Truthmatters' " GOP making it difficult to vote" thread.

Yeah and how does that prove that republicans have not been cheating in elections for decades?
gee you guys really know how to back your points with facts.

Oh wait you have not provided anything here but petty personal insults.

no actually I asked you a very civil legitimate question for which you have no answer apparently.
There is no such fraud as you claim , why do you refuse to absorb the facts?
Still trying to pretend that making people have valid ID is a Republican "plot" to steal elections, TM?

You need a valid ID to rent a movie or cash a check at the bank but for YOU having to have one to vote is asking too much? And you wonder why people find you amusing here...
There is no such fraud as you claim , why do you refuse to absorb the facts?
When you actually provide some facts demonstrating that the GOP is making it difficult to vote, some will listen.

So far, all you've done is shout "Bad GOP! Making it difficult to vote", provided zero evidence to back that up (your own links demonstrate nothing related to that, in fact they demonstrate that Indiana had a LARGER turnout after ID laws), then say "prove it wrong".

So, I will do the same thing: Truthmatters is a moron; prove me wrong.

(Although, your own posts do provide support for that.)
there is no voter fraud to worry about , why do you keep pretending there is?
All TM threads consist of the following:

[ame=]Charlie Brown Teacher Speaking - YouTube[/ame]
to worry about.

That is what the Bush five year study found.

Why do you pretend voter fraud is some kind of a national problem when it it not?
why do you people LIE about the voter fraud issue?

There is NO proof of any threat to elections by voter fraud .

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