prevent the most common forms of voter fraud.
Again I refer to the admissions of a former bigwig from the Texas GOP chiming in on the subject
Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

So I guess election rigging should only be done by preventing people from the polls.

Masset sounds like a Royal whiner, must be a Democrat.

I guess you are only partially literate.
As for
That's terrible. Tell you what, you fix the problem of legal voters getting turned away and we'll fix the problem of illegal and dead voters.

My problem is bigger, more dangerous to our democratic system and caused by your alleged solution. Plus your "solution" doesn't work anyway.

Now I showed you my academic study showing your position is full of shit, what do you have to back yourself up with?
[ ]

Stupid comments? Insults? Maybe some cute emoticons?
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But they aren't. I guess ignoring facts especially when they support your party.
Dems aren't whining? But that's what Dems do best. That and the ignoring facts thing that you said. That's terrible. Tell you what, you fix the problem of legal voters getting turned away and we'll fix the problem of illegal and dead voters.
2. Its used to disenfranchise more legitimate voters than it does to prevent fraud
3. Doesn't do jackshit to prevent the most common forms of voter fraud.
Again I refer to the admissions of a former bigwig from the Texas GOP chiming in on the subject
Royal Masset, the former political director for the Republican Party of Texas, concisely tied all of these strands together in a 2007 Houston Chronicle article concerning a highly
controversial battle over photo identification legislation in Texas. Masset connected the inflated furor over voter fraud to photo identification laws and their expected impact on legitimate voters:

Among Republicans it is an “article of religious faith that voter fraud is causing us to lose elections,”Masset said. He doesn’t agree with that, but does believe that requiring photo IDs could cause enough of a dropoff in legitimate Democratic voting to add 3 percent to the Republican vote.

So I guess election rigging should only be done by preventing people from the polls.

Masset sounds like a Royal whiner, must be a Democrat.

I guess you are only partially literate.
As for
That's terrible. Tell you what, you fix the problem of legal voters getting turned away and we'll fix the problem of illegal and dead voters.

My problem is bigger, more dangerous to our democratic system and caused by your alleged solution. Plus your "solution" doesn't work anyway.

Now I showed you my academic study showing your position is full of shit, what do you have to back yourself up with?
[ ]

Stupid comments? Insults? Maybe some cute emoticons?


OMG!!! So what? With a whine like that, he'd be more at home in the Dem party.

My problem is bigger, more dangerous to our democratic system

How? Is requiring ID to open a bank account dangerous to our banking system?

I don't want illegals to vote. I don't want the dead to vote. Sorry if that makes you sad.

Voting in our elections is a privelage all American Citizens, whether naturally born or not, have and it is such a privelage that we should all be concerned of anyone who may compromise its intergity...and we should frown on anyone that does not have the right to vote who tries to vote.

But you are not interested in avoiding such a situation......

Why is that TM?

To ask you the same question in reverse... Why are some trying to make it more difficult to obtain that lD? Funny how most of those DOT Id Centers are in Democratic districts, isn't it... Unless it's been proven that was false, I haven't kept up lately.

Funny, but we have been asking TDM to prove that allegation which came from a biased union blog for over 750 posts and she has refused to do so. Perhaps you will provide some real proof?

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Voter ID is No Jim Crow

Having experienced the psychological pain of Jim Crow laws firsthand, I won’t allow those who likely only read about Jim Crow in history books to trivialize it.
That’s why I’m outraged about a recent edition of TV One’s “Washington Watch” in which host Roland Martin and Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) compared state-level voter identification rules to Jim Crow.
To the contrary, requiring valid identification in exchange for something as sacred as a ballot is a pragmatic approach to governing.

I’ve been voting since 1970, and I’ve always taken my driver’s license with me to the polling place to identify myself to the election judges. It seems like a common sense thing whether it is required or not.

The problem with liberals is they want to be paternal and involve themselves in the manipulation of Black Americans’ right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If 25 percent of Black Americans don’t have valid ID, they obviously don’t want one. The onus should be placed on them to obtain one. It is their personal responsibility to be productive citizens.

President Obama’s approval rankings are reflective of his policies and his cabinet — not the color of his skin — and there is no racist conspiracy to deny his supporters access to a ballot.

Charles Butler, a member of the Project 21 Black leadership network is also a talk radio host for WIND-Chicago.
When did carrying an ID become ‘a white thing’? | laws, voter, black - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The protests that these laws disenfranchise black voters does give rise to the question, "Why is producing ID such an undue burden for black voters – but isn't presumably a burden on other races?"

Are liberals and civil rights figures really prepared to argue that carrying ID is somehow a "white thing?"

Frankly, if voter ID laws are the equivalent of modern-day Jim Crow, why doesn't the NAACP challenge other areas of every-day life where ID is also required – checking into a hotel anywhere in America, cashing a check, making a major purchase with a credit card, buying alcohol if you appear to be under-age, or getting on an airplane?

Couldn't the NAACP also argue that ID requirements have a disparate impact on poor, ID-less black travelers, preventing them from getting a hotel room – and are thus racist?

Joe R. Hicks is vice president of Community Advocates (Community Advocates, Inc.), the host of "The Hicks File" at, and a former executive of the SCLC, founded by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Task force has charged 20 vote fraud cases - JSOnline

Madison - A Wisconsin task force has so far charged 20 people with committing some form of election fraud during the 2008 election.

According to figures released by the state Justice Department, six people have been charged with voter registration misconduct and 11 people have been charged with being a felon but still voting.

Two people were charged with double voting. Another was charged with obtaining an absentee ballot in his dead wife's name so he could fulfill her dying wish to vote for President Barack Obama.

Prosecutors from the Justice Department and Milwaukee County formed the task force in September 2008.

Republican lawmakers want voters to show photo identification at the polls to cut down on voter fraud. But opponents say widespread voter fraud doesn't exist in Wisconsin.

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