Tulsi Speaks for Most of Us On This Issue

She supported us staying out of Syria. She was right. Just because Russia was also right doesn't make going in right.
From the Guardian

Democrats were silent on Thursday as Tulsi Gabbard, one of the party’s sitting lawmakers in Congress, announced that she had met with Bashar al-Assad during a trip to war-torn Syria and dismissed his entire opposition as “terrorists”.

Assad of course is a dictator who had murdered half a million of his countrymen and used chemical weapons on them
From the Guardian

Democrats were silent on Thursday as Tulsi Gabbard, one of the party’s sitting lawmakers in Congress, announced that she had met with Bashar al-Assad during a trip to war-torn Syria and dismissed his entire opposition as “terrorists”.

Assad of course is a dictator who had murdered half a million of his countrymen and used chemical weapons on them

There is zero evidence he used any chemical weapons. We have those in government know we will eat that lie up every time. I'm sure you have noted they have started floating it again.

Did we ever find those weapons in Iraq? In Syria?

zelensky also said that putin wouldn't attack.

biden is leading NATO. nato cannot go in there because article 5 doesn't apply.
Biden isn’t leading anything. Stop watching MSNBC. Under Obama Putin took Crimea. Under Trump he didn’t do anything. Under Biden he is wrecking Ukraine. These are indisputable facts.

truth over alternative facts.

Yep. Biden is corrupt. We agree. 37% approval rating. Above 50% is zero categories. Trump was as high as 59% approval on his handling of the economy. You dislike Trump. Fair. Doesn’t mean you have to defend everything Biden does. Fair?
There is zero evidence he used any chemical weapons. We have those in government know we will eat that lie up every time. I'm sure you have noted they have started floating it again.

Did we ever find those weapons in Iraq? In Syria?

Yep. Bush lied. Lesh the sucker fell for the lie.
There is zero evidence he used any chemical weapons. We have those in government know we will eat that lie up every time. I'm sure you have noted they have started floating it again.
He was pretty bad yea...Trump was worse.

Yea Republicans...
Trump was worse than a president who on his watch had:

Great Financial Meltdown
War in Iraq

You have gone full retard, Herr Lesh.
Biden isn’t leading anything.


Stop watching MSNBC.

i don't watch MSNBC. i don't watch CNN.

i don't even have cable.

Under Obama Putin took Crimea.

yep. & under bush he invaded georgia.

Under Trump he didn’t do anything.

lol ... that was 'splained. why was donny trying SO hard to dissolve NATO?

Under Biden he is wrecking Ukraine.

wrong ... this is putin's last chance. he is demented & wants the USSR to become a reality again. but he underestimated biden & putin thought getting donny to go thru ukraines' extortion - that would materialize.

you need to stop watching FOX, OANN, newsmax, & RT.

These are indisputable facts.

lol ... only in yer mind, zogerino.

i don't watch MSNBC. i don't watch CNN.

i don't even have cable.

yep. & under bush he invaded georgia.

lol ... that was 'splained. why was donny trying SO hard to dissolve NATO?

wrong ... this is putin's last chance. he is demented & wants the USSR to become a reality again. but he underestimated biden & putin thought getting donny to go thru ukraines' extortion - that would materialize.

you need to stop watching FOX, OANN, newsmax, & RT.

lol ... only in yer mind, zogerino.

You don’t have cable!?!,!(!!(!(?!!(!,!??!
Yep. Biden is corrupt. We agree.

your CONclusion is faulty. donny tried to blackmail ukraine. but funny how durham never quite got that for ya, 'eh?

37% approval rating.

you keep reciting that, but i remember quite clearly how you downplayed polling results when yer chosen one was still in the whitehouse.

anyhoo ...

BREAKING|Mar 4, 2022,01:11pm EST|18,120 views

Biden’s Approval Rating Jumps 8 Points After State Of The Union, With Strong Support Of Handling Of Ukraine Crisis

Biden’s Approval Rating Jumps 8 Points After State Of The Union, With Strong Support Of Handling Of Ukraine Crisis

^^^ forbes ^^^ - a rw source

Above 50% is zero categories.

lol ...


Presidential Approval Ratings -- Donald Trump

Trump was as high as 59% approval on his handling of the economy.

how'd that work out for a 2nd term?

biden's unemployment record is beating donny's, whose really wasn't all that impressive when you think back to obama inheriting a +/- 10% unemployment rate the last few months of W's 2nd term.

obama brought that down to +/- 5% despite having a (R) congress 6 outa the 8 years he was prez.

donny only managed to bring it down to +/- 3.5% despite having a (R) congress for the 1st 2 years. & biden is/will be beating that & he's got several months & years to go.

You dislike Trump. Fair.

oh yea ... i have your blessing.


Doesn’t mean you have to defend everything Biden does. Fair?

i don't defend everything biden does. his AG pick for one. i get why some things are happening the way they are, that you seem to have blinders on.

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