Turkiye News

* Turkish Government's response, after the investigation of hydrocarbon resources in common commercial space by Greeks in Cyprus; We are concerned about the provocative actions of Greeks.
* A Turkish person who is Sweden Minister of Urbanism and Housing, has enabled Sweden to recognize Palestine as a state.
* A Turkish company Koza has been received the International Innovation Management Award by The European Commission.
* Turkish Minister of Justice; UN is a good "dead counter". They reckon very well that how many people is murdered, nothing else.
President of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Turkiye helps us without expecting anything in return, only true fellows would do such a thing.
* Turkish Government's response, after the investigation of hydrocarbon resources in common commercial space by Greeks in Cyprus; We are concerned about the provocative actions of Greeks.

Mineve, can you tell us why Turkey is even in Cyprus? I don't think that the Cypriots ever started a war with Turkey.
* Turkish Minister of Justice; UN is a good "dead counter". They reckon very well that how many people is murdered, nothing else.

Maybe Turkey should just drop out of the UN. There are many people in the U.S. who would love to see this country get out of the UN. I don't think the UN would like that, though, since this country supplies most of the money for the UN.
President of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Turkiye helps us without expecting anything in return, only true fellows would do such a thing.

So tell us, Mineva, how are the Turks treating the Armenians who are still living in Turkey? Are they allowed to take back their Armenian last names or do they still have to use Turkish surnames. By the way, if you ever went to school there, was the subject of Musa Dagh ever covered?
* Turkiye sends warships to the area after the investigation of hydrocarbon resources by Greeks in common commercial space.
* A Turkish person who is Sweden Minister of Urbanism and Housing, has enabled Sweden to recognize Palestine as a state.

And this person was on that ship which sailed from Turkey to Gaza in which many on board were singing they wanted to be martyrs. Instead of this person obsessing over the Jews and Israel, he should be arranging for aid to Muslim countries such as Somalia where people are dropping dead in the streets of starvation.

Sweden to recognise Pali terror state Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
* Turkish made bank ATMs will be introduced in 2015 which is allowing for all banking transactions as a first in the World. 1 billion Dollar worth of annual imports will be prevented.
* Nanotechnological disposable food containers which is produced by Turkish company Drago, keep foods at the same temperature for 45 minutes and absorbing moisture. Fast food restaurants are showing great interest for the product.
* Turkish Prime Minister Davutoglu; We are ready to send our troops in Syria, if the aim is to destroy Bashar Assad. The main source of the problem is Bashar Assad.
Response from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USA to Davutoglu; We are just interested with ISIS, we will continue to support dissidents in Syria.
* Turkiye is ready to produce its own automobile brand. Series production will start before 2020.
* Cyprus Greeks has announced that they withdrew from peace talks with Cyprus Turks.
* The UN General Assembly speech of President Erdogan; Government of Egypt which was selected by popular vote has been reduced by military coup and UN just watched it and did everything to justify it, we invite UN to be more courageous ! UN is a partner in this crime against humanity. Why there is an establishment called as "UN" ? is it for being anti-democratic ?

erdogan has as much credibility as did ACHMADINEJAD
* The UN General Assembly speech of President Erdogan; Government of Egypt which was selected by popular vote has been reduced by military coup and UN just watched it and did everything to justify it, we invite UN to be more courageous ! UN is a partner in this crime against humanity. Why there is an establishment called as "UN" ? is it for being anti-democratic ?

erdogan has as much credibility as did ACHMADINEJAD

I heard a good one the other day about what is happening in Turkey. We went into a sub shop owned by two Armenians brothers who have lots of relatives in Turkey. One of them was telling my husband that unfortunately in the Middle East the people need a strong man, a tyrant to run the country, and that there can never be a democracy there. Anyhow, he said that in Turkey when you finish school, if your grades were not high enough, you have to join the military. However, there is an out -- you can go get religious schooling instead so the Turks are running to these religious schools so as not to have to join the military.
* Cyprus Greeks has announced that they withdrew from peace talks with Cyprus Turks.

What else is new?
* The UN General Assembly speech of President Erdogan; Government of Egypt which was selected by popular vote has been reduced by military coup and UN just watched it and did everything to justify it, we invite UN to be more courageous ! UN is a partner in this crime against humanity. Why there is an establishment called as "UN" ? is it for being anti-democratic ?

erdogan has as much credibility as did ACHMADINEJAD

I heard a good one the other day about what is happening in Turkey. We went into a sub shop owned by two Armenians brothers who have lots of relatives in Turkey. One of them was telling my husband that unfortunately in the Middle East the people need a strong man, a tyrant to run the country, and that there can never be a democracy there. Anyhow, he said that in Turkey when you finish school, if your grades were not high enough, you have to join the military. However, there is an out -- you can go get religious schooling instead so the Turks are running to these religious schools so as not to have to join the military.

I am not surprised at all----Turkey is being WRECKED by an islamicist "revivial".
My ---(limited) interaction with turks ---provided me with an understanding that the usual turk is about as religious as the usual
TEHERAN, Iranian muslim-----ie ---not at all-----but the people out in the sticks---the illiterate ----are being swayed. Islamic "revival" depends on illiteracy

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