Tucker Leaving Fox

Fox will now be part of the "deep state"...watch.

It literally never ends with these folks.... They are just like the 9/11 truthers...conspiracy theories have to be invented to explain everything.
Are you going to reimburse them for the money Tucker cost them?
The top rated show on Fox News
The purge is on. That's what happens when you lie lie lie.
1). Maybe Tucker knew his time was up at Fox after the Dominion law suit against Fox, which Fox basically lost. They had to concede that Fox had told too many lies about the 2020 election.

2). He may be going to OAN or Newsmax.

3). Thank you for your show of Pure Antisemitism by posting this:


Your ignorance does not see to know that the Koch brothers are Jewish and are billionaires and have a lot of leverage, amongst many other Jewish Republican Billionaires and Millionaires who have been doing everything to gerrymander, suppress the vote of Democrats, blacks especially, and put 3 Republicans during the Trump administration in the Supreme Court.

4). There is no "Deep State" except in the mind of fools who listen endlessly to Republican sources.
the Koch brothers were the good kind of Jews....so it makes no sense to compare them to the deep state tranny baby blood drinking globalists
Punishment. He couldn't continue after being largely responsible for costing Fox nearly a billion dollars.

But here's an opportunity for Americans to peek behind the curtain!

Tucker will be snapped up by one of the other networks and it could even be MSNBC. This will burst some bubbles of his supporters when they find that Tucker isn't really political.

He's a showman who is good at making money out of politics.
They will go back to being partisan and conspiratorial when they think it's safe to do so, though. They can't not do it. Their media empire was built on right wing propaganda.
Its safe to do so now. They just won't get specific about the claims. Whether the neanderthals who watch FOX (or MSNBC for that matter) will be happy with watered down innuendo is another question though.

When you say Company X did this and you can't back it up...you're in trouble. When you say "they" did this...you're fine. "They" can't sue. Company X can.
Sounds like the marketing team for Bud Light might have been hired by FAUX to "improve ratings." Hahahahaha. Wherever Tucker goes ... millions will follow, and his new home will prosper. This will also give Tucker the freedom to report on lots of stuff he was previously banned from talking about, since FAUX is run be the same corporations running Clinton or Communist New Network (CNN) and MSNBC. Good for Tucker. He's a free man!!
Will be interesting to see how this impacts Fox's ratings and popularity among MAGAs, who - let's face it - are the whole reason Fox News exists in the first place.
They can just elevate Jesse Waters or someone else to tell old white people the lies they want to hear about trannies and darkies......they will be fine..and tucker will be fine over at OAN or Newsmax
Sounds like the marketing team for Bud Light might have been hired by FAUX to "improve ratings." Hahahahaha. Wherever Tucker goes ... millions will follow, and his new home will prosper. This will also give Tucker the freedom to report on lots of stuff he was previously banned from talking about, since FAUX is run be the same corporations running Clinton or Communist New Network (CNN) and MSNBC. Good for Tucker. He's a free man!!
Sure...the same thing was said for Glenn Beck and Big O'Reilley.

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