Turkey will veto Sweden and Finland NATO membership.

The more nations set up alliances the greater the future war it will be.

The lessons of WW1 and WW2 has been forgotten.

Did Tucker tell you that bullshit?

Nuclear Deterrence has ensured Russia doesn't dare get into open conflict with NATO members and NATO doesn't touch Russia.

If you want security for your country better be part of one of those.
Don't forget the Ukraine's betrayal of the Minsk agreement and their continuous waging of war in the Donbas since 2014 and even before!
No, Russia never did intend to invade the Ukraine. Russia had to have known that it was getting into a losing proposition, but couldn't not finally take a stand.
And of course Russia acted with the confidence of their nuclear arsenal. Both from the POV that they wouldn't/couldn't be attacked by the US and also that the US couldn't ever defeat Russia.
Now the mutually agreed upon limitations are proving that out. If either America or Russia push the envelope on the agreed upon limitations, world war 3 will begin.
If the limitations are adhered to then nobody really knows how it will end. We can only know that Russia is never going to accept defeat.
Anybody still thinking that Nato is important now is engaged in wishful thinking!
1. Russia is on Ukraine's side of the border in Donbas since 2014. Russia is the invader.
2. Liar. Russia invaded Donbas, then they invaded Crimea, then they invaded from all around Ukraine.
3. We agree on what MAD Doctrine (Mutually Assured Destruction) means. MAD means that if anyone uses a nuke, its WW3 and "game over". Once the "use them or lose them" missile launches start, its too late. IMHO nukes can't ever be used, period.
4. The US couldn't defeat Russia? Idiot, Ukraine is defeating Russia, duh.
5. Russia may never "accept defeat", but economically the result is defeat. Russia can't survive against the world's economic pressure. Peace is a better idea...pick up a phone...
6. NATO is important, their support of Ukraine is defeating Russia's military. Russia's 3-day war is turning into an economic disaster. They can't get computer chips and other essentials for a real economy.
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"ABC News" is an oxymoron.
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

That's not what "oxymoron" means. Ironically, you got its made-up and pretentious meaning from the very jurinalists you despise. Anyone who uses their ignorant and dysfunctional grammar is under their spell without knowing it. The correct term for what you're trying to say is "a contradiction in terms."
Did Tucker tell you that bullshit?

Nuclear Deterrence has ensured Russia doesn't dare get into open conflict with NATO members and NATO doesn't touch Russia.

If you want security for your country better be part of one of those.

I am talking about FUTURE wars.

War is never prevented just delayed and YOU ignored the lessons of history posting a couple examples but there are many more.

"The lessons of WW1 and WW2 has been forgotten."

By the way I don't need to "follow Tucker" to know about past history.
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NATOs 2nd largest army and America's largest. most important ally will veto Finland and Sweden if they apply for NATO membership.

Doesn't look like NATO alliance has become brittle over the decades when one of the most important members is defying the US and NATO.

The Americans once shit themselves when Turkey bought the S-400s from Russia, lets see the US reaction when a vital ally defies them yet again.
See ya Turkey.
1. Russia is on Ukraine's side of the border since 2014. Russia is the invader.
2. Liar. Russia invaded Donbas, then they invaded Crimea, then they invaded from all around Ukraine.
3. We agree on what MAD Doctrine (Mutually Assured Destruction) means. MAD means that if anyone uses a nuke, its WW3 and "game over". Once the "use them or lose them" missile launches start, its too late. IMHO nukes can't ever be used, period.
4. The US couldn't defeat Russia? Idiot, Ukraine is defeating Russia, duh.
5. Russia may never "accept defeat", but economically the result is defeat. Russia can't survive against the world's economic pressure. Peace is a better idea...
6. NATO is important, their support of Ukraine is defeating Russia's military. Russia's 3-day war is turning into an economic disaster. They can't get computer chips and other essentials for a real economy.
The "savvy genius" - with his absurd pretext of Jewish Nazis controlling Ukraine and being mean to Russians - has seriously damaged Russia in the long run.

Eastern Europeans learned to take seriously the threat from Moscow the hard way.

Putin's fawning lickspittles are not taken seriously.
Swedish Army (whole of it Air Force, Navy etc) has 24.000 soldiers.
Finnish Army has 21.000 soldiers.

These will be classical freerider countries within NATO, the kind Mr. Trump complained and may complain again about.
Those are no security-exporting countries but will be importing security, mainly from USA taxpayer although these are rich countries.

Why should anyone die for them when they've no motivation whatsoever to put a respectable Army on the ground ?

