Turnabout is still fair play


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
No matter how or why the current potus feels.Or don't feel.
So in honor of that most anerican of ideals { it is fair for
EACH person to have the opportunity to so something }
I say we have a Presidential test.
Biden vs. Trump in a test of americanism.Have each Person
spell and pronounce { Punxstawney } as in where Groundhogs Day
is played out.Biden should by all accounts have a distinct,
recognizable advantage since being born and growing-up
in Pennsylvania.Plus Biden has been known to sneak
{ creep out of doors } as personified during the fall campaign
season of 2020.Slithering out from his basement bunker
to make it appear as if seriously wanting the Presidency
Granted Trump is not known as a speller nor fan of reading.
As demonstrated by those who literally hating his guts { Joe Madison }
Serious XM Talk RAdio jock.Madison spent time making sure his
rabidly Unamerican listerners understand completely how he
proves Trump is No Reader.His office at Trump Tower.Not a book
in sight on his desk or shelves.Just a few Magazines with his
mug { picture } gladly exposed on the cover.
I get it ... WHATEVER. You can Gobble Some of the Public

All of the time and you can Gobble knob All of the Public
Some of the time.But one Can't Gobble smack a certain Potus
TOO Much All of the Time.The Joe Blow Madison test.
So putz Biden and Trump to the test.
Spell and Pronounce ... :

Dig DAddios.
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