Tucker on Navalny

If any of you on the Tucker train sees one of his “fair and balanced” stories on Putin killing Navalny, his political opposition, will you post it here? I gotta see how these Putin lovers try and spin this.

Putin lovers? Are you talking about Obama and the Clintons?

Don't project.
No dummy, it's not clear at all. If you had a brain you'd know how to read your own post.
Ohh my apologies then… allow me to explain. In my first sentence when I address those on the Tucker train, I’m speaking to those who follow Tucker Carlson, a right wing propagandist who tries and play a newsman. I’m speaking to him and those that share his pro Putin excusist agenda. Does that clear it up?
Ohh my apologies then… allow me to explain. In my first sentence when I address those on the Tucker train, I’m speaking to those who follow Tucker Carlson, a right wing propagandist who tries and play a newsman. I’m speaking to him and those that share his pro Putin excusist agenda. Does that clear it up?

Oh I see, Tucker is Pro-Russian now, and anyone who pays attention to him is pro-Russian too. Anything that helps you sleep nights Slade.
Oh I see, Tucker is Pro-Russian now, and anyone who pays attention to him is pro-Russian too. Anything that helps you sleep nights Slade.
You still seem to be having trouble reading. I’ll explain further what I wrote.

I said Tucker has been pushing a pro Putin agenda which he has. The latest interview he did with him is a shining example. And as for Tuckers followers I addressed those who support his pro Putin agenda. We see many of them on this board.

You up to speed now??
People, wake up!
Analny was not a significant writer, poet, politician, scientist, designer, etc.
He was a shitty person, who was on the payroll of the USA and Soros.
Aren't you ashamed to make a "great martyr" out of this shit and compare him to Putin?
People, wake up!
Analny was not a significant writer, poet, politician, scientist, designer, etc.
He was a shitty person, who was on the payroll of the USA and Soros.
Aren't you ashamed to make a "great martyr" out of this shit and compare him to Putin?
It at all. He was an opposition figure against Putin who is a toxic leader and murderer. That’s enough to make a martyr out of him. Putin needs to go down
You still seem to be having trouble reading. I’ll explain further what I wrote.

I said Tucker has been pushing a pro Putin agenda which he has. The latest interview he did with him is a shining example. And as for Tuckers followers I addressed those who support his pro Putin agenda. We see many of them on this board.

You up to speed now??

Ah, sure sounds neat Slade. Say, put your money where your loose emotional lips are. Give us an example where Tuckers interview with Putin demonstrates a "shining example" of pushing Putin's agenda. Go.......................
There is not much difference between Putin and Biden.
Biden and the Creepy Democrat Cult also arrest their opposition leaders.
Wow, if you’re serious then you are beyond brainwashed, seek help.

Trumps arrests are based on actual evidence and real laws. It is going through our legal system which is a world different than what Russia and Putin do. Wake up
Ah, sure sounds neat Slade. Say, put your money where your loose emotional lips are. Give us an example where Tuckers interview with Putin demonstrates a "shining example" of pushing Putin's agenda. Go.......................
Tucker made a name for himself as this hard hitting force that calls out power. His interview with Putin was a softball fluff piece. Even Putin said so himself. My example is Putins statements regarding the interview….

Tucker made a name for himself as this hard hitting force that calls out power. His interview with Putin was a softball fluff piece. Even Putin said so himself. My example is Putins statements regarding the interview….

You failed Slade, but I didn't expect anything else. I asked you POINT BLANK to support your suggestion that Tucker promoted Putin's agenda, and all you could come with was "well Putin said so", which by your own link demonstrates that's not true.
You failed Slade, but I didn't expect anything else. I asked you POINT BLANK to support your suggestion that Tucker promoted Putin's agenda, and all you could come with was "well Putin said so", which by your own link demonstrates that's not true.
That’s what I pointed out. 2 hour interview and all Tucker did was let Putin rant and ramble about Russian history and what his agenda is. No pushback, no hard questions, no challenges about war crimes, killing innocents, power abuses etc.

Tuckers interview was just a prop to help Putin push and spread his agenda. You don’t see that?
There is not much difference between Putin and Biden.
Biden and the Creepy Democrat Cult also arrest their opposition leaders.
the executive branch has no control of state level justice system.

Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts, and the supreme court gets involved in disputes between states. The executive branch provides resources to the federal justice system, but cannot direct it on who to prosecute.

the US attorney general is a different matter, but the current one appears to be mostly unsatisfactory.
There is not much difference between Putin and Biden.
Biden and the Creepy Democrat Cult also arrest their opposition leaders.
You forgot the part where evidence was found of laws being broken to trigger and justify the arrests... pesky little details, I know, but also true.

Don't do things that break the law and don't get arrested... pretty simple. Law and Order

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