Tucker: You're being instructed not to notice this

The Middle Class has been declining ever since Reagan sold out the American Dream to the wealthy
this is partly true, during the reagan admin we saw the biggest jump from middle class to upper middle class in American history
Trump could be pro-Martian. It doesn’t matter if he has no effect.

Our increase in fuel prices is due to surging demand and lagging production after they cut back substantially during pandemic. It’s pretty obvious to anyone who doesn’t have a warped perspective that wants to make everything about partisan politics.

Of course it makes a difference who's in charge. When Trump was in charge OPEC were our bitches. They didn't dare try to cut production on him. Now that an anti-energy patient like Dementia is in charge, we are now OPEC's bitches. They know he'll never dream of ramping up US fuel production whereas Trump would have if they wanted to pull stunts on us.
Of course it makes a difference who's in charge. When Trump was in charge OPEC were our bitches. They didn't dare try to cut production on him. Now that an anti-energy patient like Dementia is in charge, we are now OPEC's bitches. They know he'll never dream of ramping up US fuel production whereas Trump would have if they wanted to pull stunts on us.
More narrative. No facts.

Let me put this simply but in all caps so you’ll notice.

Tucker: You're being instructed not to notice this​

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host describes how the country's quality of life in on the decline.

The Left does not want you to see what you see with your very own eyes, and some leftists are complying, willingly blinding themselves to the truth.

Oh, dear me, more Krazy Klown Kar Kornspiracies... :auiqs.jpg:
true but they can certainly slow it by cutting off federal land contracts
As has been pointed out by the other poster, the lions share of oil production is from private land. Federal land contracts are still in place and in no small part completely unused.

More narrative. No facts.

Let me put this simply but in all caps so you’ll notice.

Sure they do, they also retard production. What country do you live in anyway?

Not public lands. They are controlled by the President as we've seen.
Just a bit ago you were talking about how Obama couldn’t affect oil production because it was on private land.

But never mind that.

The president can’t ramp up oil production. They don’t control what the oil companies do. This is America. Not Venezuela
Just a bit ago you were talking about how Obama couldn’t affect oil production because it was on private land.

But never mind that.

The president can’t ramp up oil production. They don’t control what the oil companies do. This is America. Not Venezuela

Where did I say ALL oil came from private lands?

What a President can do is allow drilling and exploration of public lands which has an impact on the fuel market. Trust me, I spent a few years in the commodities market, I have a bit of understanding how this works.

Dementia closed down the Keystone, and gasoline started to rise. He then stopped all new exploration and drilling on public lands, and it went up again. Then he refused to do anything about the Russian hack of our largest gasoline pipeline, and it rose again.

The market responds to any news good or bad about the commodity they are invested in; not just with the President, but he does have an impact on how traders will place their bets. When speculators spot a real problem with their commodity, they will buy long contracts which increases the prices.
Just a bit ago you were talking about how Obama couldn’t affect oil production because it was on private land.

But never mind that.

The president can’t ramp up oil production. They don’t control what the oil companies do. This is America. Not Venezuela
is there anything poor old joe can do
Reagan set us on a path on destroying the Unions
The American Worker has suffered as a result through stagnant wages, lost benefits and no job security

The right to work act was passed in 1947 under Democrat Harry S Truman.

Learn your history before you make an idiot out of yourself.
Where did I say ALL oil came from private lands?

What a President can do is allow drilling and exploration of public lands which has an impact on the fuel market. Trust me, I spent a few years in the commodities market, I have a bit of understanding how this works.

Dementia closed down the Keystone, and gasoline started to rise. He then stopped all new exploration and drilling on public lands, and it went up again. Then he refused to do anything about the Russian hack of our largest gasoline pipeline, and it rose again.

The market responds to any news good or bad about the commodity they are invested in; not just with the President, but he does have an impact on how traders will place their bets. When speculators spot a real problem with their commodity, they will buy long contracts which increases the prices.
Keystone doesn’t affect US production. He didn’t stop new exploration on public lands, he stopped new leases. There’s thousands of completely unused leases. The natural gas pipeline (not gas) was a long time ago.

This is end stage politics here. You’re incapable of viewing anything other than presidential politics. It’s just tribalism.

The market responds to demand far more than any of the stories you mention and you’ve failed to acknowledge that this is the prime, by far, reason that prices are up.

One more time. The president can’t ramp up production. They don’t control what oil companies do.
is there anything poor old joe can do
I guess we could nationalize the oil industry and increase production.

Until then, we wait for the market to handle it. They don’t seem to be in that much of a hurry. Perhaps the higher prices are beneficial?


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