Tulsi's Post Departure Interview

I have always been baffled by the love so-called conservatives have for Gabbard.

They saw some bikini photos of a woman who isn't even Tulsi and their simple little brains fell in love with her.

It's amazing just how shallow the tards are. They don't know a thing about her.
Your stupid ASSumptions are the fatal flaw of the Demonrat Party. You guys just aren't deep thinkers
Since you almost got close to intelligence answers, I'll respond.

You mean bailouts for the banks that turned right around and jacked up credit card rates to pay them back?
You’re being petty and silly. If there weren’t bailouts and the institutions collapsed, we’d be in worse dire straights. Broaden your vision, dude.
And sadly, you don't see a problem with that.
I don’t see it as being true. So why would I have a problem with “it?”
Let's be honest,
Yes! Give it a try!
the only reason why you guys are worried is that when Putin is toppled, we'll find out how deeply he had his hooks into Trump.
I’m not worried about Putin. I want him squished. I believe the general consensus of those who disagree with you is more founded in concern for wasted American tax dollars and in the prospect of world wide nuclear war. There is still zero evidence of any nexus between Putin and Trump, you fantasist.
If you wanted to end debt, you'd be for making the rich pay their fair share.
That’s also bullshit. The wealthy pay far more of our national spending than all others combined. You’re not looking for the “rich” to pay their “fair” share. You’re looking for more money regardless of fairness.

A MUCH better way to stop inflating the debt is to stop all deficit spending and maybe start living within the confines of what the Constitution actually authorizes.
Debt springs up when REpublicans are in charge and give tax breaks to billionaires.
Debt soars when Dims like Brandon and Pelousy insist on using our national wealth to buy their offices with I’ll considered but massively expensive programs.
Hopefully, Gabbard will be a part of a serious turn to an alternative to the duopoly.
You’re being petty and silly. If there weren’t bailouts and the institutions collapsed, we’d be in worse dire straights. Broaden your vision, dude.

Again, why didn't any of the Banksters go to jail for fraud? Instead, they got their bailouts, they got their bonuses, working people got screwed with higher interest rates and the One Percernters used the 2008 recession to screw us.. again.. But keep voting for more of that shit.

I don’t see it as being true. So why would I have a problem with “it?”

I’m not worried about Putin. I want him squished. I believe the general consensus of those who disagree with you is more founded in concern for wasted American tax dollars and in the prospect of world wide nuclear war. There is still zero evidence of any nexus between Putin and Trump, you fantasist.

The same people who pissed away a trillion dollars in Iraq are worried about 100 billion in the Ukraine. Don't make me laugh.

There was extensive evidence of Putin's aid to Trump, and Trump lackies like Manfort and Flynn were convicted of collusion. That's why Trump had to hand out a bunch of pardons when he left.

That’s also bullshit. The wealthy pay far more of our national spending than all others combined. You’re not looking for the “rich” to pay their “fair” share. You’re looking for more money regardless of fairness.

When Ronnie Ray-Gun cut taxes for the rich, the debt exploded.
When George W. Bush cut taxes for the rich, the debt exploded.
When Trump cut taxes for the rich, the debt exploded.

This isn't complicated, stupid.

Debt soars when Dims like Brandon and Pelousy insist on using our national wealth to buy their offices with I’ll considered but massively expensive programs.

Except, this funny thing. Clinton actually posted surpluses... Obama cut the deficit in half. Programs aren't the problem... they in fact boost the economy. Tax cuts for the rich do not.
One can certainly understand not wanting to belong to the whacked-out Democratic Party, but completely soiling yourself by going on Fox News and willingly repeating the standard, boilerplate GQP platitudes to Tucker sure is an odd way to paint yourself as a modern independent thinker.

She has seemed like an intelligent person, but it sure is difficult to see a clear plan here. Is she going to change her mind on several of the issues and try to sell that to the GQP base? And would she be able to get away with it? Would the base vote for a ticket of Trump/De Santis with Tulsi as VP?
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One can certainly understand not wanting to belong to the whacked-out Democratic Party, but completely soiling yourself by going on Fox News and willingly repeating the standard, boilerplate GQP platitudes to Tucker sure is an odd way to paint yourself as a modern independent thinker.

She has seemed like an intelligent person, but it sure is difficult to see a clear plan here. Is she going to change her mind on several of the issues and try to sell that to the GQP base? And would she be able to get away with it? Would the base vote for a ticket of Trump/De Santis with Tulsi as VP?

Actually, she's your pinup girl, Vichy Mac... another self-important person who thinks she's smarter than everyone in the room.
I think she's saying what a lot of folks in her own party are thinking. They fear the backlash from the cult. But I believe she is inspiring many others, especially after the slaughter coming in a few weeks

/——-/ My concern is that she’s a Trojan Horse, registers as an independent and runs for president in 2024. This could split the Republican ticket, insuring a dem win.
Tulsi had delusions she could run for President.
When the Democrats ignored her, she ran to Fox News to spout her hatred of the Democrats.

She is a white Candace Owens
She's a Democrat; not a DemoKKKrat!!

/——-/ My concern is that she’s a Trojan Horse, registers as an independent and runs for president in 2024. This could split the Republican ticket, insuring a dem win.

Naw, don't worry about it.

Republicans will ensure a Democratic win by thinking doing well in the midterms is an endorsement for their crazy ideas. Slash social security. Ban Abortion!

Just like they did in 2012 and 1996.
No, I worked an office job at a company that screwed me over when the recession hit despite 6 years of loyal service.

This is where you are confused. Putin wants to erase Ukraine as a country. Clearly the Ukrainians are willing to risk their lives to keep that from happening.

I mean, let's be honest, the world could have surrendered to Hitler in 1941 when it seemed like he was going to win the war. Instead, they kept on fighting.

The problem here is Putin, and his dreams of restoring the USSR. He doesn't need the Donbass or Crimea... Russia has plenty of land.
Biden tried to give Putin the Ukraine by removing their President. Hey; it worked for the demented walking death rattle in Afghanistan!!! It was the Euros who responded to the Ukraine's needs....Biden came in later as a Glory Thief!!! Maybe a minor incursion; maybe a little tactical Nuke.....Biden is a low Putin-owned useful idiot!!

like I wrote on the other thread:

I want to believe her so much, I like her, I really do, but I can't yet... so many thing she has said in the past.....I don't know what it is....:( may be in the future

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She's no longer a batshit crazy Dem but her POLICIES still suck; I like her too. That does NOT mean that I agree with her policies. So yes; I wish her well and thank her for her service, but NO success in Politics.
like I wrote on the other thread:

I want to believe her so much, I like her, I really do, but I can't yet... so many thing she has said in the past.....I don't know what it is....:( may be in the future

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Her ties to the WEF is a HUGE red flag to me!
Until she renounces that organization, I do NOT trust her.

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