TSA Targets 81 Year Old William Shatner In Crowd At Airport For Terrorist Check


Jun 20, 2012
They cause his pants to fall down to the floor in the security pat down progress in front of a crowd of people in line embarrassing him. What I want to know is why did they purposely single him out? He's 81. He was groped and publicly humiliated. Many people are saying they did it because he is white. I don't know but Captain Kirk is probably extremely ticked off about this.

William Shatner's Pants Fall During TSA Check

Star Trek legend William Shatner was left nursing a bruised ego when his trousers fell down during an airport security check in front of dozens of fellow travellers.

The actor was queuing at Los Angeles International Airport to catch a flight to South Africa when he was singled out for a search by officials.
Maybe one of the TSA people was an amorous green alien chick who wanted to do him?

Now we know why he was so reluctant to give up control of his starship in star trek. I heard the real reason why wesley crusher was tossed out of the academy was for transporting pickard without his pants.
What the fuck is wrong with these TSA idiots? A day doesn't go by without a story of some stupid, inappropriate, 0 judgment fuckup by these assholes.
What the fuck is wrong with these TSA idiots? A day doesn't go by without a story of some stupid, inappropriate, 0 judgment fuckup by these assholes.
They're murkins. The idiots you grew up with, went to school with ....etc.
They're only prostitutes who do as they're told......no matter how wrong the orders are.
You are one boring, repetitive piece of shit. Get some new material or shut the fuck up.
What the fuck is wrong with these TSA idiots? A day doesn't go by without a story of some stupid, inappropriate, 0 judgment fuckup by these assholes.
They're federal bureaucratic superchumps, who fear no repercussions from their fellow bureaucratic superchump supervisors.
1) In 1968, who assassinated Robert Kennedy?
a) Abbe Hoffman
b) Tiny Tim
c) The Chicago Seven
d) A Muslim male extremist between the age of 17 and 40

2) In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by:
a) Olga Korbutt
b) Sitting Bull
c) Arnold Schwartzeneger
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

3) In 1979,the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a) Lost Norwegians
b) Elvis
c) A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

4) During the 1980's, a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a) John Dillinger
b) The King of Sweden
c) The Boy Scouts
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

5) In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
a) A Domino's pizza delivery boy
b) Pee Wee Herman
c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

6) In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard by:
a) The Smurfs
b) Davy Jones
c) The Little Mermaid
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

7) In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens and a U.S. Navy diver was murdered by:
a) George Washington
b) Benedict Arnold
c) Gold Selleck Silliman
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

8) When a train was detonated in Spain, who was responsible?
a) Captain Kidd
b) Charles Lindberg
c) Mother Teresa
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

9) In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
a) Richard Simmons
b) Grandma Moses
c) Michael Jordan
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

10) In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
a) Mr. Rogers
b) Hillary, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women problems
c) The World Wrestling Federation to promote its next villain: "Mustapha"
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

11) In 1999, The USS Cole was attacked and more than 15 American Sailors were killed by:
a) David Letterman
b) Shaquille O'Neil
c) The Cookie Monster
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

12) On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked and and thousands of people were killed by:
a) Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd
b) The Supreme Court of Florida
c) Mr. Bean
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

13) In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
a) Enron
b) The Lutheran Church
c) The NFL
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

14) In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
a) Bonny and Clyde
b) Captain Kangaroo
c) Billy Graham
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

15) In 2001, Philippine Missionaries Gracia and Martin Burnham were kidnapped, held for over a year, and Martin subsequently killed by:
a) Mr. Rogers
b) Scooby Doo & Shaggy
c) Ronald Reagan
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

16) On July 4th 2002, two Innocent airline passengers were killed, and three others Injured at the ticket counter of El Al Airlines in the LAX International terminal by:
a) Hulk Hogan after losing the WWF Title
b) The cast of Monty Python
c) Senator Lil' Tommy Daschle
d) A Muslim male extremist between the age of 17 and 40

17) On July 31, 2002, five Americans were killed by a Palestinian HAMAS bomber in Jerusalem while attending school by:
a) The US Congress
b) The tooth fairy
c) The Easter bunny
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

18) On October 12th 2002 more than 200 innocent civilians (including 200 Australians and 5 Americans) were brutally murdered in Bali by:
a) Kermit the Frog & Miss Piggy
b) Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street
c) Charles Barkley
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

19) On October 29th 2002 more than 700 Moscow theatre goers were taken hostage and threatened with execution by:
a) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
b) Laurie Dhue of Fox News Channel
c) Peter Jennings of ABC News, pissed because Fox News is kicking his ass
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

20) Given the patterns set forth in Questions #1-19, who should the TSA be profiling in airport searches?
a) Little old ladies
b) Buxom young women
c) Children with teddy bears
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40
Several years ago, my sister met Shatner at a Star Trek convention. She paid for a photo op with him. So she sits on his lap, and just before the picture is taken says "Mr. Shatner, my ultimate fantasy is that you'll put on your uniform and fuck my brains out". The guy turned purple.

He stands up, gives her a hug, and says "thank you my dear". LOL

They cause his pants to fall down to the floor in the security pat down progress in front of a crowd of people in line embarrassing him. What I want to know is why did they purposely single him out? He's 81. He was groped and publicly humiliated. Many people are saying they did it because he is white. I don't know but Captain Kirk is probably extremely ticked off about this.