24.000 soldiers, what kind of Kindergarten is this ?
Small Countries Must Have Strong Militaries or They Have No Right to Exist

Belgium, a chronic surrender monkey leech dependent on the armed forces of England, had an Air Force of exactly three planes at the start of World War II. In legal terms, it is what is called "an attractive nuisance."
There is no downside to Finland and Sweden joining NATO.
Erdogan has the veto, but may not use it.
Maybe we can convince him a veto is a bad idea?
There is no downside for installing nuclear weapons in Cuba
The "savvy genius" - with his absurd pretext of Jewish Nazis controlling Ukraine and being mean to Russians - has seriously damaged Russia in the long run.
Eastern Europeans learned to take seriously the threat from Moscow the hard way.
Putin's fawning lickspittles are not taken seriously.
Yep. The good news is that Putin put Russia on a very bad economic track.
Russia is losing gas and oil customers, economic sanctions will bite for a long time.
Russia started the war with an economy the size of Italy, its long term economy now looks more like Zimbabwe.
Lets hope that Xi doesn't want any of those economic sanctions hitting China.
On the bright side Russia will be denied entry into NATO should they ever attack it.

Always think positive Caotain Russia.
1. Russia is on Ukraine's side of the border in Donbas since 2014. Russia is the invader.
Yes, and the reason why is the talking point that favours Russia.
2. Liar. Russia invaded Donbas, then they invaded Crimea, then they invaded from all around Ukraine.
No, Russia entered the Donbass with military force in strength that was needed to fight the Nazi Ukrainian element.
3. We agree on what MAD Doctrine (Mutually Assured Destruction) means. MAD means that if anyone uses a nuke, its WW3 and "game over". Once the "use them or lose them" missile launches start, its too late. IMHO nukes can't ever be used, period.
Imo Russia can risk the use of a tactical nuclear weapon without America starting WW3. The reasoning should be obvious.
But aside from our disagreement on that, it's my opinion that Russia will do just that unless the US allows a partial Russian victory. (ask me for details)
4. The US couldn't defeat Russia? Idiot, Ukraine is defeating Russia, duh.
The US absolutely could defeat Russia if either side didn't resort to the use of nuclear weapons. What you're failing to understand is that either side experiencing impending defeat will use nuclear weapons.
5. Russia may never "accept defeat", but economically the result is defeat. Russia can't survive against the world's economic pressure. Peace is a better idea...pick up a phone...
Russia will never accept defeat but the rest is probably not true. You're refusing to accept that the sanctions are having minimal effect on Russia now, and it's becoming less as half the world's countries are ignoring the sanctions. Especially the big and powerful counties that count! That's part of the reason why the situation is becoming more dangerous. America may act against a sympathizer of Russia!
6. NATO is important, their support of Ukraine is defeating Russia's military. Russia's 3-day war is turning into an economic disaster. They can't get computer chips and other essentials for a real economy.

And I say that if Nato is subtracted from the equation, it wouldn't make a difference so long as the nato countries support America's war on Russia.

It's not being accepted by Americans that Russia isn't being defeated. The propaganda blitz to shore up support for America's war is many times more intense than in any previous war.

If or when Russia starts to be defeated, everybody will know. This is the reason why I believe that sooner or later Russia will resort to the use of a tactical low radiation yield nuclear weapon.

We'll have to disagree on a response in kind by America.

NATOs 2nd largest army and America's largest. most important ally will veto Finland and Sweden if they apply for NATO membership.

Doesn't look like NATO alliance has become brittle over the decades when one of the most important members is defying the US and NATO.

The Americans once shit themselves when Turkey bought the S-400s from Russia, lets see the US reaction when a vital ally defies them yet again.
Kick Turkey out.
Russia entered the war with America as the richest undeveloped large land mass in the entire world, and intends to exit the war with that intact.
QED. (undeveloped means "very poor")
Small Countries Must Have Strong Militaries or They Have No Right to Exist

Belgium, a chronic surrender monkey leech dependent on the armed forces of England, had an Air Force of exactly three planes at the start of World War II. In legal terms, it is what is called "an attractive nuisance."

Sweden + Finland are not joining because they have big warrior spirit and want to help others defend against Russia.
They are only joining because they currently feel threatened by Russia and want others to help them.
Both nations have decided not to be part of NATO for decades although they could've been.
They've decided for decades to skip shouldering responsibility and burden-sharing.
You obviously have no understanding on America's purpose with Nato. Turkey is vitally important as a Nato member, more than nearly all the rest. Maybe Germany included!

Turkey was supplying Ukraine with precision long-range weapons, long before Germany sent some helmets.


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