Tulsi's Post Departure Interview

And damned proud of it.

But the only people who are looking at the Ukraine war, and cheering for Putin, are a bit nuts.

It is funny to watch the GOP act like a hippy-drum circle, though.
Nobody I know of is cheering for Putin. Many folks just believe that invasion could have been avoided. Thousands of dead Ukrainians and infrastructure destroyed because of a lack of diplomacy.
You transparent fraud. She just dumped the Democrap Party. Why wouldn’t Republicans applaud her for speaking the truth.

She is not “Moscow” Tulsi. She is not crazy. You are. You’re so ducking crazy you see her sanity as crazed.

Fact is, with the exception of some of the views she just expressed, she is very much a liberal. But her eyes have been opened. And she may yet come around to rejecting some of her former views. With age comes wisdom and she has the intellectual integrity to change her mind as she has demonstrated.

Up until 2008, I voted Republican... Then I watched the GOP completely screw the working class to protect the investor class, and realized that I didn't make enough money to vote Republican and neither do you.

Of course, we don't have a Republican Party anymore, we have the cult of Trump.

WHich is why we have national Security Republicans cheering for Putin's war of aggression.
Family value Republicans justifying paying porn stars for sex.
Fiscal conservatives being okay with 8 Trillion in new debt.

What I see is a severe narcissist sucking up to the people praising her.
I'd be interested to hear her opinion of the GOP.

Strangely, she hasn't been very forthcoming in that area.

I'm patient.
Strangely, when she is on Hannity or Carlson she has nothing negative to say about Republican policies
Nobody I know of is cheering for Putin. Many folks just believe that invasion could have been avoided. Thousands of dead Ukrainians and infrastructure destroyed because of a lack of diplomacy.

Wow... they have a word for that, it's called "Appeasement".

Hey, just give up the Sudetenland, and everything will be fine! Or the Danzig Corridor. Or the Crimea.

Do you work at McDonalds?

No, I worked an office job at a company that screwed me over when the recession hit despite 6 years of loyal service.

It is called common-sense and not appeasement. You obviously have no problem with thousands of Ukrainians being killed or injured.

This is where you are confused. Putin wants to erase Ukraine as a country. Clearly the Ukrainians are willing to risk their lives to keep that from happening.

I mean, let's be honest, the world could have surrendered to Hitler in 1941 when it seemed like he was going to win the war. Instead, they kept on fighting.

The problem here is Putin, and his dreams of restoring the USSR. He doesn't need the Donbass or Crimea... Russia has plenty of land.
Up until 2008, I voted Republican... Then I watched the GOP completely screw the working class to protect the investor class, and realized that I didn't make enough money to vote Republican and neither do you.
🙄 I don’t see where you come up with this notion that the GOP “screwed” the people on behalf of the investor “class.”
Of course, we don't have a Republican Party anymore, we have the cult of Trump.
No. We have a Republican Party and many of us are indeed content with Trump and with many of the things he espouses.
WHich is why we have national Security Republicans cheering for Putin's war of aggression.
I agree with you that this is Putin’s war of aggression. I also agree that many Republicans oppose spending American tax dollars and risking world war over Ukraine. I don’t happen to be persuaded that they are right, because I hate Putin and recognize that this war was started by him. On the other hand, it’s ok to consider the views of those with whom you disagree. In some ways, they’re right. This really isn’t our business.
Family value Republicans justifying paying porn stars for sex.
Nobody has done that.
Fiscal conservatives being okay with 8 Trillion in new debt.
Oh, no. I’m opposed to this entire economic philosophy of endless debt. Most Republicans want to strangle it to death. Not sure where you get the idea that anyone — other than liberals — are in favor of it.
What I see is a severe narcissist sucking up to the people praising her.
You need glasses.
Strangely, when she is on Hannity or Carlson she has nothing negative to say about Republican policies
This is interesting to watch, if nothing else. It's tough to imagine she'd try to run for President as a Republican, so she might be angling to run either as an independent or as the GOP VP. But unless she does some serious about-face dancing on the issues, that doesn't really make sense either.

Well, very little of this political shit makes sense to me, for that matter.
Since you almost got close to intelligence answers, I'll respond.

I don’t see where you come up with this notion that the GOP “screwed” the people on behalf of the investor “class.”
You mean bailouts for the banks that turned right around and jacked up credit card rates to pay them back?

No. We have a Republican Party and many of us are indeed content with Trump and with many of the things he espouses.

And sadly, you don't see a problem with that.

I agree with you that this is Putin’s war of aggression. I also agree that many Republicans oppose spending American tax dollars and risking world war over Ukraine. I don’t happen to be persuaded that they are right, because I hate Putin and recognize that this war was started by him. On the other hand, it’s ok to consider the views of those with whom you disagree. In some ways, they’re right. This really isn’t our business.

Let's be honest, the only reason why you guys are worried is that when Putin is toppled, we'll find out how deeply he had his hooks into Trump.

Oh, no. I’m opposed to this entire economic philosophy of endless debt. Most Republicans want to strangle it to death. Not sure where you get the idea that anyone — other than liberals — are in favor of it.

If you wanted to end debt, you'd be for making the rich pay their fair share. Debt springs up when REpublicans are in charge and give tax breaks to billionaires.

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