Tucker Carlson Goes full blame-America on Russia’s Ukraine Invasion, Saying "Ukraine Is Not a Democracy"

Funny how a brainwashed Leftist hack can’t face the truth of the rampant corruption and treason within the Democratic Party. This is how it always is, until the dress with the sperm stains shows up like it did with Bill Clinton, and even after that, they will still deny.

As usual, the Left is far more guilty of what they accuse the other side of. They of course will dismiss and deny all of this treasonous behavior.

"Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow,"

Baturina, a billionaire, was previously married to Yuri Luzhkov, who served as mayor of Moscow but was fired for alleged corruption in 2010. The report details how Biden's business received a $3.5 million payment from Baturina in February 2014, which was described to be for "consultancy" work. In 2015, Biden also received several payments of several hundred thousand dollars from Baturina, several of which were listed as part of a "loan agreement."
🥱 Same old, same old.
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Head scratcher here: The legacy media bans any mention of Trump because of mean tweets. Literally, but the Biden administration and its incompetence in economics AND foreign policy, like abandoning Afghanistan and printing billions of $ in currency to cover paying people NOT to work...that isn't an issue. Shh, don't tell anybody.
Are you saying Biden's relief package when Covid sunk the economy during Trump, was "incompetence in economics?" Can you provide documented specifics backing your argument?

How was Biden abandoning Afghanistan, when we should have never been there to begin with?
Carlson can't do anything for Uncle Pootie, makes him sort of useless to the Russian President, no? Remember , Brandon is our autocrat in this country. Not Trump, and certainly not a journalist like Mr. Carlson.
How is Biden an autocrat? Specifically?
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Is America "Demo cracy"???

Carlson on Monday drove home an argument that has lingered on the fringes of the conservative movement for some time — that the United States and the West invited this war with their support for admitting Ukraine into NATO, a step that Russia finds unacceptable.

To be clear, the idea that NATO expansion into countries such as Ukraine is provocative and might even be a bad idea is not a fringe position; it has long been espoused, dating to prominent, establishment foreign policy voices in the 1990s. But Carlson took things a good few conspiratorial steps further, arguing that the push for NATO was deliberately intended to provoke this war.

Carlson said it was “obvious” that “getting Ukraine to join NATO was the key to inciting war with Russia.” He noted that Vice President Harris was sent to Europe as Russia massed troops on Ukraine’s borders and that she said, “I appreciate and admire President [Volodymyr] Zelensky’s desire to join NATO.”
Tucker tells the truth,, you know it works when kkk democrats attack the man and not the information.
Well, it's already a hackneyed propaganda cliché to declare all dissenters as agents of the Kremlin or Beijing.
Come up with something more original and at least somewhat similar to the truth.

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Diagnosis by a psychiatrist: Putinophobia,severe episode
We can start with Carlson's own words; Tucker Carlson Hoping We Can Just Forget About All the Times He Insisted Putin Was the Best

If Tucker isn't in bed with Russia, then he needs to amp up his bullshitting skills a little better.

Based on what I see, hear, read, fart, snort, puke, it's abundantly obvious to me, Tucker is just short of love letters to Putin.
Carlson isn't running for office, he isn't in charge.

Brandon is, sorta.
But the Right listen to Carlson and Trump. And that does have an impact on our country. And nothing about what they spew is positive.
Head scratcher here: The legacy media bans any mention of Trump because of mean tweets. Literally, but the Biden administration and its incompetence in economics AND foreign policy, like abandoning Afghanistan and printing billions of $ in currency to cover paying people NOT to work...that isn't an issue. Shh, don't tell anybody.
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So the new regulations on oil drillers creates more opportunity? Interesting.. do you do drugs?
You were asking about Libs and opportunity, now you jump to oil drillers. I spent several hours schooling you on oil yesterday. Won't do it again today. You're a bot and a liar. No one is interested in entertaining your circle jerk posts.
But the Right listen to Carlson and Trump. And that does have an impact on our country. And nothing about what they spew is positive.

How does it have "an impact" on the country? Conservatives aren't in charge, we don't make policy, we just have to listen to what the libs say.
You were asking about Libs and opportunity, now you jump to oil drillers. I spent several hours schooling you on oil yesterday. Won't do it again today. You're a bot and a liar. No one is interested in entertaining your circle jerk posts.
Ok I got cha.. that question exposes you sorrry.. Do I have a better opportunity growing up in rural Tennessee in becoming a plumber, Carpenter, electrician, then growing up in inner city Ny?
Trump is banned on most media, because of liberal diversity and acceptance. Putin didn't invade Ukraine because Joe Robinette emanates waves of niceness that disarms bad guys.
Trump is banned from social media because he lied and broke their rules. Pretty simple
Trump is banned from social media because he lied and broke their rules. Pretty simple
Like masks work? Vaccine will stop transmission? Therapeutics don’t work? Interesting.. you seem to side with with bias Oligarchs.. dangerous.. I’ll stand with freedom for folks to make decisions on their own .

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