Tucker shreds the Xiden 'Stalinist'- like speech.

I have no idea about mine because I never graduated I took the GED and went to college.
It was a big deal for us..... held at the old Richfield Coliseum where the Cleveland Cavaliers used to play... the same place I saw Led Zeppelin and Genesis and all those others perform.

On the dark side-..... I've been with my wife 33 years and we've been married 31 of them- both of our moms died the same year 1991.... and both of our best friends committed suicide ( my friend Jeff hung himself in an oak tree in Atlanta Georgia in 1988 and her best friend Jan killed herself in a garage sitting in the car with a car running⁷.... suffocated on carbon monoxide fumes about 15 years ago)o

Mom was only 47 ....... she should still be alive makes me sad
Am I the only one who noticed the fake Applause and at the end someone holding up a cell phone as if there's an audience out there. Did they learn this from Kim Jong-un?
And at the beginning when Xiden waves his hand and says please sit down there was no one out there..... I think that was all staged fake shit.
Biden's boilerplate demagogic speech expressed the Left's total contempt for the average mainstream Americans.
The Democrat Party is based on hate and greed.
What's not "normal" is the abuses of power that the Democrat Party is emersed in.
It is not "normal" or legal or constitutional to use the IRS, DOJ and FBI as political tools against the opposition.
Censoring, arresting and imprisoning political opponents is what's not "normal".
Average Americans are trying to stand up to the Democrat Party's hate, racism, corruption and tyranny, and Left fears them, that is what Biden's speech was really all about.
The soul of the nation is awakening Joe. Whether you and your crime family friends believe it or not.

All Joe left out are the gas chambers.

ITMT, someone did a tally of Joe's talking points and with more grave issues facing this country than perhaps ever before between crime, the border, scarcity of food, soaring inflation, looming war and many facing eviction, Joe spent nearly all of his speech not even mentioning hardly any of these instead devoting nearly the whole of his speech on the need to stomp out and destroy his #1 political rival because the people of this country keep electing them over HIS party.

Gee, I wonder why. :th_waiting:
All Joe left out are the gas chambers.

ITMT, someone did a tally of Joe's talking points and with more grave issues facing this country than perhaps ever before between crime, the border, scarcity of food, soaring inflation, looming war and many facing eviction, Joe spent nearly all of his speech not even mentioning hardly any of these instead devoting nearly the whole of his speech on the need to stomp out and destroy his #1 political rival because the people of this country keep electing them over HIS party.

Gee, I wonder why. :th_waiting:
And they actually have the audacity to fearmonger about election integrity among the Republicans after the last few elections... seriously ?
Clever of Tucker to employ the time tested bugaboo of making the fight being against communism.

While the other side is moving more quickly now to characterizing Trump as a fascist. This represents progress in that traditional enemies are once again about to clash swords.

Can the government authorities defuse the situation. Will the US military heed government's call?
"FJB" - US military (except CCP Milley and Austin, Rachel "5 O'clock shadow" Levine)

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