Turmoil, From the Top Down, at the National Security Council


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Trump worse then Nixon, and only 3 week in

WASHINGTON — These are chaotic and anxious days inside the National Security Council, the traditional center of management for a president’s dealings with an uncertain world.

Three weeks into the Trump administration, council staff members get up in the morning, read President Trump’s Twitter posts and struggle to make policy to fit them. Most are kept in the dark about what Mr. Trump tells foreign leaders in his phone calls. Some staff members have turned to encrypted communications to talk with their colleagues, after hearing that Mr. Trump’s top advisers are considering an “insider threat” program that could result in monitoring cellphones and emails for leaks.

The national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, has hunkered down since investigators began looking into what, exactly, he told the Russian ambassador to the United States about the lifting of sanctions imposed in the last days of the Obama administration, and whether he misled Vice President Mike Pence about those conversations. His survival in the job may hang in the balance.

Turmoil, From the Top Down, at the National Security Council
Stephen Miller, the White House senior policy adviser, was circumspect on Sunday about Mr. Flynn’s future. Mr. Miller said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that possibly misleading the vice president on communications with Russia was “a sensitive matter.” Asked if Mr. Trump still had confidence in Mr. Flynn, Mr. Miller responded, “That’s a question for the president.”

Gee, Guano...

It's up to Trump who he wants to keep, but since you seem to be such a fan of Flynn after he put Iran on notice about their behavior, it almost sounds like you're admitting Obozo screwed the pooch on that lousy deal he made with his muslim buddies in Iran...
The liberals are getting ready to Crack open.

If the Libs hear the word "Crack", they may take off for a while, and we'll lose the entertainment...


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Who give a shit, Obama replace folks all the time.

When Hillary fucked up, they had to replace her in order to get her out of the public eye long enough to rehabilitate her image so that she could run for president.

If she had still been Sec. of State instead of Kerry, and going around the globe screwing things up, she would have never won the election. Think of all the bad press and foul ups she did. Her boss had to can her ass.

This shit is par for the course.
The New York Times? The CFR mouth piece? I wouldn't believe a damn thing that comes from that propaganda news site. I might use it to line a bird cage but when it comes to honest journalism? No fucking way...........
Well, the orange clown has made an enemy of our entire security apparatus. Going to be interesting to see how that turns out for him. I suspect that nothing he does from now on will not be recorded by somebody. And that the information will make it out to the public and ther rest of the government in a short amount of time.
Well, the orange clown has made an enemy of our entire security apparatus. Going to be interesting to see how that turns out for him. I suspect that nothing he does from now on will not be recorded by somebody. And that the information will make it out to the public and ther rest of the government in a short amount of time.

The "security apparatus"????? It's a fucking joke and a corporate entity. How secure can a country be with an unsecured border, dumb ass? Seriously....leftards like you are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

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