Turkiye News

I suggest you start reading the news, I am not searching for a source, both the PM and Defense guy said they might do a unilateral attack on Iran and are upset with the Obama Adm. for not getting more down on Iran. Read the Israel Hayom, any of them, they have been saying this for several years. They are obsessed with Iran.
My name is not Minerva.
I suggest you start reading the news, I am not searching for a source, both the PM and Defense guy said they might do a unilateral attack on Iran and are upset with the Obama Adm. for not getting more down on Iran. Read the Israel Hayom, any of them, they have been saying this for several years. They are obsessed with Iran.
My name is not Minerva.

I guess everyone has their obsessions, like Penelope's obsession is demoniozing Israel all throughout the day. One time on a radio show, the guest was a woman who was an expert on Iran. She said it was overheard when one of the higher ups in Iran said that once Iran gets nuclear power, the Israel problem will be gone. Nobody knows what those crazies there will do, but even if Israel went after Iran, they would just go after the facilities, not the Iranian public as a whole. Perhaps Penelope thinks those crazies are compus mentis.
I suggest you start reading the news, I am not searching for a source, both the PM and Defense guy said they might do a unilateral attack on Iran and are upset with the Obama Adm. for not getting more down on Iran. Read the Israel Hayom, any of them, they have been saying this for several years. They are obsessed with Iran.
My name is not Minerva.

oh right----you are the other islamo naziette What a joke you are-----"they have been saying this for several years"---------but you cannot come up with even one citation I know very well what they have been saying for years and I know just what your heroic Hezbollah is-----I am not surprised that you worship them-----and so enjoy their obscene mutilation torture murders and so LOVE the which they commit for the entertainment of depraved sluts--------do you dance when they blow the brains out of infants?---or just ululate?. Of course Israel will retaliate for the filth you so enjoy depending on that your fellow islamo Nazi pigs do next. I do know that Hezbollah pigs and dogs are INCREASING in numbers THRUOUT the middle east----there are a whole bunch of them in Yemen right now having fun ------knee deep in blood---in SANAA----
(the capital city). For more information---find a Yemeni-----my husband was born in that shariah cesspit----so he does converse with arabs from that
country who now live here. Maybe you know---how is that paragon of islamo Nazi,, Hezbollah filth ---Nus-kharah-allah,,, doing? I have not seen anything about him lately
Man your full of the Zionist hatred of Muslims, I mean they hate anyone not Zionist really , right.
Man your full of the Zionist hatred of Muslims, I mean they hate anyone not Zionist really , right.

no----you are entirely wrong. It would be very difficult for me to discuss reality with you unless I have some idea of
your background. I am ----uhm ----over 50 years of age---born in the USA---to jewish parents also born in the USA. I have an advantage over many people in these discussions because I read your literature as a child----the stuff upon which islamo Nazis are nurtured.
The first islamo Nazis I knew were in my own town---plain Nazis-----I had no idea that muslims are islamo Nazis until I came into contact with muslims. They were able to quote the islamo Nazi literature chapter and verse-----much better than the Nazis of my own home town. Generally---people in the US---who grow up in rural areas are LIKELY to be very much affected by Nazi literature. ----but not so much as people who
were educated in Islamic lands---or even muslim communities---some of the most ardent Nazis I have known were muslims from INDIA ----somehow the hindus from India are clueless regarding this issue
They have been threatening this since Obama got in. I didn't say it was yesterday's paper. Pretty much a day does not go by without mentioning Iran. Anything happen yet, who knows, I have no further news on the fire or blast, who was responsible? I think Israel gov is to chicken to go it alone.
They have been threatening this since Obama got in. I didn't say it was yesterday's paper. Pretty much a day does not go by without mentioning Iran. Anything happen yet, who knows, I have no further news on the fire or blast, who was responsible? I think Israel gov is to chicken to go it alone.

