Tucker interviews the man he hates "passionately."

But, Tucker is the guy who lies--- you can't believe a word that comes out of his mouth, remember? :lmao:

This is not complicated. Tucker is the best paid propagandist of the MAGA media — of all U.S. media — and he is very good at what he does. The MAGA base “believes” most everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth, or are convinced he is speaking in a “special code” that only “Real Americans” understand. Many practically worship him. Thus Tucker and Fox say what this base wants to hear about Trump, American politics, and American society today. They knew his “Big Lie” campaign was fake, toxic and terribly destructive. They admitted as much in private emails. What Tucker really believes … is almost irrelevant.
This is not complicated. Tucker is the best paid propagandist of the MAGA media — of all U.S. media — and he is very good at what he does. The MAGA base “believes” most everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth, or are convinced he is speaking in a “special code” that only “Real Americans” understand. Many practically worship him. Thus Tucker and Fox say what this base wants to hear about Trump, American politics, and American society today. They knew his “Big Lie” campaign was fake, toxic and terribly destructive. They admitted as much in private emails. What Tucker really believes … is almost irrelevant.
FAUX news is a den of liars. They are not in it for the truth or to nform. They are in it to sensationalize and makes lots of money. I hope the Austrailian has to testify in the two voting machine cases coming up.
Trump’s mouth, or are convinced he is speaking in a “special code” that only “Real Americans” understand.

Must be that plain English again. 88% of all you tards have trouble with it being that you only have 6th grade educations.
FAUX news is a den of liars. They are not in it for the truth or to nform. They are in it to sensationalize and makes lots of money. I hope the Austrailian has to testify in the two voting machine cases coming up.
They are all dens of liars. Period.
Yes, exaggerations, like saying his swearing into office was the biggest ever. Not exactly true but then, no harm, no foul, not like Biden's lies. Turns out Trump was either slightly misinformed or just putting his usual business spin on things when his event in 2016 was actually the SECOND largest, exceeded only by Obama's first, but still larger than Obama's SECOND. Turns out that Joe's 2021 inauguration was the smallest of any president at that location in recent history. I think George Washington had more pigeons show up for his than Biden had people. Another first for Brandon:
  • Smallest campaign
  • Smallest rallies
  • Smallest message
  • Fewest statements of truth and fact
  • Smallest brain
  • Lowest IQ
  • Tiniest pecker
  • Lowest popularity in history.
But yep, he sure did get 81 million votes
Why in the world would you waste so much time writing g about the election size issue. I don’t bring it up. Nobody cares. It was a stupid thing to lie about but that’s just how trump rolls.
When measuring the scope and scale of anything, even a liar, it must be measured against some reference point to have any meaning. That is just pure scientific and mathematical fact. Probably why it escapes you
I didn’t realize we were measuring the scale and scope. I’m simply calling Trump a liar and extremely dishonest person
Must be that plain English again. 88% of all you tards have trouble with it being that you only have 6th grade educations.
Your quote me out of context, leave out the subject of the sentence, and the. claim I am ignorant and have a poor education?

Your quote of me:
Trump’s mouth, or are convinced he is speaking in a “special code” that only “Real Americans” understand.
I frankly don’t know if you are dumb, suffer from a reading problem like dyslexia, or are cynically trying to insult me to change the subject. What I wrote was:
This is not complicated. Tucker is the best paid propagandist of the MAGA media — of all U.S. media — and he is very good at what he does. The MAGA base “believes” most everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth, or are convinced he is speaking in a “special code” that only “Real Americans” understand. Many practically worship him. Thus Tucker and Fox say what this base wants to hear about Trump, American politics, and American society today. They knew his “Big Lie” campaign was fake, toxic and terribly destructive. They admitted as much in private emails. What Tucker really believes … is almost irrelevant.
Was that hard to understand? You can agree or disagree, but please don’t quote me out of context again … and then act superior.
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Your quote me out of context, leave out the subject of the sentence

Hey Tom, it is called truncating a paragraph to the salient point to which one is responding to make it easier for the reader to follow. It changes nothing of what the OP originally said, simply leaves out the irrelevant portion saving server space.

This is what professionals do, I don't know if you are just stupid or maybe you just never went to college or wrote professionally.

I hear Comedy College offers remedial classes if you are interested.
“Hey,” toobfreak: You were caught trying to cover up your own stupidity, obsession to insult others, and sad attempt to pretend you are superior / “educated” … and now follow up with more ridiculous insults. How do you live with yourself? You are a “professional” liar and a pathetic troll — at best.
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Ignoring the thread topic. So is Tucker a hypocrite or not? He is interviewing a man the, not only does he hate passionately...but a man that has been charged with over 30 felonies...with more on the way.
30 felonies? The Biden Crime family has already been proved guilty of more than that, Trump only has fake charges.
But the leaker has become a hero for the MAGA cult. Because they hate America and want Poootin to rule them. Trump is their Poootin.
Didn't Poopeypants pay his buddy Putin billions for oil after he shut down our production and drove our prices sky high?
So Poopeypants funded Russia's war on the Ukraine and only sends Zelensky cash to have laundered.
What hypocrisy? Trump is the leading candidate of the party and Tucker is a news man. Are you afraid that Trump will come out smelling like a rose?

There's never any danger of that. Trump has never given an interview where he was anything but embarassing.

Trump lies, threatens and whines about how unfairly he is treated. That's all he ever does.
Didn't Poopeypants pay his buddy Putin billions for oil after he shut down our production and drove our prices sky high?
So Poopeypants funded Russia's war on the Ukraine and only sends Zelensky cash to have laundered.

Could you repost that in English? We don't speak MAGA.
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