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Turkish Passport - About Jews

Can you tell me and the board what would cause Israel's destruction if Israel went back to the re-negotiated 67 borders that all the World supports even the US Government?

Israel'ls army alone could enforce any peace deal supported by a UN vote...
a civil war in israel between the govt and the settlers who are just too powerful now

600,000 of the bastards, and they would fight even their own people

they are ultra thieves
They created this Svengali and they need to solve it or constant war footing will eventually bankrupt even rich Israel.
all israeli govts built settlements explicitly designed to make peace impossible

now its too late

kosher chickens will come home to roost

israel could have made true peace in the early 1950s when Nasser and Syia wanted to instead of being the cruel greedy stoopid thieving kleptos that they truly are to this day.

That was the last chance...............they will reap the costs of that choice they made then.

if such an early peace had held, which is only theoretical, israel would be ten times the thriving economy it is today...maybe even a light to the nations it is NOT
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If the Pakis I saw in London were urbane and educated, I would hate to see them in the rest of the country. I imagine they must be living in trees.

Lol :lol: and spot on :clap2:
Pakistan had an advanced civilisation in the Indus valley called Harappa long before Greece never mind you adolescent yanx

Of course it was then India, not PaKistan which is a hugely bloody bastard child of the Brits and won't be around much longer. I dread to think what will happen there, I really do.

Its all the fault of that greek bastard Alexander the Hitler; he fucked up pakistan good and proper with his invasion..

(no that wasn't history but his bastard Greek kids in pakistan are the ancestors of the ones in London living in trees who saw you in london as their cousin)
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If the Pakis I saw in London were urbane and educated, I would hate to see them in the rest of the country. I imagine they must be living in trees.

Lol :lol: and spot on :clap2:
Pakistan had an advanced civilisation in the Indus valley called Harappa long before Greece never mind you adolescent yanx

Of course it was then India, not PaKistan which is a hugely bloody bastard child of the Brits and won't be around much longer. I dread to think what will happen there, I really do.

Its all the fault of that greek bastard Alexander the Hitler; he fucked up pakistan good and proper with his invasion..

(no that wasn't history but his bastard Greek kids in pakistan are the ancestors of the ones in London living in trees who saw you in london as their cousin)
Hell, the ones in London looked and acted like they'd never sat in chairs or seen women's face before before. I can't imagine what it's like where the "unrefined" Pakis live.
Hossy i certainly DO read about the wicked british pakis raping young white girls in the north of england; its headline news.

and lots of other trouble they cause too.

Honour killings, drug dealing, terrorism..the whole lot.

and they are born in britain, not pakistan these bastards

I speak their lingo Urdu which is the same as Hindi which I learned in India so I can talk to them, too but London Pakis are different; they are educated city pakis from Lahore, and good people, not village people from Mirpur in Kashmir who cause all the trouble in the north.

I just didn't see that Birmingham story cos it was a local paper not bbc or national

you are right its great we can read the whole world's press especially Ha'aretz which I read a lot. Are they anti semitic jew haters cos that's where I get lots of my info from.

I like being called Yenta; if I was offended you would surely know by now.....wish I was a woman in some ways; not sexually but they are great and better kvetches than I..professional kvetches not posers at that sport!

rosie for example..what a superkvetch she is!

who is skitt?
Well that Paki Brit who said that women are White meat was born and raised in London. As for Skitt, he was just like you -- rambling on and on and on. No doubt there are many readers who think you are Skitt under just another one of his screen names, of which he has plenty. Meanwhile, on an anonymous message board, anyone can claim to have all the experience you claim you have so have at it, but it doesn't mean we are actually going to believe you since it is quite easy to look up things on the Internet and then pass it on as you own knowledge. If anyone is a super Kvetching Yenta on this board, it is you.