I read your article and failed to see the "THREAT"------I see a RESPONSE---to the Iranian ambition to destroy
Israel. Of course Israel is facing that fact-----and the FACT that Hezbollah (the Iranian proxy army---armed and trained by Iran HAS already attacked Israel and, to your delight, engaged in terrorism simply to murder jews here and there) Your description of this RESPONSE as "threat" is really idiotic. It reminds me of the INDIGNATION expressed by your fellow Nazi pigs in the 1930s----when Jews did an economic boycott on Germany when your hero ADOLF HITLER assumed power there. Your god and hero ADOLF wrote mein kampf (one of the books accepted as HOLY by the muslims or Iran) ---circa 1928-----so when Adolf became chancellor of Germany (?) 1933---jews sat up an took notice-------and scum like you got INDIGNANT. You Nazi dogs are so hilariously idiotic. What is it you miss? those obscene mutilation murders those Hezbollah brothers of yours favor?. In the filth of Islamic law-----jews are not
permitted SELF DEFENSE------pig allah demands it.----
very similar to the NUREMBURG LAWS
Really from a country who believes in preemptive war. I see. Too funny:rofl:, but like I said they will wait to see if they have an Israel loving Pres. in the US next election, and go from there, as I think they are chicken to go alone.
Really from a country who believes in preemptive war. I see. Too funny:rofl:, but like I said they will wait to see if they have an Israel loving Pres. in the US next election, and go from there, as I think they are chicken to go alone.

your comment is meaningless--------Israel has always "gone it alone"---------your "I think they are chicken" is just a childish snotty remark ------gee----you so remind me of the little sandbox snots of my childhood---the ones who always had dirty fingernails and -----lots of alcoholism at home. It was near the "saloons" that I used to find your Nazi literature blowing around the empty beer bottles and those funny flat bottles----that
boozers sucked upon out of little paper bags. Try to get over it
Really from a country who believes in preemptive war. I see. Too funny:rofl:, but like I said they will wait to see if they have an Israel loving Pres. in the US next election, and go from there, as I think they are chicken to go alone.

your comment is meaningless--------Israel has always "gone it alone"---------your "I think they are chicken" is just a childish snotty remark ------gee----you so remind me of the little sandbox snots of my childhood---the ones who always had dirty fingernails and -----lots of alcoholism at home. It was near the "saloons" that I used to find your Nazi literature blowing around the empty beer bottles and those funny flat bottles----that
boozers sucked upon out of little paper bags. Try to get over it

Really only for bombing building , and sneak attacks, never a country. Can you think of one country they even fought with the US against. Did they have boots on the ground in Iraq, how about Syria now, they sure do not want to take out Iran without the US backing. They are good at beating up the pals, but their IDF never really fought in battle have they?
Really from a country who believes in preemptive war. I see. Too funny:rofl:, but like I said they will wait to see if they have an Israel loving Pres. in the US next election, and go from there, as I think they are chicken to go alone.

your comment is meaningless--------Israel has always "gone it alone"---------your "I think they are chicken" is just a childish snotty remark ------gee----you so remind me of the little sandbox snots of my childhood---the ones who always had dirty fingernails and -----lots of alcoholism at home. It was near the "saloons" that I used to find your Nazi literature blowing around the empty beer bottles and those funny flat bottles----that
boozers sucked upon out of little paper bags. Try to get over it

Really only for bombing building , and sneak attacks, never a country. Can you think of one country they even fought with the US against. Did they have boots on the ground in Iraq, how about Syria now, they sure do not want to take out Iran without the US backing. They are good at beating up the pals, but their IDF never really fought in battle have they?

Penelope------are you an adult? your sentence "can you think of one country they even fought with the US against"------------is actually garble. It is not English. I am going to assume that you meant to say----Did Israel ever fight with the US against another country? <<< is that what you meant? If it is what you meant to express------it still does not make any sense. Has Argentina ever fought in a battle in conjunction with the USA? You went on to say something like----
"has the IDF ever fought in a battle"? the answer to that one is YES. Your writing seems to indicate that your fellow islamo Nazi pigs have told you that
Israel conducts warfare only with bombs. -----they lied to you. ----or they were drunk. Try to give some thought to your writings
* ISIS digs big trenches to prevent (???) any possbile attacks by Turkiye.
* ISIS digs big trenches to prevent (???) any possbile attacks by Turkiye.

where? no one should be surprised that Turkey would fight ISIS-----Turks hate arabs------a kind of weird ethnic thing-------since both are sunnis>>> but that is how it is. If there is going to be a "CALIPHATE"-----turkey wants to be IT.
* Turkish Supreme Court has been justified the objection of the Turkish car driver who had been caught by "hidden" high speed radar. The court has commented that "The priority of the States cannot be to trap their citizens"
* Turkish-made 4G Base stations started to be established in different cities.
* Prototype electric car made by ITU, has gone 3100 miles with 35 dollars of electric energy. The car, weighing 1100 pound and can reach up to speed of 75 miles per hour.

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