Turns out Panetta is all wrong. - Megyn Kelly pointed out exactly why.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
The bimbo anchor at Fox Newe really messed up when she asked this question: Iraq "could become a new haven for terrorists to plot attacks "against the United States" if we withdrew all the forces. Isn't that exactly what happened?""

KELLY: It's not Megyn Kelly arguing it. It's Leon Panetta who is in a much better position to know. He talks about how, "I voiced to the President that this country could become a new haven for terrorists to plot attacks against the United States" if we withdrew all the forces. Isn't that exactly what happened?

Jen Psaki debates Megyn Kelly on Panetta s criticism of Obama s Iraq policy Fox News

Iraq has not become "a new haven for terrorists" and will not ever be a safe place for the IS terrorists to operate unchallenged by the Iraqi people and government and all the coalition partners that have engaged them.

But hey the book is out on the shelves and if that takes exaggerating what the IS terrorists have accomplished and Fox News will help in that endeavor why not go for it Leon.

Panetta and all others were also wrong in 2011 because the long term damage from the US being Maliki's Shiite army and Air Force trying to help him crush Sunni non-terrorist unrest in Anbar certainly certainly could be speculated to have turned out worse than the given circumstances we know today. It would be harder to have achieved Maliki's non-violent departure had we invested 25,000 combat ground troops fighting on Maliki's side. We could have helped produce a Shiite version of Saddam Hussein and been stuck with that kind mess now.

At least Iraqis are coming together and committed to ridding their territory of the IS terrorists.

The terrorists are shrinking in Iraq as we speak. That is not a haven.

Abadi ISIL shrink on Iraqi ground
So you are taking her word over Panetta's? You don't have a leg to stand on.
So you are taking her word over Panetta's? You don't have a leg to stand on.

I think he's hoping that republicans, who take her word over almost everybody 110% of the time, will do so again in this instance.
OO 9933955
So you are taking her word over Panetta's?

Actually I don't need to take anyone's word to know that Iraq has not become a haven for terrorists. Do you think Iraq is a haven for terrorist where they can specifically plot attacks on the US homeland?
Panetta spilled the beans....Obama lied about Benghazi and ignored the warnings about leaving Iraq with no US forces.

I know this is all true since I read the same intel he did....
Calling her the bimbo anchor is that the lefts idea of respect for women or another example of their war on women?
I hope you didn't throw your back out on that incomprehensible stretch you made in that OP, Foo. That was bizarre...even for you.
BH 9936292
Calling her the bimbo anchor is that the lefts idea of respect for women or another example of their war on women?

Anyone who can't think for themselves and want to be a real journalist wouldn't repeat Panetta's claim to fame that he warned the President back in 2011 that (Iraq "could become a new haven for terrorists to plot attacks "against the United States" if we withdrew all the forces." ) by asking her guest, ("Isn't that exactly what happened?"" ) So Megyn Kelly thinks Iraq has become a 'new haven for terrorists to plot attacks against the US.. There are perhaps 5,000 IS terrorists in Iraq which is a nation of over 20 million. No journalist in their right mind would accept Panetta's bs exaggeration to sell his book and ash isn't that "EXACTLY" what happened.

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