It is an absurd generalisation to say that all London Pakistani's are educated city Pakistani's from Lahore!!!!!! Maybe Kvetch is having you on, Hoss, or is simply attempting to appear incredibly knowledgeable on the subject of the provenence of 'London Pakistani's???
For an historian, you appear to be remarkably free with your generalisations and don't appear to be too concerned with actual facts, Kvetch?
Hoss, anyone who wants to take a stroll around East London, and various other parts of London, for that matter, or indeed, anyone who lives in London, would find her remark truly absurd and not a little strange!
well yes its a big over generalisation but I have lived in west london for 20 years and speak Urdu a little

east london is where bangladeshis live, not pakistanis so much and they also mostly are village culture people from a place called Syllhet

you may have confused the 2; but the syllhetis are adapting better than the village pakis.

all but one of my paki friends are from lahore which i have been to and its a lovely city

most pakis up north do indeed originate from a small town in kashmir called Mirpur which has the dreaded paki village culture

they were recruited by british textile owners to work the night shift in the factories.

then the factories all closed leaving the pakis out of work

that's a cause of the trouble up there; all but one of the london 7/7 and other terrorists and rapists were from the Mirpur people.

sorry to disappoint you, but i know what i write about here; difficult to do so in a few short sentences

as hossy truly says, i babble far too much as it is!!
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If Israel moves back to the '67 borders as you suggest, it will be destroyed.

Can you tell me and the board what would cause Israel's destruction if Israel went back to the re-negotiated 67 borders that all the World supports even the US Government?

Israel'ls army alone could enforce any peace deal supported by a UN vote...
a civil war in israel between the govt and the settlers who are just too powerful now

600,000 of the bastards, and they would fight even their own people

they are ultra thieves

How can you call them thieves? The West Bank is rich with Jewish history--much more so than Tel-Aviv or Haifa. Hebron is where Abraham lived and is buried. It's where David was first crowned King. Bethlehem is where Ruth and Boaz married and where David was born. Rachel is buried there. Shechem (Nablus) is where Joseph is buried. Jericho is where the walls fell for Joshua. This is our ancient homeland.
Turkey is now an Islamist extremist state.
absolute bollox balderdash and poppycock

have you been there?

even our resident expert anti ayatollah rosie doesn't agree with you

its a danger, true but far away

ataturk the secular god of turkey still has a big influence there
Can you tell me and the board what would cause Israel's destruction if Israel went back to the re-negotiated 67 borders that all the World supports even the US Government?

Israel'ls army alone could enforce any peace deal supported by a UN vote...
a civil war in israel between the govt and the settlers who are just too powerful now

600,000 of the bastards, and they would fight even their own people

they are ultra thieves

How can you call them thieves? The West Bank is rich with Jewish history--much more so than Tel-Aviv or Haifa. Hebron is where Abraham lived and is buried. It's where David was first crowned King. Bethlehem is where Ruth and Boaz married and where David was born. Rachel is buried there. Shechem (Nablus) is where Joseph is buried. Jericho is where the walls fell for Joshua. This is our ancient homeland.
well those are stories, probably not actual history

but yes, you are right, the jews were indeed the rulers of the west bank for many centuries with the 2 jewish states

and the jews never ever settled the coast in big numbers

ideally jews should live in their old cities as welcome guests

but the settlements are on stolen land, literally

privately owned pal land is routinely confiscated and jewish thieves planted on it

it is ironic that each side has occupied the other's historic land but what can you do after centuries without stealing???
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a civil war in israel between the govt and the settlers who are just too powerful now

600,000 of the bastards, and they would fight even their own people

they are ultra thieves

How can you call them thieves? The West Bank is rich with Jewish history--much more so than Tel-Aviv or Haifa. Hebron is where Abraham lived and is buried. It's where David was first crowned King. Bethlehem is where Ruth and Boaz married and where David was born. Rachel is buried there. Shechem (Nablus) is where Joseph is buried. Jericho is where the walls fell for Joshua. This is our ancient homeland.
well those are stories, probably not actual history

but yes, you are right, the jews were indeed the rulers of the west bank for many centuries with the 2 jewish states

and the jews never ever settled the coast in big numbers

ideally jews should live in their old cities as welcome guests

but the settlements are on stolen land, literally

privately owned pal land is routinely confiscated and jewish thieves planted on it

it is ironic that each side has occupied the other's historic land but what can you do after centuries without stealing???