William Shatner's Pants Fall During TSA Check

Star Trek legend William Shatner was left nursing a bruised ego when his trousers fell down during an airport security check in front of dozens of fellow travellers.

The actor was queuing at Los Angeles International Airport to catch a flight to South Africa when he was singled out for a search by officials.

And while the TSA zealots were patting down Captain Kirk, 35 Al Qaeda men, between the ages of 21-35, walked past them, wearing turbans and carrying Korans.

Too bad Shatner forgot to bring his phaser!
What the fuck is wrong with these TSA idiots? A day doesn't go by without a story of some stupid, inappropriate, 0 judgment fuckup by these assholes.
They're murkins. The idiots you grew up with, went to school with ....etc.
They're only prostitutes who do as they're told......no matter how wrong the orders are.

and your an asshole who fled the Country because the "MUSLIMS ARE COMING"....hey Gordo....do they have a president or a General in charge down there?
1) In 1968, who assassinated Robert Kennedy?
a) Abbe Hoffman
b) Tiny Tim
c) The Chicago Seven
d) A Muslim male extremist between the age of 17 and 40

2) In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by:
a) Olga Korbutt
b) Sitting Bull
c) Arnold Schwartzeneger
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

3) In 1979,the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:
a) Lost Norwegians
b) Elvis
c) A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

4) During the 1980's, a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:
a) John Dillinger
b) The King of Sweden
c) The Boy Scouts
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

5) In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:
a) A Domino's pizza delivery boy
b) Pee Wee Herman
c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

6) In 1985, the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard by:
a) The Smurfs
b) Davy Jones
c) The Little Mermaid
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

7) In 1985, TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens and a U.S. Navy diver was murdered by:
a) George Washington
b) Benedict Arnold
c) Gold Selleck Silliman
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

8) When a train was detonated in Spain, who was responsible?
a) Captain Kidd
b) Charles Lindberg
c) Mother Teresa
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

9) In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:
a) Richard Simmons
b) Grandma Moses
c) Michael Jordan
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

10) In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:
a) Mr. Rogers
b) Hillary, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women problems
c) The World Wrestling Federation to promote its next villain: "Mustapha"
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

11) In 1999, The USS Cole was attacked and more than 15 American Sailors were killed by:
a) David Letterman
b) Shaquille O'Neil
c) The Cookie Monster
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

12) On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked and and thousands of people were killed by:
a) Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd
b) The Supreme Court of Florida
c) Mr. Bean
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

13) In 2002, the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:
a) Enron
b) The Lutheran Church
c) The NFL
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

14) In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:
a) Bonny and Clyde
b) Captain Kangaroo
c) Billy Graham
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

15) In 2001, Philippine Missionaries Gracia and Martin Burnham were kidnapped, held for over a year, and Martin subsequently killed by:
a) Mr. Rogers
b) Scooby Doo & Shaggy
c) Ronald Reagan
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

16) On July 4th 2002, two Innocent airline passengers were killed, and three others Injured at the ticket counter of El Al Airlines in the LAX International terminal by:
a) Hulk Hogan after losing the WWF Title
b) The cast of Monty Python
c) Senator Lil' Tommy Daschle
d) A Muslim male extremist between the age of 17 and 40

17) On July 31, 2002, five Americans were killed by a Palestinian HAMAS bomber in Jerusalem while attending school by:
a) The US Congress
b) The tooth fairy
c) The Easter bunny
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

18) On October 12th 2002 more than 200 innocent civilians (including 200 Australians and 5 Americans) were brutally murdered in Bali by:
a) Kermit the Frog & Miss Piggy
b) Bert & Ernie from Sesame Street
c) Charles Barkley
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

19) On October 29th 2002 more than 700 Moscow theatre goers were taken hostage and threatened with execution by:
a) Royal Canadian Mounted Police
b) Laurie Dhue of Fox News Channel
c) Peter Jennings of ABC News, pissed because Fox News is kicking his ass
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

20) Given the patterns set forth in Questions #1-19, who should the TSA be profiling in airport searches?
a) Little old ladies
b) Buxom young women
c) Children with teddy bears
d) Muslim male extremists between the age of 17 and 40

i bet even Douger would have gotten this Quiz right......he is Mortified by Muslims....
They cause his pants to fall down to the floor in the security pat down progress in front of a crowd of people in line embarrassing him. What I want to know is why did they purposely single him out? He's 81. He was groped and publicly humiliated. Many people are saying they did it because he is white. I don't know but Captain Kirk is probably extremely ticked off about this.

William Shatner's Pants Fall During TSA Check

Star Trek legend William Shatner was left nursing a bruised ego when his trousers fell down during an airport security check in front of dozens of fellow travellers.

The actor was queuing at Los Angeles International Airport to catch a flight to South Africa when he was singled out for a search by officials.

And while the TSA zealots were patting down Captain Kirk, 35 Al Qaeda men, between the ages of 21-35, walked past them, wearing turbans and carrying Korans.

Too bad Shatner forgot to bring his phaser!

yes, and we noticed the huge airline terrorism that happened because of that. oh wait, just another lie from the village idiots.

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