After more than 1400 years of islamic murder and theft including the invasions accompaniced by murder, rape and pillage of palestine by muslims-----and the confiscation of jewish land ALSO thruout north Africa and even Iran-----and even AFGHANISTAN and what is today PAKISTAN------the only answer is a negotiating settlement that compensates ALL OF THE VICTIMS OF THEFT and ----restores those places which are "HOLY" to each-----to the possession of the people who rendered those places "holy" I support the continued control by muslims of arabia----of the city of mecca despite the fact that muslims comitted a comprehensive genocide there I do not demand that the murderers compensate the jewish, christian and zoroastrians victims of their filth in Mecca
rosie said

---the only answer is a negotiating settlement that compensates ALL OF THE VICTIMS OF THEFT and ----restores those places which are "HOLY" to each-----to the possession of the people who rendered those places "holy"

rosie said

---the only answer is a negotiating settlement that compensates ALL OF THE VICTIMS OF THEFT and ----restores those places which are "HOLY" to each-----to the possession of the people who rendered those places "holy"


the problem is "DEFINITION OF THEFT" there is a charming story in the koran about a jew-----who upon seeing the muslim forces gliding toward him on their magic carpets and camels-------decided to DESTROY some valuable item-------so they would not get their sanctified hands upon it. He was described as a criminal who deprived muslims of their RIGHTFUL STUFF. In an islamic court----issues of OWNERSHIP-----are determined in the following manner------THE MUSLIM OWNS IT In fact---it is this principle which renders ENSLAVEMENT of non muslim orphaned children an aspect of islamic jurisprudence. If a non muslim father dies------his CHILD becomes "ownerless" In a court of law----once OWNERSHIP IS CONTESTED------the muslim next door WINS
rosie said

---the only answer is a negotiating settlement that compensates ALL OF THE VICTIMS OF THEFT and ----restores those places which are "HOLY" to each-----to the possession of the people who rendered those places "holy"


the problem is "DEFINITION OF THEFT" there is a charming story in the koran about a jew-----who upon seeing the muslim forces gliding toward him on their magic carpets and camels-------decided to DESTROY some valuable item-------so they would not get their sanctified hands upon it. He was described as a criminal who deprived muslims of their RIGHTFUL STUFF. In an islamic court----issues of OWNERSHIP-----are determined in the following manner------THE MUSLIM OWNS IT In fact---it is this principle which renders ENSLAVEMENT of non muslim orphaned children an aspect of islamic jurisprudence. If a non muslim father dies------his CHILD becomes "ownerless" In a court of law----once OWNERSHIP IS CONTESTED------the muslim next door WINS
there you are muslims here or scholars

anyone to challenge this???

i'd like to know
Well that Paki Brit who said that women are White meat was born and raised in London. As for Skitt, he was just like you -- rambling on and on and on. No doubt there are many readers who think you are Skitt under just another one of his screen names, of which he has plenty. Meanwhile, on an anonymous message board, anyone can claim to have all the experience you claim you have so have at it, but it doesn't mean we are actually going to believe you since it is quite easy to look up things on the Internet and then pass it on as you own knowledge. If anyone is a super Kvetching Yenta on this board, it is you.

It is an absurd generalisation to say that all London Pakistani's are educated city Pakistani's from Lahore!!!!!! Maybe Kvetch is having you on, Hoss, or is simply attempting to appear incredibly knowledgeable on the subject of the provenence of 'London Pakistani's???
For an historian, you appear to be remarkably free with your generalisations and don't appear to be too concerned with actual facts, Kvetch?
Hoss, anyone who wants to take a stroll around East London, and various other parts of London, for that matter, or indeed, anyone who lives in London, would find her remark truly absurd and not a little strange!
well yes its a big over generalisation but I have lived in west london for 20 years and speak Urdu a little

east london is where bangladeshis live, not pakistanis so much and they also mostly are village culture people from a place called Syllhet

you may have confused the 2; but the syllhetis are adapting better than the village pakis.

all but one of my paki friends are from lahore which i have been to and its a lovely city

most pakis up north do indeed originate from a small town in kashmir called Mirpur which has the dreaded paki village culture

they were recruited by british textile owners to work the night shift in the factories.

then the factories all closed leaving the pakis out of work

that's a cause of the trouble up there; all but one of the london 7/7 and other terrorists and rapists were from the Mirpur people.

sorry to disappoint you, but i know what i write about here; difficult to do so in a few short sentences

as hossy truly says, i babble far too much as it is!!

I have lived in London all my life, North, South, East and West, so for the benefit of those on here who aren't that familiar with London, I say again Kvetch's generalisation that London's Pakistani population 'are 'educated city Pakistani's from Lahore' is such a huge generalisation as to be meaningless. Quite what her point in making it is I cannot fathom.
Well that Paki Brit who said that women are White meat was born and raised in London. As for Skitt, he was just like you -- rambling on and on and on. No doubt there are many readers who think you are Skitt under just another one of his screen names, of which he has plenty. Meanwhile, on an anonymous message board, anyone can claim to have all the experience you claim you have so have at it, but it doesn't mean we are actually going to believe you since it is quite easy to look up things on the Internet and then pass it on as you own knowledge. If anyone is a super Kvetching Yenta on this board, it is you.

It is an absurd generalisation to say that all London Pakistani's are educated city Pakistani's from Lahore!!!!!! Maybe Kvetch is having you on, Hoss, or is simply attempting to appear incredibly knowledgeable on the subject of the provenence of 'London Pakistani's???
For an historian, you appear to be remarkably free with your generalisations and don't appear to be too concerned with actual facts, Kvetch?
Hoss, anyone who wants to take a stroll around East London, and various other parts of London, for that matter, or indeed, anyone who lives in London, would find her remark truly absurd and not a little strange!
well yes its a big over generalisation but I have lived in west london for 20 years and speak Urdu a little

east london is where bangladeshis live, not pakistanis so much and they also mostly are village culture people from a place called Syllhet

you may have confused the 2; but the syllhetis are adapting better than the village pakis.

all but one of my paki friends are from lahore which i have been to and its a lovely city

most pakis up north do indeed originate from a small town in kashmir called Mirpur which has the dreaded paki village culture

they were recruited by british textile owners to work the night shift in the factories.

then the factories all closed leaving the pakis out of work

that's a cause of the trouble up there; all but one of the london 7/7 and other terrorists and rapists were from the Mirpur people.

sorry to disappoint you, but i know what i write about here; difficult to do so in a few short sentences

as hossy truly says, i babble far too much as it is!!

I'm intrigued that someone who has lived in London for twenty years and who claims to know so much about the provenience and education of its entire Pakistani population, doesn't seem to know that Pakistani's aren't that keen on being referred to as 'Paki's' or that referring to them thus is considered deeply insulting and racist.
I understand that in the US using the abbreviation 'Paki' does not have the same baggage attached to it that it does in the UK. Shame on you Kvetch :eusa_hand:
I live in the USA -----I have known pakistanis VERY WELL in the USA for about 45 years------friends, colleagues etc etc some pakistanis refer to THEMSELVES as "PAKIS" I have never known the word to be perjorative-----but if pakistanis do find it perjorative----OK WITH ME-------do not use it. Long ago I did ----come to know about "PAKI BASHING" in england---------I wrote a paper on the subject for a little baby sociology course I did-------I got an "A" One personable pakistani doc colleague called himself "THE HANDSOME PAKI" I have not seen him for about 30 years
I live in the USA -----I have known pakistanis VERY WELL in the USA for about 45 years------friends, colleagues etc etc some pakistanis refer to THEMSELVES as "PAKIS" I have never known the word to be perjorative-----but if pakistanis do find it perjorative----OK WITH ME-------do not use it. Long ago I did ----come to know about "PAKI BASHING" in england---------I wrote a paper on the subject for a little baby sociology course I did-------I got an "A" One personable pakistani doc colleague called himself "THE HANDSOME PAKI" I have not seen him for about 30 years

Hi Irose - how I've missed reading your informative posts. I hope you are well.
I understand that the word is not seen as perjorative in the US from the many US posters I have had the pleasure of interacting with on message boards over the years, you included. And you are quite right, the reason for the negative connotation in the UK is down to our 'paki bashing' days. I recall you mentioning your paper on this subject and Enoch Powell and so on.
Strange that a person from the UK is apparently blissfully unaware of the above.
I live in the USA -----I have known pakistanis VERY WELL in the USA for about 45 years------friends, colleagues etc etc some pakistanis refer to THEMSELVES as "PAKIS" I have never known the word to be perjorative-----but if pakistanis do find it perjorative----OK WITH ME-------do not use it. Long ago I did ----come to know about "PAKI BASHING" in england---------I wrote a paper on the subject for a little baby sociology course I did-------I got an "A" One personable pakistani doc colleague called himself "THE HANDSOME PAKI" I have not seen him for about 30 years

Hi Irose - how I've missed reading your informative posts. I hope you are well.
I understand that the word is not seen as perjorative in the US from the many US posters I have had the pleasure of interacting with on message boards over the years, you included. And you are quite right, the reason for the negative connotation in the UK is down to our 'paki bashing' days. I recall you mentioning your paper on this subject and Enoch Powell and so on.
Strange that a person from the UK is apparently blissfully unaware of the above.

of course I was aware of paki being a derogatory term in uk

not aware there were any other pakistani loving brits here

i brought up 3 indian step kids in uk who were called pakis all the time: how more aware could I be.

just paki is fewer key strokes than the whole pakistan just like pals instead of palestinians

i only said my OWN pak friends........to use the indian short form they use there........were all from lahore and the troubles we have had with paks were all with northerners and why

tell me if you can what trouble london paks have caused?

if you can i will gladly change my views; i have no investment in them

i was just sayin to rosie that all paks are NOT the same and usin UK as an example, that's all

if you disagree with that view i will challenge you to argue they are all the same because you would be very wrong

so put up or shut up about that

but good to have a fellow londoner here and unlike me, a native!!
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maybe i should not have used the word paki tho unlike you i knew it aint abusive in usa or india

but what i did when my kids were called pakis was to call them pakis myself as a joke to take the sting out of it and so they wouldn't become victims......and it worked well; they didn't get bashed or abused because it just made them smile...they are indian after all!!

so in my world and family we have reclaimed what aint an intrinsically abusive word and turned it into a friendly word

i still call my ex wife and step kids pakis as a word of endearment

just like blax call each other *******

even my close pak friends enjoy being called paki by an affectionate friend

my closest pak friend yasmin i call a paki fool because fool in urdu and hindi means flower, eg jasmine

so that's why i used it tho you are right i probably should have used pak instead which is the respectable indian short form

i have no respect, however for the country pakistan (and its govt and institutions) which i consider part of india and us brits guilty of a major crime in creating it...as with israel

2 partitions that should never have happened and the world would be better if they had not

so i often call it porkistan and wish it to disappear back into its indian motherland

for that view i make no apology at all
I live in the USA -----I have known pakistanis VERY WELL in the USA for about 45 years------friends, colleagues etc etc some pakistanis refer to THEMSELVES as "PAKIS" I have never known the word to be perjorative-----but if pakistanis do find it perjorative----OK WITH ME-------do not use it. Long ago I did ----come to know about "PAKI BASHING" in england---------I wrote a paper on the subject for a little baby sociology course I did-------I got an "A" One personable pakistani doc colleague called himself "THE HANDSOME PAKI" I have not seen him for about 30 years

Hi Irose - how I've missed reading your informative posts. I hope you are well.
I understand that the word is not seen as perjorative in the US from the many US posters I have had the pleasure of interacting with on message boards over the years, you included. And you are quite right, the reason for the negative connotation in the UK is down to our 'paki bashing' days. I recall you mentioning your paper on this subject and Enoch Powell and so on.
Strange that a person from the UK is apparently blissfully unaware of the above.

of course I was aware of paki being a derogatory term in uk

not aware there were any other pakistani loving brits here

i brought up 3 indian step kids in uk who were called pakis all the time: how more aware could I be.

just paki is fewer key strokes than the whole pakistan just like pals instead of palestinians

i only said my OWN pak friends........to use the indian short form they use there........were all from lahore and the troubles we have had with paks were all with northerners and why

tell me if you can what trouble london paks have caused?

if you can i will gladly change my views; i have no investment in them

i was just sayin to rosie that all paks are NOT the same and usin UK as an example, that's all

if you disagree with that view i will challenge you to argue they are all the same because you would be very wrong

so put up or shut up about that

but good to have a fellow londoner here and unlike me, a native!!

Instead of telling people to put up or shut up you should perhaps try being a little more accurate with the information you are apparently trying to convey to people who probably don't know London that well. As an Historian and teacher I'm surprised you don't consider accuracy of any importance. Now, listen carefully, in your our original statement, the one I addressed, at no time did you say the Pakistani Londoners you know are educated and from Lahore, you said 'London Paki's' are educated and from Lahore and provided that little tidbit of misinformation in the context of unlike the Pakistani's who live up North. Geddit yet?
And I would strongly suggest that you take the HUGE TROUBLE to put in the additional key strokes to simply finish the word Pakistani since you cannot possibly not know how your use of the truncated version is viewed in the country and the city you live in among the Pakistani's you know so very very well. Simples.
BTW, I have yet to hear a Palestinian say they find the use of Pal or Pali racist or insulting, but if they do, I would like to hear why and would also have no trouble writing out the whole word Palestinian so as not to uneccessarily offend.

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